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Embers (2015)

September. 18,2015
| Drama Science Fiction

After a global neurological epidemic, those who remain search for meaning and connection in a world without memory. Five interwoven stories each explore a different facet of life without memory in a future that has no past.


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Who we really are . ''Embers'' is all about the Naked truth of all the steps of humanity . The ''aggressive''. Chaotic , monkey one , is defending, full of fear and willing of survival . The ''couple'' . Naive , curious and ready to explore life and multiply but without strategy . The ''freedom'' , is ready to risk the life for knowledge of what is out there . The ''consciousness'', is trying to find a method for evolution and not giving up even if fails again and again . The ''Unknown ''. Silent like the future , is giving hope to the present . Small symbols in the middle . Power and freedom ( horse ) , Toys, sweets and comfort ,( candy lady ) ,is ready to hypnotize and keep the ''future'' static by challenging the ego . My ''end'' in this story maybe could be little less painful . I could bring the ''Unknown'' together with the ''freedom'' and the ''consciousness'' but this could be in a ''happy end'' fairy tail , not in real life . And this film want to show that everything goes on and nothing can anticipate the future . Great film .P.S. When it finished for a few seconds i wanted to smash the screen but when i think again … everything got so clear ;)


Imagine that you forgot what you were doing an hour ago. You don't remember your name. You don't know if you have friends or family. All you know is you're hungry and you should find a place to spend the night. This is the setting for Embers, a movie that explores human behavior and how it is influenced by our memories. We see a couple that tries to stay together. A kid that wanders the world aimlessly. A frustrated young man that has forgotten how to control his emotions. And then there's the young girl surviving in a bunker. She is unaffected and still has her memories, but her life in the bunker might be just as pointless as a life without memory. Some of the many story lines are connected, but don't expect anything big to happen. The power lies in the concept and the emotions that the characters portray. Enjoy this movie and remember to hold your memories dear.


people keep talking about sci-fi this and that. try just looking at the film with clear eyes and mind. try letting go of labels for a change.this film is a magnificent piece of art. very simple moments and premises invoke many important subjects that rule human life - our dreams, fears, desires, instinctive urges and quests.the fragility caused by the disease is just a little more debilitating than our own social and cultural weaknesses (we are destroying our own habitats, food and water supplies with the same amount of surrealness as waking up and not remembering our beloved ones) - but because it differs from the type of madness we are accustomed to, it strikes us more powerfully.also, someone who lives with its eyes opened - to all the alternative realities and possibilities of interpreting the world - will be able to see very subtle and beautiful metaphysical illustrations - things that spiritual laws would define as fate, destiny, karma, magnetism, etc, and that science would ( or will one day) define in other ways.the actors are amazing - especially the guy, girl and chaos - and their presences always generate strong emotions and possibilities. people complain that the movie leads nowhere - it seems like people are no longer satisfied with the possibilities that our imagination can create - through the film, thanks to the film - and all the feelings and images that magically stay in our memories after watching a film. technology and morbid comfort keep turning people into pieces of meat that just expect everything to fall on their laps (this applies to books, music, relationships, etc) and when art does not supply that, in an easy way, they are assaulted by a i-want-my-money- back kind of feeling that just turns to rage against the work of art.thank you, all of you involved in the making of this film, for the visions and dreams that you shared, and for helping keep the flame alive - i also create (or something creates through me) and i will pass it on, somehow."Salomon saith, There is no new thing upon the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination, that all knowledge was but remembrance; so Salomon giveth his sentence, that all novelty is but oblivion."


I was intrigued when I originally saw the premise of a culture with no memories, and hopeful when I saw a 5.2 rating on IMDb. Then I saw this exercise in futility. How can a person who has no memories have language? How would they know that they are hungry, what food is, and how to acquire it? How would one be able to read instructions, or anything else? How would the ladies show up with shaved pits? I had to turn it off after 30 minutes, because the consistent lapses in logic were just too frustrating. I'm surprised this was rated as high as it was. Yuck. Were that I were a character in this film, and able to forget I saw it.
