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Interception (2009)

January. 13,2009
| Drama Action Thriller

When a prototype weapon is stolen from a government facility a software engineer unknowingly becomes involved when he receives the key disk needed for detonation. With no help from authorities he is forced to team up with a suspended FBI agent to stop the group of criminals from destroying a major US city.


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Aaron Wyckoff

If you're looking for a big budget Hollywood thriller, this isn't it, but for what it is, Interception is not as bad as some other reviews here would lead you to believe. This is one of those films that could easily have been a much better movie, but there were two major flaws. First, too many of the bit roles were done poorly, no doubt by friends of the producers and very possibly for free. In this case, they got what they paid for. There were a lot of stilted lines and just plain poor acting. On the flip side, the lead actors overall did a decent job - not great, and not always consistent, but not horrible, either. The second, and more significant, flaw of the movie was the script. While the actors often did a creditable job of delivering their lines, the lines themselves were not very good, and there were some gaping plot holes, including to some extent the basic premise of the whole film. Amateur mistakes, such as including unnecessary dialogue and a heavy reliance on profanity (nearly 80 instances of f---/f---ing alone), took what could have been an exciting story line and turned it into a sub-par production.On the other hand, this was far from the worst movie I've ever seen, and had some redeeming qualities. The lead actors showed promise and could have been better with a better script. There were a few twists and several moments of intentional humor that help keep any thriller on track. In the end, not too bad for a low-budget film, but one that could have been much better, even at the same price.


Most of the other reviewers have it right, but no one mentioned the inconsistencies. Here's a list. 1: There is a disk that will be used to set off or turn off an atomic devise and it has to be encrypted before it will work. Apparently any method of encryption will work. It might make more sense if an unencrypted disk was needed. 2: When the main guy is handcuffed behind his back and not tied to anything, he apparently believes he needs to get un-handcuffed before he can make his break. 3: Similarly, when the girl has her hands tied and mouth taped, that seems to be enough to keep her from trying to escape. 4: The nuclear bomb is blown up with a smaller bomb to disable it, but no one seems to worry about radiation and there is none reported 5: The bad guy wants to blow up a large Colosseum with gobs of people in it so that he can sell the plans for making the device to other terrorists. Are plans what is needed for any terrorist to make a nuclear device? Wouldn't detonating almost anywhere be as good for advertising purposes? 6: When our hero tries to get the water out of the lungs of the lady after going under water, his first attempt seems to be to exert pressure on her neck, not her chest. 7: When they use a card to break in on a Saturday in a highly regarded information center, there is no one on guard. You just need the entry card. Meanwhile the bad guys find a way in without a card. It's never shown how. These were just the things that jumped out at me during the playing. I'm sure that if I were to see it again (not a chance) and looked for the problems, I could double or triple the list. So, if someone ties your hands behind your back and puts tape on your mouth and makes you watch this movie, just walk away.


In fact, anyone who saw this silliness, was unscrupulous cheated. Potboiler like this, can be mocked up anyone, and then they collect money for tickets... If every nitwit pay to once see this film - authors get nice cash. I agree with all comments before me - there really can see cheap, poor acting, ugly script, plot and bad directing. As I said - stupid Americans. If you have some time to waste... Yes, I agree with "Don't Bother, 17 January 2009". This is a huge disappointment for everyone, who spend his money to tickets or DVD rent... You must sue "Clay Bros. Motion Pictures" - they had You. Really. (Sorry for my grammar, I use Google translator)


The premise of the movie seemed interesting, so I gave it a watch. Unfortunately, the acting was so horrible that I couldn't focus on the movie. This movie will probably stay in my "worst 10" list for a while. Why? The acting is beyond bad - all of the actors exhibit delayed, awkward, or incorrect emotions in almost every scene. It seems like the director/writer couldn't figure out whether they wanted a drama, comedy, or tragedy - so they mixed it all up.It's a really awkward film with bad directing, acting, and plot. Some movies are so bad that they're funny, but this movie is just painful to watch because it's bad but tries to pretend like it's not.In short, it's the first movie we've watched where my fiancé has said "We can turn this off if you want - this is horrible." If you want to see what a movie would be like with no real plot and bad acting and directing, by all means watch this movie. If you want to be entertained, however - stay away.
