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Zombie Holocaust

Zombie Holocaust (1982)

May. 07,1982
| Horror

After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.


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As you may expect; it has dubbing, and most of it is awful, but this actually has some semblance of fun once in a while. The clever title is actually true in this case. Not only does it provide zombies (Zombie, rather) it has cannibalism! Now; it didn't quite take advantage of its potential; because it succumbs to the low budget, but I didn't have that bad of a time with it. The sets that are used are eerily similar to the one used in Lucio Fulci's Zombi. There is a subplot with a crazy Doctor as well with all of this going on. It throws in everything but the kitchen sink. That does make it convoluted somewhat, and a bit discombobulated, but I still had a bit of fun with it. B-Movie king at this juncture; Ian McCulloch plays it straight faced as per usual, and I have to give him credit for it. I wouldn't say it's a "good" performance, but due to all the budget restrictions and the situation surrounding it, he did well. Alexandra Delli Coli (Lorri) & Sherry Buchanan (Susan) are so-so in their respective roles. Bad dubbing doesn't help. Donald O'Brien overacts tremendously as the crazed doctor.Final Thoughts: I kinda had trouble conjuring up things to say about this one. It is what is , you know? I felt that it was disappointing in ways because of the immense potential in having both Zombies and Cannibals in films, but there is a little bit of cheesy fun to be had as well. If you love gore, and zombies, this might do for a night of cheesy fun. You won't be missing anything if you decide to leave it alone either4.5/10


A hospital assistant in New York City is caught cutting out the heart of a cadaver and trying to eat it. Rather than being captured alive he leaps out of the high-rise building to his death, leaving only a small clue as to where he is from. Because this isn't an isolated incident, an attractive micro-biologist by the name of "Lori Ridgeway" (Alexandra Delli Colli) agrees to go with an expedition to the isolated island in the East Indies to investigate this issue further. Once there the expedition encounters a tribe of cannibals who seek to kill and devour them. They also encounter zombies who want to do the same thing. At any rate, rather than divulging the entire story I will just say that this film isn't the best zombie film ever made. But for that matter, it isn't the worst zombie film ever made either. Although it certainly had enough blood to satisfy most gore-hounds, it seemed to be lacking in suspense which gave a lackluster quality to everything. Likewise, the plot was a bit convoluted and the acting was below average too. As a matter of fact, about the only thing this film had going for it was the presence of Alexandra Delli Colli in various states of undress. No doubt that was sensational for its time (1980) but it just wasn't enough to elevate this film to an average rating in my opinion. In short, I recommend this film for die-hard zombie fans only.


A common occurrence with film titles, particularly in the international horror genre, is that many territories have different names - this film is on our grindhouse project list as Doctor Butcher M.D., but is also (exhaustively) known as: Island of the Last Zombie; Medical Deviate; Queen of the Cannibals; and even Zombie 3. The version of this film had the original Italian title. And boy is it a standard, generic cannibal/zombie film. After a series of strange mutilations and amputations in hospitals, a team make an expedition to the East Indies, in search of the answers to the strange ritualistic symbol left at each "murder".The film is essentially two previous Italian schlock movies, Slave of the Cannibal God (1976) and Zombie Flesh Eaters (1979), combined. The team encounter what turns out to be a "crazy" doctor who has been experimenting on the dead local cannibals, manipulating them to his power. It's not a particularly memorable inclusion into a very crowded market. There are some effective gore sequences, but it doesn't at all save a very tired, predictable, and often clumsy narrative. There is one piece of dialogue that amused me, that occurred towards the beginning of the film, after a hand has been severed and stolen from a body used for medical education. A conversation between two medical students goes as follows: Student 1: "I bet it was you who chopped that hand off". Student 2: "Why would you say that?" Student 1: "Well, didn't you say you needed a hand to help you study?"www.the-wrath-of-blog.blogspot.com


If there's anything that Italian horror directors do right, it's making crazy movies! Before Italian horror cinema took off in the mid to late 80s, a "subtle little movie" came along that capitalized on the emerging cannibal and zombie genres. This movie features a lot of the former and a little of the latter. Ian McColluch was even so kind as to return in here, after surviving ZOMBIE! When a string of murders and dismemberments plague New York hospitals, it is discovered that the perps are members of an ancient cannibal tribe. So it's off to a tropical island (that looks remarkably like the same location for ZOMBIE, hm...) where they discover a mad doctor (of course) doing what they do best! Acting is actually pretty good given what later movies would offer. The dialogue is still laughable. My personal favorite is when the good doctor speaks into a recorder, mid-surgery: "Patient's screams forced me to remove the vocal cords." The gore is over-the-top with impalement and disemboweling being the preferred methods. The make-up for the seven or so zombies is pretty unconvincing (just slightly better than BURIAL GROUND.) As with most Euro-trash, this is best watched in the presence of your funniest friends!
