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Croc (2007)

September. 20,2007
| Horror Action TV Movie

A large man-eating crocodile terrorizes tourists and locals near Krabi, in Thailand. Michael Madsen plays a hunter stalking the immense reptile, while sub-plots include a rivalry between a foreigner, who owns a crocodile-farm, and a Thai man who plays a part in framing the foreigner for the crocodile's rampage.


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Michael O'Keefe

CROC is a made-for-TV movie that barely can hold your interest. The kill shots are usually the most entertaining and these are all CGI, but that doesn't mean there isn't some real crocodile/alligator action. Australian Jack McQuade(Peter Tuinstra)has a semi-successful alligator farm that is in the way of a duo of Thai brother's business development plans.A monster-sized Australian Croc has made its way to Krabi, Thailand and slithered its way into unfamiliar waters to kill peoples of a local tribe. The Thai brother's gang let some of McQuade's gators loose to blame the killings on; thus the local cops can close the farm down. Meanwhile a known croc hunter, Croc Hawkins(Michael Madsen), is already on a self-appointed mission to track down and kill the giant Australian Croc.Also in the cast: Sherry Edwards, Scott Hazell, Elizabeth Healey, Wassan Junsook and Jack Prinya.

Brian Bell

First off, this premiered on the SyFy channel, so you should understand this movie does not have a big budget. However, Croc is much better than most of the SyFy movies made. I am watching (or re-watching) every killer Croc or Gator movie I can get my hands on right now, and Croc a is mediocre but fun killer crocodile flick...Croc is set (and actually shot) in Thailand. The scenery is beautiful, this fact alone almost makes this movie of the week worth watching. The majority of the local casts acting is laughable, but the woman are beautiful so that helps. Michael Madsen plays Croc Hawkins (yes that's really the characters name!), a crocodile hunter who has been tracking this ferocious beast for months. Madsen has fun with the part, it is a shame that he doesn't even make an appearance until (exactly) 45 minutes into the movie, but once he joins the group he is there until the end. The killer croc is executed fairly well, using almost all real crocodile footage except for the actual attacks, which are a mixture of CGI and practical. There is a fair amount blood but really no gore (however you do see people in the mouth of the croc as it attacks). I would've preferred some good gore, but I am a gore hound!Overall, Croc is mediocre at best. I was entertained from start to finish thanks to the beautiful scenery, beautiful ladies, Madsen hamming it up, and lots of good crocodile footage. It is not a film anyone "must" see, but if (like me) you have seen every other killer croc/gator flick out there and are looking for something to watch, this is a fun (enough) 90 minutes of crocodile carnage...


A large crocodile terrorizes a Thailand resort. An American croc farm owner gets accused by a couple of local brothers of being the one responsible for this creature. So this guy hooks up with a crocodile hunter to deal with the beast.This is a typical Sci-Fi Channel movie. The Sci-Fi Channel sure likes its water-based monster movies – crocodiles, octopuses, sharks, piranhas – it's never ending really. This one is pretty much no different to the rest; it's a completely derivative creature feature, full of bad CGI effects. Michael Madsen is the name actor and he sure looks like he just turned up for a paid holiday in Thailand. I can't say I blame him mind you as the location photography is often very nice, the Thai setting is the one thing that sets the film apart from others of its ilk. There are a few gory set-pieces that keep things quite lively, such as the attack in the swimming pool and the croc does get to burst up into a water-based house. Although the ending is a bit lacklustre to say the least.This is a pretty watchable film to be honest. Not exactly good but passably entertaining.


Is Michael Madsen perpetually drunk or he is he simply method-acting? I am not sure. In "Croc," he is a big game hunter come to rid a Thai village of a man-eating crocodile that happens to be a throwback to prehistoric times. Sometimes the croc is footage of real crocodile and sometimes it is CGI and sometimes it is a dummy. It eats a lot of people, that's for sure. This has nothing on LAKE PLACID, but Madsen is funny in his dopey/sleepy way. And the Thai women are all hotties. Stewart Rafill has made better pictures, but a trip to Thailand was probably hard to turn down. Imagine the partying that took place after the cameras were turned off.
