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The Sand

The Sand (2015)

August. 28,2015
| Horror Comedy Science Fiction

After an all-night graduation beach party, a group of hung-over students wakes up under the blazing sun to find their numbers somewhat depleted. An enormous alien creature has burrowed down deep and anyone foolish enough to make contact with the sand finds themselves at the mercy of a sea of flesh-eating tentacles. Will they ever be able to escape its carnivorous clutches?


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So bad it's like some tool made this movie for fun during pledge week... Who tf gives these people the money to make these movies??? Horrible!


The film is totally unforgettable, and not necessarily in a good way either. American collage kids celebrating graduation or spring break or something. After a night of sex, drugs and rock and roll... and a hell of a lot of alcohol, they awaken the next morning to a terror stalking them from the very sand that surrounds them. God awful acting with a terribly predictable script that goes nowhere, fails to state the obvious and totally misses the mark most of the time. The cgi is oh so cheap looking and would have been better using ceefax pages from the 80's/90's. I can only assume that this was made by kids for free rather than somebody funding and paying people to make this piece of ass, but unfortunately that's a sarcastic and unrealistic assumption. Seriously, make a video using your phone and then use freeware to edit at and do post-production, instantly you'll have made something better. I'm no stranger to B-movies, or C, D and Z-movies, I knew what to expect coming into this film but even still I was let down. I didn't enjoy this, unless it's used to torture me at some point I'd never watch this film again, if you want to do yourself a favour - avoid it.


I love to read reviews that give something like this more than one star, and try to picture the reviewer. Usually, Sloth from the Goonies comes first to mind.It's really pointless to try to separate these ScFy channel "films", they're all pretty much the same- inane plots, horrifically amateurish acting, static cinematography (endless reaction shots to something offscreen), jarringly different film formats from scene to scene, etc, etc, ad nauseum. This one was particularly silly and suspenseless, laughable special effects.It was awful.


I love to watch dead teenager movie, I dunno why but I think because its fun to watch. I never read any plot of the sand, I just watch it without nothing to expect and that's just my style. I love this movie! Its not really a good movie, its cliché but its still got the tension. This is a horror movie by the way so tension and suspense are really important here. I think I know why the rating is so low, its the same reason, people expecting too much and ended up frustrated. Its plot is not really idiot because its so hard to avoid the sand, so they also make us thinking so hard on how they can get out of this mess. They also make us care about some character and I'm sure some of us feel sad for some of the death. Then, this movie will be better if they got some more money for the cheap CGI. Only the CGI make this movie bad, other than that, the acting and everything is OK.
