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Ronal the Barbarian

Ronal the Barbarian (2011)

December. 22,2011
| Adventure Fantasy Animation

Ronal is a young barbarian with low self-esteem, the polar opposite of all the muscular barbarians in his village. He's a real wuss. However, as fate would have it, responsibility for the tribe's survival falls on Ronal's scrawny shoulders, when the evil Lord Volcazar raids the village and abducts every living barbarian with the exception of Ronal, who is forced to go on a perilous quest to save his enslaved clan and thwart Volcazar’s plot to rule the world.


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....maybe it is more funny when you are Danish!A simply completely funny movie, have seen it several times.


If you think that is funny, than you might be able to really enjoy this movie. It's pretty infantile and juvenile with a lot of sexual innuendo. Wardrobe malfunctions seem inevitable, not that they are hiding much. If Tanga does not count as nudity in your book though, than there isn't really any. That does not mean this movie is for kids though, quite the contrary is the case.The story itself is predictable, the animation is OK (though nothing to get too excited about, no pun intended). The jokes though are more miss than hit. You have to set the bar pretty low (it's where many jokes are aimed at anyway) to really enjoy them. It's also pretty brutal in the depiction of violence, though it makes "fun" of chopping of body parts rather than depict it as horrible act ...

Edd U

My god.. This movie is so weak. First of all - not a cartoon for kids, if you didn't read/know that already. I've never done a review before but given the high grade here, I've decided to have a swing at it and sorry if it's all over the place.The story isn't anything new and probably anything new wasn't needed - you can still have good fun with a basic story as told in the plot summary above.. but the movie just doesn't have or do anything with it. The writing is so boring and infantile, not even jackass-funny infantile, mind you. Just your some-kids-learned-some-new-curse-words infantile. It tries so hard to be funny and it shows. No adult jokes, just adult language. That's the comedy here and all it really accomplishes is that you can't show the cartoon to your kids (also a little dash of violence). It cheapens it as if the movie wasn't handicapped enough with the hack writing. The characters are forgettable or just boring and at times just so stupid it's just plain annoying (well, the bard in particular).Since it's a Denmark flick, the original language was probably Danish (I assume) and the dub over wasn't lip-synced, which is not the end of the world, but still - a minor annoyance. Another thing about the dub.. is it me or does nobody there in the dub give a damn about the roles or is it just how the script was written, or is it that just nobody in the movie was really anybody (again referring that most of them are not really memorable)? I mean, even in Disney's, Pixar's or Dreamwork's films you can at least enjoy the acting, the characters are animated and you, whilst still watching essentially a movie for kids, can still sit through it and maybe even be entertained.It's around 87 minutes, but for some reason doesn't seem long whilst being overall boring and unfunny, so that could be a sort of a plus (?). It COULD'VE been a passable kid-flick, because the animation is pretty good .. well, not putting the big budget companies to shame as other reviewers say here, but solid (and by the many overly positive reviews, you'd think, the directors and actors gave themselves a pat on the back for this "stellar job"). It'd be a solid kid flick if you'd cut out the adult themes, but it's not. Because it didn't. Because the adult theme appears to be added by kids who are still giddy about the new naughty words they learned and the weak slapstick comedy they added few and far between to remember or take notice. (Or maybe there's a good heft of comedy lost in translation, but I doubt it) So in short - watch something else.


"Ronal the Barbarian" had the potential to be a great parody of the sword and sorcery sub-genre of fantasy, but it ends being a repetition of the typical formula from many other CGI animated films from the previous years: One outcast which is considered a "loser" by the rest of its community had the chance to became a hero due unexpected circumstances. There is also one "funny" character as his friend and ally, and also one assertive (Well, passive–aggressive in this case) female character, which despite being more talented, stronger (and certainly, more interesting)than the so-called-hero, had only a secondary role in the story, in order to include a forced element of romance.Even when this movie includes some off-color jokes and a PG-13 level of violence (With some deaths and little blood, but nothing too graphic) the truth is that I found this movie to be incredibly childish and forgettable as well. It wasn't terrible, and certainly there were a couple of funny moments (Despite the clichés) but the final result was forgettable at best.The animation from this movie is merely decent, having a very similar aesthetic to many other CGI animated films which had the influence of Pixar and Dreamworks films.I think that the best part from this movie (Without being sarcastic) where the end credits which included a funny parody of Heavy Metal songs associated with the fantasy films from the eighties. Beside of that, this was a fairly average film.
