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The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt (2009)

September. 17,2010
| Drama Thriller

A MODERN MEDIEVAL SAGA, The Wild Hunt tells the story of Erik Magnusson, a young man who decides to follow his estranged girlfriend Evelyn into a medieval re-enactment game when he discovers that she has been seduced by one of the players. As the down-to-earth Erik treks deeper into the game in search of his love, he inadvertently disrupts the delicate balance of the make believe fantasy-land. Passions are unleashed. Rules are broken. Reality and fantasy collide. The good-hearted game turns into a tragedy of mythic proportion... Capturing the culture of costume play and the potentially dangerous intersection of real and made-up worlds, The Wild Hunt is a timely and potent comment on the consuming nature of adopting another identity, even within a game, and the modern yearning for ritual.


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I was pretty sceptical at the beginning - having no idea what the movie was about, but I understood the humour within 10 minutes. The music also seemed queer at the start, but it finally sets the perfect tone for this movie. I have always been curious about live action role-playing game, I wondered how people can enter their role and leave the outer world behind, separating fantasy from real life. In this movie, you immerse in this universe perfectly. It was really interesting to see characters getting more and more confused between real life and fantasy, especially when fantasy gets real... Now I just hope every LARP week-end doesn't end like this. Congratulations to the wardrobe team on this, you could never imagine they produced this on a low budget. Lightyears from cheap Braveheart rags. DOP is A1, and the locations are perfect. All actors did a great job. What more to say? Watch it now!

ROUS Reviews

Reviews Of Unusual Size!Re: An intense session of LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) gets out of control when a man breaks the veil of fantasy in an attempt to win back his girlfriend.Outstanding: Some very strong performances here. Great sets and physical effects. Despite the dark tone of the film, there are some moments of humor. I love the poster.Unacceptable: Some actors were a little questionable, but thanks to the blurring of reality and LARP life, that never impacted the emotion of the movie. Some reviewers claim that the world of LARPing is inaccurately portrayed. The music could be overbearing at times. I have no idea how Erik managed to speak in his angry viking voice the entire movie without losing his voice.Summary: This was a very bleak film. I figured it would go down the path it took, but I was surprised at how cohesive the entire movie felt as a whole. There are some excellent performances, especially from the two brothers and the referee, who deserves more praise for her part. This is not a pleasant movie - it's almost Coen Brothers-esque and you wont leave it with a good feeling, but it is worth watching. An interesting take on the potential violence within us.4/5


I enjoyed playing AD&D when I was in elementary and middle school as a way of escaping and playing fantasy. And so this movie is a little too much. I'm pretty sure what it's trying to say for folk to get back into reality and the world around them despite all it's depressing elements, but although it has some comedy and originality, the movie is inane at it's core. It carries a lot of the same patterns and themes as the German movie "Das Experiment", but it is not as defined and goes over-the-top with some of it's characters within characters. The older brother even by the end of the movie has not learned to come back to reality. Maybe this movie's for those who do role-playing, but for those have never done it, it will have little meaning and be a charade worse than a bad Shakespeare festival.


This film seems to fullfil all the clichés of a low budget bad Canadian movie.Bad writing,poor photography,bad acting and incoherent directing.I am not sure what tone the director had in mind.Drama,comedy,horror or suspense but he doesn't succeed in any single one.If anything he has nothing but contempt for the individuals who spend their time doing a harmless but nerdy hobby of reenactment.He even exploits the old saw of the evil nerd who can't tell reality from fantasy.Yawn.Having met people who work in a real life armoury.I am amazed by their skill,attention to detail and the passion for their occupation.Have not met a crazy yet but instead pretty smart and imaginative people.The real psychopaths seem to be more interested in mainstream activities like professional sports,night clubs,corporate boardrooms and film and art school.Just skip it till Canadian artists learn how to do a real narrative.
