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The Commuter

The Commuter (2018)

January. 12,2018
| Action Thriller Mystery

A businessman, on his daily commute home, gets unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy that threatens not only his life but the lives of those around him.


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Actually very entertaining but also quite common Liam Neeson auctioner that was really full of holes like Swiss cheese. Too bad, because it had some tense and fine style as well as interesting cinematography but the problem was that the format is really dried out now... we saw the same kind of thing in "Non-Stop" by the same actor/director duo and this time the story just takes place on a train and is even more unbelievable just like many of the stunts. Too bad that a good cast was wasted. Next to Liam Neeson, who really was not in top form here, we have Vera Farmiga in a wasted role that mostly focuses on a voice performance only. Sam Neill who was also quite non existing except for the beginning and ending. But I always love to see him. Patrick Wilson did his usual boring thing. Good to see Jonathan Banks and Elizabeth McGovern who almost had no lines. The score was good some effects decent and it never got boring but even if you try to switch off the logic you just can't, its so illogical its funny how it got a green light. Oh well never change a winning team or concept I think... but maybe its time to do so now.


While I got what I wanted out of this movie, some time to zone out and be entertained there were a lot of things wrong with this movie that I found I kept having to tell myself to let go which pulls you out of the story at least temporarily.I thought the opening sequence was pretty cool, they show Michael (Liam) going to work each day over the course of seems like a year or more with quick cuts but the Liam stays in frame so he kind of stays constant while his surroundings change to show the passage of time. This was too predictable for me, they tried to get you off the scent by introducing some of the characters but I had a pretty good idea who was the baddy right away. Unless I missed it we never find out who is the top baddies or really why they are doing what they do, in some cases this wouldn't matter so much but it left this movie feeling rushed and shallow. The fight scenes were a little repetitive and Liam's character takes every form of beating and just shrugs it off, he gets pepper sprayed (kind of accidental like) and in seconds is able to use a napkin or something and is okely dokely. Even John Maclain walked with a bit of a limp at the end of Die Hard - 60 year old Michael just brushes it off. The acting was pretty good all around, it did leave you wondering at times just how was a baddy and how many were there. But all in all it was like lighting a match the action lasts for a short time then its gone and discarded. If you are a completionist and HAVE to watch this movie to say you saw every Neeson flick out there then it won't be too painful to sit through and watch, if you paid money and expected a Taken kind of movie you will probably be dissapointed. You want a flick that has the good guys fighting the bad guys watch The Equalizer its more fun than this movie.

Patrick Bateman

The Commuter is the fourth collaboration between director Jaume Collet-Serra and Academy Award nominated actor, Liam Neeson. In the passed years Neeson has morphed himself into a Tom Cruise like action hero with films like Taken and the previous collabs with Collet-Serra (Unknown, Non-Stop and Run all Night). This film has an interesting subject matter, insurance salesman Michael MacCauley (Liam Neeson) rides in and out via train every day for the past 10 years. When he falls into financial difficulties, he is offered a tempting task. On his ride home, he is approached by a mysterious woman (Vera Farmiga) to find a person that doesn't belong on this train, if he finds set person he will receive 100,000 dollars. I found the initial premise to be incredibly interesting as it sets up a moral dilemma. The woman makes it very clear that set person Michael has to find may receive harm, but this won't have to affect Michael. A dilemma such as this, we have seen many times before including that of Hitchcock's filmography. However the film still manages to engage the audience through a great performance by Liam Neeson. He plays the quintessential American citizen, living in a instabil world post the Wall Street crash of 2008. His initial reaction is believable and causes the audience to think whether they would do the same. Much of the camera work is also excellent, many different movements and tricks give this film a psychological edge. For example the famous vertigo effect is implemented very well into the movie. However as the film progresses, I found to be less and less invested. The film unfortunately fell into the same action movie tropes we knew from the last collaborations Neeson has done with the director. The film is still enjoyable for it, especially if you liked the previous films they have done together. In conclusion, the Commuter is an incredibly enjoyable thriller that unfortunately morphs into this action movie formula too quick. I wanted to see more of the moral dilemma and the psychological effects it has on Michael. Neeson gives a terrific performance, making the portrayal of an everyday man caught in this situation realistic and fun. However after about 1/3 into the film, it betrays this thriller tone and turns into a generic action movie, which still has enjoyable moments but overall left much to be desired.


Lack of logic but is entertiantment.Just watch get fun dont judge why?
