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Bite (2015)

August. 15,2015
| Horror

While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before she's able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformation and her wedding anxiety, Casey succumbs to her new instincts and begins creating a hive that not only houses her translucent eggs, but feeds on the flesh of others. As her transformation becomes complete, Casey discovers that everything can change with a single bite.


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I enjoyed this movie, I had not heard about any of the hype until after I watched it so I had no preconceived ideas.Casey is getting married and goes on a hen party trip with two of her friends. They go off the beaten track to a natural pool which is recommended to them by someone they meet. Casey is bitten under the water by some kind of bug. After returning home she notices a rash on her shoulder whilst in the bath. Areas of her body become inflamed with raised large lumps, they are painful and develop into gross pustules. She feels unwell, begins to get sick and basically gets worse and worse.Along with this going on she has the mother-in-law-to-be from hell who literally hates her guts and a friend who wants her fiancé and steals her engagement ring.Casey mutates into a gross goo-dripping creature that lays little ball eggs and makes a big slimy mess.There have been a lot of negative reviews about this movie but I think that is possibly down to pre-movie hype that did not live up to expectations. For me I found the movie a little bit slow after Casey began feeling ill. I quite liked the characters and how they were all a bit off. I was frustrated at how Casey didn't go to the doctors when the initial symptoms began appearing as that would have been what any relatively normal person would have done. If she had have gone to the doctors this would have given the movie a bit more depth and could have added another dynamic. As the movie progresses and Casey becomes more and more mutated I thought it was really good, I like the concept of making a nest and how she changed. I felt for her. There was tension and the makings of a good thriller as her friends began to try to get in touch with her and enter her apartment. Yes there are many flaws but it does still stand up as a pretty good horror. It caught my imagination and kept me thinking about it for some time after watching which is always a good indication of a film you have enjoyed.


After seeing the trailer for Bite and reading online articles of how viewers at various film fests passed out during showings, I couldn't wait to see it, After more than a year it (at last!) popped up on my local cable channels On-demand roster. I happily shelled out $5.99 and hoped to see a film that would at least make me flinch several times.But like $100 pay-per-view fights, unorthodox political candidates, and most rap CDs, this film didn't come close to living up to the hype. Bite, simply put, is done in by its own excesses. When a horror film relies solely on gross-out gimmickry rather than clever use of lighting, camera angles, or plausible plot, then the element of fright is replaced by boredom, nausea or both. Community theater acting doesn't help.Elma Begovic plays Casey, a recently engaged twenty-something who while out celebrating with her girls, is bitten by some sort of water insect. Rather than seek medical attention, she ignores the mark left behind, even as it becomes larger and more disgusting. By the time Casey realizes this is no ordinary wound, the drastic effects are manifested.This film contains every horror movie cliché you've seen before— single females going into dark venues to investigate; single woman falling down as she attempts to flee; overblown makeup to accent the drastic physical changes of victims; and sex scenes that are not only gratuitous, but fail to deliver the expected shock—say in the manner of the bedroom scene from the first Nightmare On Elm Street.Poor pacing and the lack of anything original makes one want to yawn rather than scream. The director (Chad Archibald) has no idea how to use shadow or the camera to build suspense. It is so drab it makes anything produced by Rob Zombie look Oscar-worthy.If you like being grossed out, you might get excited by Bite. If you're looking for something that makes you worry about having nightmares when you fall asleep, you'll find more chills—and better acting—in episodes of The Outer Limits.


6.25 of 10. If you're looking for something beyond another spider film, The Fly, Spiderman, or the Thaw, this adds something new to mix. It's also ahead of the curve on the zika-like infections.Excellent visual and sound FX for a low-budget, indie film where the writer and director are the same person.So much horror is fantasy based that another strong part of this film is that there's reality/science integrated into the horror. If you want horror that's not based purely on nonsense, you'll definitely appreciate this film.The only weak part of the film involves the casting. With more budget and bigger actors, this could have easily been a more recognized film. As it is, it will probably pick up a cable audience and eventually turn into a cult hit.


I first heard of this movie back in the Summer and was really looking forward to it for a long time. I loved Contracted and its sequel, and this movie seemed to promise something similar, but ultimately fell really flat.This movie feels like taking a bite out of a beautiful shiny red apple, only to find tasteless mush inside it. They got the FX right, but nothing else was. The script was too bland to carry the plot anywhere.It was very basic. Casey got bit by something underwater while on vacation in Costa Rica. And of course, whatever bit her was carrying something far worse than Lyme disease. This thing started to transform her into some other species.There were very interesting FX and Casey got some new and deadly abilities. I really wish we could have seen more of where all that was headed.The rest of the movie didn't have much plot. And the characters really weren't that likable. Casey had one friend who genuinely cared and wasn't that bad. The rest were not so good.Ultimately, beyond the FX, there isn't anything to really like about this movie. The other reviews on here are spot on. We're all saying the same basic thing. It's not a good movie, but the FX will keep you entertained for awhile.
