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Baskin (2016)

March. 25,2016
| Horror Thriller

A squad of unsuspecting cops go through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an abandoned building.


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Such an incredible look into the possibility that the poor policemen were in purgatory. At first when I began to watch this film from a certain perspective it all started with one of the policemen who went to the washroom because he felt sick to his stomach. Then he noticed a frog sitting in a soap dish. Not very terrible scene one would think, except he realized where he was. By a single clue that stood just behind him in the shadows. A singular entity that was watching all of them making sure they would all make their way to the abandoned mansion where their story begins. Inside an old house where horrors lay in the guise of a latex party turning to pure evil as cannibals eat corpses or bathe in vats of excrement along with one of the captured policemen having his small intestine ripped out by their watchman/host. It held me captive because of the saw emotional status of each actor/character wallowing in self pity tied up by chains only to be torn apart piece by piece wondering what they ever did to deserve such a painful death while on duty. What did give me the only clue as to how they all ended up in purgatory was the ending. Where one of the younger policemen killed his host and escaped the mansion only to be run down and killed by a police lorry carrying the very same people or partners he started out with landing in a shallow lake... stranded like the first time. The story was magnificent as was the music that fit each scene with absolute miserable dread. The gore had its own style. Not a slasher type of film but a box filled with specific amendments laced with a harmonious stench that fools your nose making you think you can smell their fear. It was a rather idyllic tale of horror, fear, terror and heart thumping darkness that one wished they could wake up from. When this first hit the screens in Turkey, most of the patrons walked out or threw up in the aisles because of how the gory scenes were presented. Nothing was left to chance with this once in a lifetime thrill-fest. I can definitely say this is for horror fans and not for the feint of heart. If you scare easy or cannot stomach gore of this caliber then do not watch this.

Páiric O'Corráin

Baskin: Turkish horror film, 5 cops have a series of misadventures, culminating in them knocking someone down and driving into a river. They all survive but are on a call out to an old building with an odd reputation. In the building they find another cop, injured and raving. They descend to the basement and literally enter the Gates of Hell. People are being tortured, eaten alive, dismembered.Shades of Hellraiser. Not for the squeamish. 7/10.

Caroline Phillips

Baskin is a a beautifully made film. I'll give it that. The visuals are striking and beautifully composed, the sound design is interesting, the actors appear competent, and even the general concept has potential for greatness. Unfortunately, the pacing is all over the place. I was told this was originally a short film and you can tell. It feels padded in strange places where it shouldn't be and feels like it takes nearly an hour for our lead characters to get to this film's vision of "hell." It picks up steam a bit in this section and supplies us with some very creepy, nightmarish visuals. After our leads are captured, the pacing slows back down again and the climax never feels very satisfying.All in all, this is a film to watch simply for the visuals and atmosphere. Don't go in expecting much of a story or attention to pacing and you should be fine.

i SkyWalKing

Holy mother of the cosmos what the f*** was that? I went into this not knowing anything other than it was a Turkish horror with a low score on IMDb and no expectations and I was put through the grinder in the most pleasant way possible. This is a truly terrifying ride. I was drawn in from the opening act, there was no warm up period at all. It sets the tone and is pretty creepy, couple tense scenes gave me goose-bumps. The acting is great and seems very organic. There was literally no scene from anyone where the acting felt unnatural or forced which is a rare treat especially in the horror genre.In the pits of hell with the goblin looking fellow, it becomes uncomfortably dark and it is fantastic. I was watching it alone in the dark with a candle in the distance, when I got up to go pee I had to turn the bathroom light on, which normally I wouldn't do. I'm a grown ass man. When the goblin is dropping Darwinian science in the midst of sacrifices, everything he says oddly resonated and left a feeling of despair in my stomach. Had me questioning my own mortality and my inevitable fait. Man dying is gonna suck. I just want to curl up in bed with a bag of candies and watch some comedy for a couple hours. Very unexpected and amazing movie in my opinion. I found it to be multi-layered and oddly thought provoking in a very sinister way.What the hell is a 5.7 rating about? If you watch a horror movie willingly and aren't expecting or HOPING for something disturbing, provoking and or traumatizing, then you might be confused. Stick to what works for you and quit messing up the scoring system. If you are seeking quality horror in it's purest form, then check this out.
