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Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here

Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here (2014)

September. 16,2014
| Horror Action Science Fiction

After a meteor shower strikes Los Angeles, toxic smoke is released across the city causing people to physically change and become violent. A small group of survivors plans to vacate the city by heading to the coast.


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Paul Magne Haakonsen

I do enjoy zombie movies, but unfortunately most of the zombie movies that flood the market are just not worth the effort. I bought "Disaster L.A." from Amazon based on the praise and rating it had received. However, this movie was nowhere near my expectations.Let's start with the good things; zombies. Yes, anything with zombies is good. And there was a consistent and coherent flow to the movie. The best part of it all would have to be the music, though.Sadly, the bad parts far outweigh the good parts. First of all, you see maybe ten zombies throughout the entire movie. Seriously? In a zombie outbreak taking place in Los Angeles and you see ten infected individuals, no, no, no... It just reeks of low budget. And while we are on the topic of zombies, then they succumbed to the classic error of low budget zombie movies; putting make-up on the face only and forgetting about the rest of exposed flesh on the zombie actor. It was just so bad. And those contact lenses, seriously?The story was also flawed. Especially with the fact that the US military bombing Los Angeles without having exhausted all other possible options. It was just stupid.What I hated the most about "Disaster L.A." was the awful camera-work. The frame was constantly in motion, swaying back and forth, which was a major nuisance. Had they opted to use proper camera rigging, there would have been such a better production value to the movie."Disaster L.A." is a zombie movie that came and went without even leaving the smallest of dents, except for a small one on my wallet.


DISASTER L.A. : THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is really stupid, but it is good.When meteors strike Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least of the city's worries as it's inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at any cost - in any nightmarish no-holds barred thriller.That is just the plot and this movie is just super stupid, but it is really good and just fantastic and was really amazing.The direction of the movie is directed by Turner Clay, who also does the music, editing, cinematography and also executive produced this film. His direction is so incredibly scary that the dialogue he writes is just very scary and intense.The music is over-creepy as hell and the music has a great memorable feel to it that makes you believe that this is going to be a zombie movie. The acting is dreadful in a few areas, but hell, the actors really tried. Justin Ray, Jerod Meagher, Stefanie Estes, Ron Hankks, Michael Taber, Dennis Leech and Morgan Jackson plays the characters in the film and some of them does seem to drag in a few areas.The make-up for the zombies is really gory and scary, but this movie did not have a very large budget and that's what I like about some of these movies, is that with a few action movies, scary films, sci-fi, comedy, drama, musical or teen movies, that you don't need a very, big huge budget to make that kind of movie genre film that you wanted to do.The editing is awkward in a few areas, but it works for this kind of zombie flick and it really does show a lot in this feature presentation. The visuals, set design, story and plot is really amazing as hell, a little cheesy in a few areas, but it really does show as well.Overall, DISASTER L.A.: THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is just stupid, but also creepy and really good. My sister Shaliyah, who is a twin to the other sister, Aaliyah, says that this film is not stupid, but the other two movies involving zombies, ZOMBIELAND and WORLD WAR Z are stupid, but also really, really good.I give it a 4.5. out of 10.


...in that it very nearly is one, but auteur Turner "State of Emergency" Clay deserves at least a few props for this lo-fi effort, if only for his apparent jack-of-all-trades labors. I wish he'd worked harder on the script, which although structurally functional remains bland and uninvolving, not to mention a direct crib from "Cloverfield." The characters---played earnestly by a cast of relative unknowns, not that there's anything wrong with that---aren't memorable enough to engage full attention, let alone audience involvement, and it's mostly the fault of a mundane screenplay that offers neither emotional catharsis nor intellectual engagement. Thankfully, it wasn't done as found- footage.As a zombie apocalypse film, it delivers next to nothing, let alone anything novel or unique. In these days of "The Walking Dead," that's trouble. I hope the investors didn't take too much of a bath.Eminently skippable, unless you're friends with the folks involved.


This movie is kinda odd,it starts off like one of those "Meteor Movies " with a sci-fi things happening at first ,then shifts to action/horror.Like a good made for SyFi channel movie ,the acting is o.k. ,the story is basic enough to not get lost in ,the people that did it ,on such a low budget ,did it with decent camera work,lighting ,and sound...all o.k. ,with good production values.Not a whole lot of gore,it still has some sauce splashin around ,with the zombie action.Nothing fancy ,just what goes with this shoddy little survival story.A few lame moments were forgiven ,and it ended like i could tell it would.Basic ,by-the-numbers Sci-fi -action /zombie /meteor movie, with very little (if ANY ?) cursing ,or nudity.It might have got a 4 from me if it had a different something going for it...like say , Dead Shadows did ,that one rocked .....
