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Spring Break

Spring Break (1983)

March. 25,1983
| Comedy Romance

Two sets of two college guys spend a spring break together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There they have lots of fun in and out of the sun.


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"Nelson" (David Knell) is a rich college kid whose dictatorial stepfather, "Ernest Dalby" (Donald Symington) just happens to be running for the U.S. Senate. But rather than staying around and work on his stepfather's campaign he decides to follow his best-friend's advice and go to Ft. Lauderdale for spring break. Unfortunately, when they get to their hotel they discover that there has been an error in with their reservation and find that two other young men named "Stu" (Paul Land) and "O.T." (Steve Bassett) have also been given the same hotel room. Fortunately, they soon begin to realize just how sheltered they have been which causes both Nelson and his best-friend "Adam" (Perry Lang) to not only decide to allow them to stay in their room but to also join them in their quest to seek out the opposite sex and party. What none of them realize is just how infuriated Nelson's stepfather has become when he finds out that Nelson is in Ft. Lauderdale having a good time. Because of that he has hires a shady real estate agent to find Nelson and also sends two of his own goons to bring him back. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that this was one of many "beach movies" which sprang up in the late 70's and continued throughout the 80's. Typically, this films differ from those in the 60's due to their more explicit and crude nature. That's not a criticism necessarily but rather a simple observation. As far as this specific movie is concerned, it had its share of topless women but nothing really out of the ordinary for this particular sub-genre. The big problem with this movie was that it was just plain dull. The plot was too basic and the humor wasn't very good either. Likewise, other than Corinne Alphen (as "Joan") none of the actors really stood out one way or the other. That said, I have rated the movie accordingly. Below average.


First off, this movie is a decent, watchable teen sex comedy from the early 80's. Sure the jokes are a little lame by today's standards and it looks dated but this movie brought back memories of mid-80's Spring Breaks. It is fairly similar to what I experienced Spring Breaking in Panama City, Florida. The wet T-shirt contests, hot legs and hot buns contests, the clubs with pools and the emcees narrating the contests. It's all in here. So if you're looking for a good time capsule of 80's spring break, this is it.There's a little T&A here, nothing serious. The strangest part about this movie are the four leads who end up having to share a hotel room, the two cool guys and the two nerds. Although they are all about scoring with the ladies, they do give off a very homo/fem vibe. Almost like watching the chicks from Sex and the City at spring break. For example, right after they all meet the cool Italian guy strips down to a speedo with his pubes going all over. Then the next morning they are all crammed in the little bathroom, one showering, one brushing teeth, one shaving and one dropping a deuce on the toilet. Then when they go out they all stay together drinking and hugging, go to the bathroom together, etc. They act more like girls going out rather than guys. Maybe the movie was written by a woman.The main focus of the movie is the nerdiest one trying to lose his virginity to a pretty nerd girl who has a hot body and loves video games. The movie is nice in that the cool guys give tips to the nerds and try to help them get laid. This is a feel good movie for sure.Bottom line: A step back in time to what it was really like in Florida at Spring Break in the early 80's. Mildly amusing and entertaining. Highly Watchable when nothing else good is on.


after suffering through Hardbodies I and II and Screwballs,this movie was a welcome change.it's sort of from the same genre,but this one actually has a story to it,and it's a bit more intelligent.and it's a fun movie to watch to,as it's fairly high energy.this one isn't just about naked breasts.the acting was fairly good in this one,i thought.i liked some of the songs,especially by the female rock band.it has a low rating (3.9/10)on this site,but i would rate it a bit higher than that.of the previous movies i mentioned,this one was definitely the best of the lot,in my opinion.you could do worse than this movie.for me,Spring Break is a 5/10


I've done some research on this issue and the rights to spring break belonged to Columbia pictures, then Sony pictures acquired the rights during the Columbia pictures buy out or merger or whatever you wanna call it. do as i am doing and send Sony an email and ask them to release this awesome movie on DVD, I have been waiting for this movie to be released for years. If they can put "Chips" on DVD then they really need to release this movie. so if you wanna join me in getting this movie on DVD copy down the email address below and write them to help them realize what we are missing from our collections. the email is [email protected]
