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The Collapsed

The Collapsed (2011)

July. 02,2011
| Drama Horror Science Fiction

In the wake of the end of the world, a family of four desperately tries to survive. Their goal: escaping the city and traveling to the rural community they once called home. The constant threat of a violent death forcing them to stay as far away from civilization as possible, they take to the forest, soon to discover the danger posed by other survivors may be the least of their worries.


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Ugh, here we go, in no particular order, is my list of problems with this movie. (may or may not contain spoilers, how do you spoil something that's already bad?)Strange whispering voices & sounds in the wind, rustling tree branches, no explanations for anything that happens, characters you learn to hate so quickly that you are happy when they get killed, horrible dialog, wooden acting, way too many POV jerky camera movements, a harsh & jarring soundtrack that's dubbed too loudly, drowning out the voices of the annoying actors (maybe this was a blessing?)I still have no idea what this movie was supposed to be about? dysfunctional families? survival? some deep philosophical commentary on modern society? a low budget monster movie who's budget was so small, they couldn't even afford any monsters? annoying sisters who stop to shave their legs in the woods? Watch it if you like bad movies, just don't have high expectations and you'll enjoy the jaunt through the woods


Considering how much they spent on this, I guess you would have to give the crew and cast some credence to their work. Its not overally terrible , not the worst of the low budgets you might see, but not really as good as many others. It was probably minimal takes as well, shot in a short duration. Overall, the people posting more then 5 stars on this is just ridiculous, its really poor production by today standards (not even TV quality) it has some poor acting in places. Its plodding, conceptually slow with minimal payoffs. If reduced down to a hour, it wouldn't be a half bad episode of something akin to Twilight Zone etc. There isn't much reason to watch this, if you have others on your list, just skip it.


This is by far the worst movie I've watched in 20 yrs. This movie has ZERO entertainment value. The only thing worse than the acting is the barely there storyline. The dialog was full of unnecessary F*bombs in a desperate attempt to hold the audience's (I use the word audience loosely as I'm sure that no more than 3 people have ever viewed this movie at the same time) attention. I wanted to turn it off after 10 min but fast forwarded through much of it (don't worry, you won't miss anything if you do) to find out what they were running from. I wasted an hour of my life on this piece of crap and would've had more enjoyment out of burning the $3 I used to rent this poor excuse for a movie. I've watched home movies of my grandparents on the beach that had more depth and intrigue than this debacle. Hope I saved someone, anyone, from wasting time watching The Collapsed.


No it's not a Hollywood budget apocalypse film... but I started watching expecting to scan through and turn it off and return to my work in my home office and ended up leaning back and taking it all in. I thought it was great. There was the odd awkward line or scene that i think could have benefited from some visual fx, but with the tiny budget this film had I think they did phenomenal! I think the film was well written and didn't have an overload of dialogue that I have seen in many independent films. Visually the film looks great... shots are nice, I see too many that are way too wide or too tight when they should be wide. The shots captured the emotion and feeling of the scenes effectively. The cast did a great job and Peter was straight Gangster! Lastly I want to see what Justin could do with a multi-million dollar budget... somebody in Tinseltown get on the phone with him!
