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Send Me No Flowers

Send Me No Flowers (1964)

October. 14,1964
| Comedy Romance

At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.


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The 3rd and last of the Hudson & Day romantic comedies, with a different writer and director. It's plot device is quite different from that of the first two: "Pillow Talk" and "Lover, Come Back", which were variations on the same plot device, in which Rock and Doris are initially unknown to each other, living in apartments. Here, they are a stable couple, living in a suburban house. Here, we miss the fun of seeing Rock, whom Doris despises, despite having never seen him, pretend to be someone else, whom Doris comes to love, until she discovers the truth. Unlike the other films, Doris is not a career woman, just a housewife, and virtually nothing is said about Rock's job. Thus, emphasis is on their home and social lives, in particular, Rock's struggle as a hypochondriac. In a sense, Rock does exhibit a dual personality: before and after mistakenly thinking he overheard his doctor imply that he likely has only a short time to live. He doesn't tell Doris, but buys a cemetery plot, not only for him, but for her and her anticipated replacement husband! Also, he goes out of his way to try to match Doris with an anticipated good man to take care of her after he is gone. Tony Randal suggests Clint Walker, who rescues Doris from a runaway golf cart. He's good looking , single, and a Texas oil baron. Doris think's it strange that Rock and Tony are pushing other men at her. Eventually, she is told that he's not expected to live more than a few weeks. Thereafter, she pitches in to pamper him, even putting him in a wheelchair. Then, she is told by his doctor that his health is fine. She gets the idea that he made up this story to divert attention from an affair. He even confesses to an affair, at the advice of Tony(who is sent to the doghouse, after the result). The remainder of the climax has Doris going back and forth whether she will leave and divorce him. You can assume that things eventually work out for the best. I liked the restoration of love scene much better than the unconvincing scenes in the first 2 R & D films....Paul Lynde makes an amusing cemetery plot salesman, and plays a critical role in changing Doris's mind about Rock. Hal March looks for lonely recent divorcees or pending divorcees, including Doris, to romance for a spell,


"Send Me No Flowers" is the third smash hit Universal had with Rock Hudson, Doris Day and Tony Randall in a comedy romance. And, like the second film, "Lover Come Back," this one is a nice satire. The main spoof is of the pharmaceutical industry and its pill prey. Some lighter spoofs occur with the medical profession, neighborhood gossip and home delivery services. Hudson plays George Kimball, an upper middle class suburbanite. He is a hypochondriac. Day plays his wife, Judy; and Randall is his neighbor and best friend, Arnold Nash. This 1964 film gives a look at some American culture of the mid-20th century that may be strange to people of today. The milkman and home pick-up and delivery by dry cleaners are things of the past. But, there was a day when those were part of everyday life. Not only in the larger cities and suburbs, but also in towns of any size all across America. So, this film has an extra plus for some folks – a bit of nostalgia that it didn't have when it was made. And, a little education about the past for people who weren't alive then and didn't have such experiences. This film has a couple of obvious different twists from the first two. The two leads are married in this one, not singles who are at odds as in much of the other two films. And, Hudson's role is one of a devoted, loving husband and a decent, honest guy who is mistrusted – a reverse from the first two films. The gossipy milkman is quite exaggerated, and this film is a little slower than the first two. Yet, its script is just as crisp and funny. This is a laugh fest you won't want to miss. Some of my favorite lines and scenes follow.One of the very funniest sight gags of any film I've ever seen is when Judy walks over to the bed where George is sleeping. She winds up and delivers a hard slap on his face. I can only guess that the movie crew had to do this take a number of times. It is so funny; everyone had to be rolling with laughter. Hudson and Day play it perfectly. He jumps up in bed, startled, while she sits on the edge of the bed, puts her arms around his shoulders, and says, "Oh, my darling. Oh, my darling, are you having another nightmare?" He looks dazed, rubs his face, and says, "No. I … I uh." She says, "There sweetheart." He says, "I think somebody … Somebody hit me." She kisses him on the cheek and says, "Oh, it's all right, darling. I'm here now." The subsequent scenes just continue the laughter from thereon. The supporting cast adds a lot to the humor in this film. Edward Andrews is the family doctor and friend, Ralph Morrissey. Paul Lynde is Mr. Akins, owner of Green Hills cemetery. George goes to buy a burial plot at Green Hills. Akins asks, "How many in your family, Mr. Kimball?" George: "Just my wife and myself." Akins: "Oh well, that's all right. Chance of any little additions maybe?" George: "Well, there might be another man along later." At home with Judy, George says: "If I'd known it was going to be like this, I would have told you I was dying right away." Judy: "George, you should have. Promise you'll never keep anything like that from me again." George is in the doctor's office and asks: "What kind of pills are they?" Ralph: "You wouldn't know if I told you. Just take them. Take the pills." George: "Is that my chart, Ralph?" Ralph: "Mmm, hmmm." George: "Well, aren't you doing an awful lot of writing for just indigestion?" Ralph:: "The more I write, the more money I charge."At the breakfast table, Judy says: "Guess what? The Bullards are getting a divorce." George: "The Bullards?" Judy: "The milkman told me." George: "Who are they?" Judy: "They live in the next block. I don't really know them. But I must say I expected it." George: "You don't know them and you expected them to get a divorce?" A bit later, George: "Do you ever read the obituary page? It's enough to scare you to death." Judy: "Well if it scares you, why do you read it?" George: "What should I do? Bury my head in the sand?" On their commuter train ride home, George says to Arnold, "Can I take you into my confidence?" Arnold: "You can, George." George: "Well, I've just had some rather bad news." Arnold: "It's nothing that's going to affect property values, is it?" George: "No, I don't think so." Arnold: "That's a relief. What then?" George: "It's curtains Arnold." Arnold: "Curtains? What do you mean, curtains?" George: "I just came from the doctor. He only gives me a few more weeks to live." Later, George says, "Hindus had the right idea, Arnold. When the husband died, the wife went with him. Threw herself right on the funeral pyre. Then he didn't have to worry about her."Neighbor Marge: "What are you doing?" Judy: "Making George's sleeping pills." Marge: "What are you, a pharmacist?" Judy: "I'm a very smart wife. You know George. He's convinced he can't sleep without a pill. So, he thinks it's Seconol, I know it's sugar." Marge: "And it works?" Judy: "It has for five years. And you know something else, when he takes two, he goes to sleep twice as fast." Marge, laughing: "You should be written up in the medical journal." Judy: "Oh, that would ruin everything." Marge: Why?" Judy: "He reads it every week."


For the last film of Rock Hudson-Doris Day-Tony Randall, Rock and Doris are already married so it's not like Rock is in hot pursuit of our all American virginal goddess. Instead they seem like a typical suburban couple of the early sixties except for one problem, Rock is an obsessive compulsive hypochondriac. Another visit to Edward Andrews the doctor and a big misunderstanding convince Rock he's a terminal case and he starts making preparations both to meet his Maker and make sure about Doris who he leaves behind. That causes all kinds of funny situations that Rock and Doris muddle through with the fumbling help of a lot of people.Hudson and Day did three films together and by rights they should be listed as a trio with Tony Randall because he was in all three of the films and added so much to them as Hudson's comic foil. Of course this was in the day much before he became TV's most famous fuss budget, Felix Unger. Still you can see traces of Felix in all three of Randall's roles with Rock and Doris.Send Me No Flowers is the weakest of the three comedies I feel because the Hudson-Day team works so much better with Rock trying to grab a little nookie from Doris and getting hooked for his troubles. Still the film has some really nice moments. All three of their films were well cast with some of the best supporting players around.My favorite in Send Me No Flowers is Paul Lynde as the cemetery director who just loves his job. He has two scenes, one with Rock buying a cemetery plot and a second with Doris where he inadvertently solves the problems Rock's hypochondria works them into.Rock and Doris surely made one wonderful movie screen team.


Oh how i miss those days, where a picture didn't have to blow you out of the cinema, og to provoke your stymie with bloody violence. The Hollywood times, where you could get far with humor, love and a warm story.I grew up with the likes of Doris Day, Tony Randall, Rock HUdson, Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Cary Grant, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brandon, Grace Kelly and many others fantastic actors. In this period of from 1945 - 1970 some of the best movies where made. We all remember films like Cacablanca, Some like it hot, The odd couple, The African Queen,From here to eternity, Roman holiday, The bridge over the river Kwai, Ben Hur, Spartacus, Doctor Zhivago. And take then the must fantastic musical that also where made before the time of the computer animation took over.Just think about Singing in the rain or my favorite, The sound of music and last The west side story. We domt make them any more. We don't know how to. People have chances and people have learn to demand more. Its just like drugs. The want more and bigger every time. I know that we later on has made bigger and more fantastic to watch for the eye and the ear movies. But where were those movies of our present, if we didn't have all the computer animation. What was Titanic, KIng Kong, Star Wars, The lord of the ring and many others of the big films of today. And how good are the actors of to day, when you take all the fancy computer tecnic away from them. Its just like inside the music world. Just you have a good face and a attitude, we give you the voice. Back in the old days, they had to be good acting, because there wasn't anything to save them. The makeup at the time, was awful, and the special affects wasen't effective. They had to rely on the actors, Screenplayers and the director. And think about how we admire the old gone stars. Look at Marylin, James Dean, Marlon Brandon, Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, Katharina Hepburn,John Wayne and Steve Mcqueen,and menu others. When we go into a poster shop, there are all there on the wall. They have become legends of a time where it all seemed easier and not so complex-ed as it is today. But back to send me no flower. I get filled up with joy, when i see movies like this. The plot is funny and the actors understand how to make it even better. Doris day is as she always were, charming, sweet and sexy as hell. All the female actors of today, who are me-lasting there buddy to find the perfect sexy look, should learn from Doris. Not a single time, showed she her naked body or even one breast in the nude, but we men still dream about her. Maybe because she still left somethings to imagine. She never sold out. Rock Hudson the perfect man, plays as always with grace and man power. He has the perfect face and it was god who gave him the perfect match on the screen in Doris Day. But they where only that good, because they had the perfect third wheel in Tony Randall. I have never seen a man play so perfectly a drunk, as he dos in this movie. Those 3 together is still the best date for me on a rainy day.I hope you all will go back to the old days to pick of some of those old movies and give them a chance. They might give you the time of your life, and then you might better understand why your parents or there parents always talk about that time in film history.All the best to you From Denmark.
