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The Sandlot: Heading Home

The Sandlot: Heading Home (2007)

May. 01,2007
| Family

A successful professional baseball player gets his ego in check when he travels back in time to his boyhood sandlot ball-playing days.


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Kara Moran

i loved every minute of it!! people may say that this movie was terrible and you hate it...i loved it!! i watched it 40+ times and it never get old. I rented it, so returned it like 3 months ago, and i still remember all the lines. I loved it. you really can't say to me that it is a terrible movie, it is an excellent movie!! it shows friendship, decision making and some humor parts. It made me like more social and everything, i loved every minute of it, and i no more then half of the other people on this website and maybe more than half of the people that saw this movie, hate it, but i am unlike them, i loved every minute of it!! It was the best movie ever. It is so much better to not know most of the actors/actresses in a movie, like this one. It was a great movie for all ages. i watched this with 8-16 years old, and loved it!! I really don't get what you don't see in this movie. =]


Some parts were sad when he said to his mom, that he will be back after the game to see her. That was sad. How will you like it, if your mom was sick? They are all good actors. You can really see how they grew up. Squints, he still rubs his glasses on his shirt. He pushes them up on his face. But, it was like weird when no one believed him that he was from the past. No one knew what Home Depot was. On his bike, riding on the sidewalk, he passed a record player shop. The record players and A-Tracks were new that time. They just came out. I really enjoyed this movie. I hope the continue and make a 4th. They should make it, so that everyone is on their like late teens. Maybe near 18 years old. And then they should come out with an 5th. Make their ages be around or in the late 20's. And then finally, 6th. Their old , and super famous. I really enjoyed this movie, that's all I got to say.


This movie was absolutely terrible. The only explanation I can think of for the good reviews it received from some here is that they were written by people in the cast. It was actually painful to watch this movie. Even my grandchildren (ages 6-13) could not bear to watch it. As far as I know, this movie never made it to theaters and for good reason. It's as if some people were sitting around having a beer and said, "Hey! Let's make a movie. Who wants to be in it?" It's that bad. Besides Luke Perry, who is only in a small part of the movie, I did not recognize a single other actor. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it is in this case. I liked Sandlot (I) and I generally like stupid and silly movies but this movie doesn't have a single redeeming quality. The people who wrote it don't have the slightest clue as to how children think, talk, or act and the movie is a disjointed mess of terribly corny lines and stupid jokes. I rarely write negative reviews but this is the worst movie I have seen since Man's Best Friend and it's definitely one of the ten worst movies I have ever seen in my life. If you rent it, remember that I warned you. The fact that some people actually rated this movie as being good is a sad commentary on their taste and intelligence. I'm not exaggerating.


The Sandlot 3 Heading Home is a great follow up to the original 1993 Sandlot Feature. Many fans of that first movie seem to be in a snit over the idea anyone would trifle with its memory and a few are down right livid over the phrase "time travel" in the synopsis. So, having seen Sandlot 3, let me put your minds at ease. Are there holes in the time travel plot line big enough to hit fly balls through? You betcha! Just like all the time travel holes in science fiction movies big enough to fly starships through. Honestly; it in no way detracts from enjoying the story. Two of the original Sandlot ball players return for this story, set in 1976, as men. One of them is played by the original actor. Their interaction with each other and the new group of kids on the team helps to recall a bit of the summer of '62. The main character of Sandlot 3 has been transported back to 1976 when he is accidentally hit with a pitch at batting practice. The adjustment from his adult life back to his childhood life is accomplished with a minimum of annoyance and the story progresses smoothly. All the kid actors do a terrific job. Watch for Cole Heppell as the catcher, DP. The Writers and Director tell a story about second chances, trust, friendship and fun. That they chose to set it in the field behind Old Man Mertle's house makes it familiar and pleasant as well. The production values are on a par with theatrical releases of this type. The rear of Mr. Mertle's house is recreated perfectly. Sandlot 3 Heading Home does what it sets out to do, give the viewer an enjoyable experience, and it doesn't pretend to be anything else.
