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The Meyerowitz Stories

The Meyerowitz Stories (2017)

October. 13,2017
| Drama Comedy

An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.


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An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father. I kept hearing critics going insane about this film and how Adam Sandler has finally made the comeback of a lifetime and other things like that but unfortunately? there's a along way between us and critics and this movie i'm sorry but was not even a little bit entertaining. It was boring, it was bland and i didn't even care for at least one of the protagonists especially Sandler and it's just your typical by the numbers boring and bland drama that's it. (0/10)


This has to be one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. There is nothing interesting about any of the characters at all. I hate all of them. They are all so caught up in their own lives that they don't even hear anything that anyone else is saying. And that is super realistic and exactly the way real life is and that's why I gave it 5 stars. If it wasn't for that I would have given it 1. I hate the old man. Every time he opens his mouth I just want to punch him in the face. His two sons are losers. And their children are messed up too. One is making porn and calling it art and the other sounds autistic or something. The characters are just bad bland and boring. They are also annoying. They are the kind of people you try to avoid having to talk too. Don't watch this movie. It's not worth the time.

Matt Greene

Noah Baumbach is often unfairly accused of pretension & navel-gazing in his films. This is the first that I've really felt those critiques are warranted. Mostly a sob story of whiny yuppies & self-centered artists, the individually strong drama & comedy don't meld as well as they do in his better films (Frances Ha, Mistress America). Luckily all the performances, especially Sandler giving maybe his best turn ever, are so great that you could almost ignore the film's shortcomings.


The Meyerowitz Stories(New and Selected): Written and Directed by Noam Baumbach.Netflix really promoted this movie hardcore. They made it seem entertaining and it appeared to be a good time. I was wrong. This is a movie that it is all about the characters. You have to either find the characters amusing or find a connection with what they're going through in their lives, you might be interested in this ride. However if you find the characters to be insufferable much like I did, this will be painful to sit through.I can't fault the actors for this movie. They do a good choice bringing these characters to life and I have to admit that I have seen no other movies by this particular director. I might have brought this upon myself. This is a movie that lives inside this rich upper class composed of selfish and messed up artists. This reminded me of The Royal Tenenbaums but nowhere near as stylized. It is based around this overbearing father figure who is a teacher and an artist. He expects everyone in the movie to be focused on him and his life. If you met someone like this in real life, you would run screaming away from them immediately. It felt like that while I was watching it.This is another movie that just sort of meanders and it just ends. I think this might be a series of stories about this family from a bunch of different people's perspectives. You have to be on board with these characters. Again as I mentioned previously, I was not. I chuckled a bit at the extremely pornographic movies the teenage daughter of Adam Sandler distributed to her family. It does poke fun at snooty pretentious artist type who only care about the attention but it's not enough to make this a good film. I give this movie a D.
