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The Hidden

The Hidden (1987)

October. 30,1987
| Horror Thriller Science Fiction

When average, law-abiding citizens suddenly turn to a life of hedonistic behavior and violent crime, Detective Tom Beck is tasked with helping young FBI agent Lloyd Gallagher determine the cause.


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Thy Davideth

Don't read the plot written by these d!cks. It is better to go into this movie NOT knowing the plot. The Hidden is a wonderfully made sci fi action movie. It contains an excellent plot involving possession and mass murdering which is a concept I love. The action is bloody and great and a lot of people die. Characterization and acting was good too. And if you care about production value then you're a retard. Highly recommended.

Stuart Fisher

The Hidden has a promising start. The opening scene reminded me a bit of the iconic scene in They Live! (the one in the bank). The car chase scenes are great and the idea behind what's going on is a good one. It's just that it's all a bit too implausible. Kyle MacLachlan and Michael Nouri don't really have enough chemistry for me either. It gets better though as things build to the climax.


Plot; A no nonsense cop is paired with a mysterious FBI agent on a case that finds them tracking an alien life form who takes over people's bodies.Feeling equal parts 'Alien Nation' and 'I come In Peace' (aka 'Dark Angel'), the far lesser known The Hidden actually beat both of them to theaters by a few years. It's a quirky buddy cop style film that features several familiar genre tropes, but to its credit it never gorges on them. The sci-fi element is revealed early, but we're otherwise kept in the dark until the third act--and even then not much is really explained (a point of mild frustration). The "twist" is rather obvious, but it's still fun to watch it play itself out thanks mostly to effective performances from leads Michael Nouri and Kyle MacGlachlan.This is a surprisingly well made B-movie with a strong cast. The tumblers fall into place a little clumsily, but I still found it to be, if not a hidden gem, then at least an effective and entertaining genre mash-up.


Sci-fi buddy cop film about a parasitic alien that hops from one body to another while on a deadly crime spree through Los Angeles. Tough detective Michael Nouri teams up with mysterious FBI agent Kyle MacLachlan to track it down. Buddy cop movies were all the rage in the '80s and we still get them today, recycling one tired cliché after another. This is one of the better movies of this type due to its sci-fi twist and the good performances of Nouri & MacLachlan, who work well together. Also appreciated is sexy Claudia Christian as a stripper. Some very cool effects for the alien. It's a good piece of entertainment with a little bit of depth. Quite an interesting ending, too. Worst part? The soundtrack is made up of crappy generic metal music.
