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Anita, Swedish Nymphet

Anita, Swedish Nymphet (1975)

July. 01,1975
| Drama

Anita, a young woman with a troubled childhood and a hunger for love, finds a soul mate in Erik, a kindly college student.


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I M Buggy

Christina Lindberg was already selling herself in nude pinups and movies several years before this movie. This movie is yet just another "social issue" excuse for selling Christina Lindberg and soft-core porn.The movie pretends to explore the true life of a teenage sex-addict but in reality it's just an excuse for the nude and sexual content matter of the movie. There are of course the pompous analyses by her psychologist but they're simply a vehicle to deepen the chaotic and kinky erotic state of the character, played by Christina Lindberg.Overall, the movie lacks depth, the acting is poor and 70's-cliche' in its settings and seems to have no real purpose other than to sensationalize popular Christina Lindberg in yet one more sexually exploitative movie.


This is a good solid well made film and not at all like I expected. Indeed although there is much sexual activity depicted, we see nothing like as much of Christina Lindberg as we do in say, Exposed. Because the film is serious we do not get an exploitative showing of the leading lady's numerous liaisons and due to the constant reminding that these are desperate encounters of an unhappy young girl, we find ourselves in a rather uncomfortable position for most of the time. There are moments, nevertheless! For those that reckon Lindberg cannot act, she certainly does well enough here in many a varied situation, be it talking with her psychiatrist chum, trying to relate to her parents, or sucking some old man's d***. Stellan Skarsgard, who plays the said psychiatrist, and very convincingly too, he had a most illustrious career ahead of him and is still very much working today, having appeared and even sung in Mamma Mia! Worth seeing but it is rather downbeat a lot of the time.


The best thing about "Anita" is that is supposed to work within the sexploitation genre, and it is actually a subtle and insightful social critique -well, at least in the first sixty minutes. To someone who's looking for crude, hardcore sex scenes (myself included), this movie is may be disappointing, but for a feminist researcher the movie's angle points out and contextualizes patriarchy and domination as main causes of social "ilness." Just watch the perspective of the movie, and you'll see a "lylja-for-ever" for the seventies.In addition, the movie suggests an interesting development of the relationship between the psychology student/psychoanalyst/'doctor' and his patient Anita. At one point, you can see the parallel between the authoritarian/ disengaged father and the psychoanalyst, and both of them are exercising power over the nymphomaniac character. However, Hendrix becomes involved in the story (he hangs on the door where the full human contact-I mean the orgasm- takes place), and we get a sweaty non-convincing highly idealized ending.I would watch this movie again to see: 1. the construction of anita's character as an outcast 2. the whole symbolism behind the young student's actions: feeding her, putting the band aides on, offering her a community where she is actually defended 3. the dysfunctional family 4. the sad scenes of sex that reminds me how the porn industry is using my fantasies. but hey, I kinda like this, though...


I saw this disc offered by Synapse at the latest Horrorfind Convention, and immediately the cover of a topless Christina Lindberg caught my attention. I didn't purchase the disc at the convention, but needless to say, I grabbed this one up the first chance I had.ANITA is the story of a misunderstood 17-year-old nymphomaniac outcast (Lindberg) who bones anyone and everyone in sight. Shunned by her family and everyone in town, Anita whiles away her days and nights in the arms (and beds, and floors, and coat-rooms, etc...) of any willing man (and in some cases, woman) she lays eyes on. During one of her clandestine "rendevous'" she accidentally runs into (literally...) a young psychology student who takes an interest in her and her "illness". The two form a platonic friendship as the budding psychologist attempts to figure out the cause, and better yet, a cure for young Anita's ailment...Honestly - this film isn't that great. It's a little too serious in tone to be a fun, sexploit style erotic romp - and yet a bit too shallow to be very thought-provoking. Lindberg looks amazing (as usual...) and does a decent job of playing the role of the conflicted, sometimes ruthless, but always "fragile", girl-next-doorish sex-addict - and as would be expected, she provides several nude-scenes (the main reason for my above average rating). Unfortunately, as this film seems to try to be a semi-serious "case-study" of this troubled young girl - the sex scenes are more sad than arousing. It's also a damn shame that Lindberg never did any hard-core scenes, as this would have easily gotten this film a 37-out-of-10 from me. Serious Lindberg fans will most definitely wanna cop this one, most others will probably find it pretty dull. At least it's FAR better than the extremely boring Swedish WILDCATS, which also has Lindberg in it - but she is grossly underused in that film. 7/10 for ANITA - but only because of the several Lindberg nude shots...
