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Thriller: A Cruel Picture

Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1974)

June. 05,1974
| Drama Horror Action Thriller

Madeleine, rendered mute after being sexually assaulted as a youth, accepts a lift from a wealthy and sadistic pimp who soon enslaves her into his prostitution racket. Despite her limited means, Madeleine embarks on a bloody road to revenge against her captors.


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Sam Panico

The poster says it all: "The movie that has no limits of evil." When people talk about grimy, evil pictures, this is the one they're talking about. Quentin Tarantino called this "the roughest revenge movie ever," and that's including I Spit on Your Grave and Last House on the Left, one would suppose. After all, Elle Driver in his Kill Bill directly takes her look from this film, with outfits that match her eyepatch.Frigga (Christina Lindberg, Teenage Playthings, Exposed) is a simple farm girl who's been silent since she was a kid, thanks to being raped. Her loving parents spend all of their money to try and get her voice back with speech therapy. One day, she misses the bus and ends up going on a date with Tony, who seems like a real ladykiller. Turns out he is — he gets her hooked on heroin, telling her that she needs it every 48 hours if she wants to live. To pay him back, she has to become a prostitute for him.Frigga — possibly named for Odin's wife (and Odin is one eyed, after all) — cannot be tamed. She escapes twice and scars the face of the first john who tries to sleep with her. As punishment, Tony takes her eye — a scene shot with the cadaver of a young girl who had committed suicide. Remember what I said above — this film takes no prisoners.Tony has sent a letter home to her parents, telling them she hated them and would never be back. In answer, they both commit suicide. Add in the death of Frigga's only friend, fellow prostitute Sally, and it's time for revenge. She starts charging more for whatever her clients want to do to her, all so that on every Monday, she can learn the skills she'll need to kill everyone and everything.What follows is a leather overcoat clad Lindberg — a gorgeous creature of pure hatred and violence — destroying everything. Even two cops who try and take her out are decimated in slow motion in a tour de force scene that Rob Zombie could only dream of shooting — sound dropped out, violence given to full display. The film flirts with art while keeping both feet mired in exploitation — there's a lesbian scene and in some versions, a hardcore insert — but gorgeous shots of police sirens with electronic music droning mark this as just as much masterpiece as masturbatory fodder.Finally, after killing all of her clients, Frigga challenges Tony to a duel. Getting the better of him, she buries him in a hole, ties a rope around his neck and like some cowboy in a spaghetti western, makes a horse run away, killing him. She watches, mute, as the man who ruined her life finally dies. What can be left after this? She has become Shiiva, Death, the destroyer of worlds. Her family destroyed. Her friend dead. Even the police, who could not help her, dead at her hand. She drives the cop car into the distance, sirens blaring as wind and sound fills the soundtrack.This isn't a movie for everybody. But it's why I love movies — it's an experience. I can't recommend it to everyone, but if you're here and reading this, you know that you'll probably love it. Heck — you've probably already seen it.Lindberg — who claims herself that she was a horrible actress — goes all in here. She injected water and saline into her veins for the heroin shots. She learned how to fight. Hell, she got arrested after practicing shooting her shotgun — in public no less. She owns the screen in this.Read more at http://bit.ly/2iqIpEn


The opening credits in English read, 'Thriller: A Cruel Picture' not whatever nonsense IMDb chooses as its title.If there was ever one single film Quinton Tarantino based his 'Kill Bill' series on, it was this.There is VERY little dialogue. The Swedish film doesn't even need subtitles. The entire story is told through character actions which involve slow paced scenes showing in detail simple actions like walking from one place to another without any musical score.It's also important to note that the American DVD release is the "Vengeance Edition" which I suspect is the censored version. The version I watch was on YouTube which includes HARD CORE porn scenes! How "hard core?" Well, it not only shows real intercourse but actual ejaculation. Amazing the stuff they allow on YouTube without any warning.Just to be clear, this isn't a porn film.The plot: After being raped by a homeless man as a child Madeline is left mute and lives on a farm with her elderly parents.She's picked up by a scumbag whom kidnaps her and gets her addicted to heroine to force her to prostitute.At first Madeline resists the customers and her pimp gouges out one of her eyes as punishment. Won't that harm his investment in her earnings? Madeline eventually saves up thousands of dollars in tips and spends all her spare time learning martial arts, to shoot, and to race car drive. All this is a buildup to her final fury of hunting down her pimp and all her clients with a sawed off shotgun. Each of the shooting deaths are shown in extreme slow motion.As I said, all of this is explained through actions with hardly any dialogue at all.The similarities between this and 'Kill Bill' are overwhelming.It's good film making for Giallo and Euro-grindhouse fans.Just be prepared that the film isn't anything more than the brief plot I described and each scene is very slow moving.


there's not much to say about this movie, i've seen bad movies, really bad movies, movies that are so bad that makes me laugh, Plan 9 from outer space, the night of the ghouls, movies that are so bad that pisses me off, and then this crap. i think this is the WORST movie i've ever seen in my whole life, i wish there was a way to remove the awful memory that comes to my mind every time somebody talks about a bad movie, saying "hey have you seen this (random film) movie?", is really bad, then i think "you lucky bastard, you know nothing about bad movies". there are parts that makes this abomination less... unwatchable, but i don't want to spoil, oooh no, because you can not have just a bite of this excrement cake, you gotta swallow it all. as a personal recommendation, do NOT watch this movie (this thing that barely qualifies as a movie). but if you want to waste your time, grab a couple of beers... or maybe a 6 pack, call a friend that is as mentally screwed up as you are (because if you actually WANT to watch this, then there's no other explanation besides being mentally screwed up) and give yourself a bitter rotten-excrement feast watching this movie.

Django Chaves

A young girl (Christina Lindberg) is kidnapped by Tony (Heinz Hopf) who converts her in an addict to heroin and in a prostitute. She, of course, decides to take bloody revenge.Even if it's not the first film banned in Swedeen, this sexlpoitation film is as graphic as can you get, but is tastefully done in it's own distasteful images. Vibenus, sure can get a mood, that either you will love or hate. In it's original version, more than the blood and it's murders (The gore is not restrained but acceptable) is the sex scenes that take the controversy cake. The close-up of genitalia can make a mood if it's arguments are consequent, but here to be sincere, is only exploitative as porn.Still, the movie gets you. Lindberg and Hopf are right in the tone. It's moody, violent and hypnotic. Still this is really on tastes. The American cut, "They called her One Eye" restrain most of sex.
