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The Fireman

The Fireman (1916)

June. 12,1916
| Comedy

Firefighter Charlie Chaplin is tricked into letting a house burn by an owner who wants to collect on the insurance.


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"The fireman" is a funny short film from Chaplin, although not being among his very best movies. The little tramp here is, as expected, a fireman. Off course everything he does is a disaster, as he is sleepy, clumsy, quarrelsome and sneaky. The outcome is that he is probably the character most times kicked in the ass ever in the history of cinema! Chaplin's slapstick is funny as it uses to be and I always love Eric Campbell as his antagonist (here, as the furious boss, also with the same love interest as usual). The choreographs performed by the firefighters are very charming. The most interesting element in this short film, that makes it somewhat innovative ans special, are the visual effects. Although simple, they are smart and funny. The horse drawn fire pumper moving backward, the quick change of clothes by the firemen... these are all simple visual effects, off course, but they are precise in adding funny moments to the story. I said that everything our favorite fireman did was a disaster, didn't I? Well, not everything. Edna Purviance was there...


THE FIREMAN (Mutual, 1916), Written and Directed by Charlie Chaplin, stars Chaplin himself in his second Mutual/Lone Star Production, following his previous Mutual effort as THE FLOORWALKER (1916). Now having his Mutual productions of twenty-minute comedy shorts merely as follow-ups rather than a continuing series playing the same basic character from one venture to another, Chaplin once again plays a nameless individual in a new profession supported by the same co-stars from his Mutual stock company, namely Eric Campbell and Edna Purviance as an added presence, along with Albert Austin and Frank J. Coleman among others playing firemen in the best Keystone Kops tradition.The story, set in a single day, finds its initial ten minutes showing routine procedures of firemen of Firehouse 23 (interesting it wasn't Firehouse 13 for added bad luck effect). The fire chief (Eric Campbell) blows his whistle awakening the firemen on the second floor coming down the fire pole for roll call, all but one, Charlie (Charlie Chaplin), as he sleeps through the sound of both whistle and fire bell. The course of the morning finds Charlie from one mishap after another while serving breakfast to the staff and later playing checkers with a fellow fireman (Albert Austin) while ignoring the telephone as it constantly rings off the hook. The subplot involves a father (Lloyd Bacon) plotting to burn his own home to collect insurance, and promising his daughter's (Edna Purviance) hand in marriage to the fire chief to not reveal his sinister plot. As the father proceeds with his scheme, another house catches fire, with Edna trapped inside one of them.THE FIREMAN is vintage slapstick in the best silent film tradition of comedy producer Mack Sennett, now under supervision of comedy producer/ star Charlie Chaplin in control. Aside from numerous kicks in the seat between Eric and Charlie, along with scenes capturing a race down the rural areas of possibly Los Angeles back in the day of dirt roads, telephone poles and the wide open spaces between residential homes that are no doubt currently sited with six-lane highways, apartment complexes and/ or crowded shopping malls. THE FIREMAN is a historic look back into 1916 where fire trucks with sirens were not the case here but firemen and equipment on a wagon pulled by horses like a chariot. There's also believable use of trick photography by 1916 standards of horse pulling fire wagon returning to the firehouse backwards.When presented on television dating back to the 1960s or earlier on either a commercial or public television, prints shown were those from 1930s reissue with ragtime style scoring, sound effects of bird chirping, bell ringing and a voice-over from character actor Leo White yelling "Help! Fire" multiple times. The latter would be of great interest for 1916 movie goers to hear had sound been of the essence at that time. In all actuality, these effects and the heard distress calls of "Fire" make this silent comedy all the better for comedic purposes. This is the print commonly found on home video in the 1980s and 90s through Blackhawk or Republic Home Video. Aside from that, there's also prints with piano scoring as well. In recent years with film restoration of clearer visuals, new orchestral scoring has been placed with correct silent speed on DVD (from Kino Home Video) extending THE FIREMAN from its traditional 20 to 31 minutes.No doubt, THE FIREMAN ranks one of Chaplin's funnier outings having him trade his traditional derby, cane and tramp costume for fireman's clothes. Edna Purviance, in checkered dress, resumes her pretty heroine role while Eric Campbell, in sideburns and walrus mustache this time around, add to some great scenes as needed. One of the favorites of Chaplin/Mutual comedies that can be found once in a while on cable television, notably Turner Classic Movies (TCM premiere: December 6, 1999). Next in the Mutual series, something completely different yet the beginning of the new Chaplin tradition, comedy and pathos from THE VAGABOND (1916). (***)


Charlie is a fireman in Eric Campbell's brigade. In the beginning, he oversleeps the alarm bells and therefor is kicked in the ass about a dozen times... I don't know why, but that still cracks me up.Later on a man is bribing the foreman (with his daughter!) to let his house burn, because he can use the insurance money. But when his place is lit, his own daughter is still in the house! Leave it up to Charlie to save her.Watch out for the scene where Charlie climbs the house to actually rescue the girl... amazing stuff.On the whole: pretty good Chaplin classic, not among the very best, but still loads of fun. 7/10.

Snow Leopard

There's not very much to the simple short comedy "The Fireman" besides the kind of knockabout slapstick that might have been getting a little old even in 1916, but at least in Chaplin's hands it is watchable and it has some good moments. It moves quickly and gets pretty manic at times, and if there had been a little more depth or creativity, it could have been pretty good.The setting offers many props and story possibilities. A few times these are worked into the action in creative ways, but more often, the movie relies on the same type of humor repeated over and over again. When it comes to comedy ideas such as falling down, kicking someone, and the like, Chaplin is better than almost anyone else of his era in carrying off the gag, but in this case the movie just relies on such things too heavily, instead of working in some more imaginative material.The cast includes some Chaplin regulars, most notably Eric Campbell and Edna Purviance, who are always worth seeing. And there are the kernels of some good ideas, as well as some stretches when the slapstick is funny. So it had the makings of a very good comedy - but as it is, it's OK but below average for Chaplin.
