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Breaking Wind

Breaking Wind (2012)

March. 27,2012
| Horror Comedy

A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon "The Twilight Saga."


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I have a policy about always watch a movie to the end, no matter what, until this movie I only strayed away from that twice this was my third. Sometimes you watch a movie and says wow this is bad, but still enjoyable to watch somehow, this is not such a movie, i know a spoof is supposed to make fun of a movie (or more movies) and they are not meant to be taken serious, but all the gags and "fun" stuff in this movie wasn't even trying to make you laugh, most movies have something redeemable, i have thought really hard about trying to find something good, I just can't they even tried pulling in danny Trejo, I love the guy, I find him overused he gets way to many "bad" parts in movies, and this one is the worst I've ever seen him in, the writing is so poor in general in this movie, the acting isn't as bad as in "The room" bad acting, its just soulless and bland, none of the characters were anything you would care about, even having characters evil and not lovable makes you kind off have feelings for them, even though bad feelings, none of these had that. The only one i loved was Emma Bell's character, all those feeling she had in that movie (40 mins i could stand before i had to give in) was my feelings exact.All in all me giving a 1 rating doesn't automatically mean the movie isn't enjoyable to watch, even bad movies can give a good time, this wasn't any of those times, but i guess watching something this bad makes you really appreciate watching something good, I just don't hope I'm so damaged that my ratings will be pulled up 1 star for the next few movies i watch, because they are better then this one.


I truly believe video stores need a shelf set out of the way for movies that claim to be comedies that really aren't. This shelf would hold movies like "Meet The Spartans," "Epic Movie," "Disaster Movie," "Stan Helsing," "Scary Movie 5," "Loaded Weapon," "Vampires Suck," "Superhero Movie" and most recently, "Breaking Wind." There are two major problems with "Breaking Wind" as a so-called parody. One, not all movies can be turned into parodies, and two, the film doesn't have one real joke in it. While it's not as inundated with the movie references as some of these movies, "Breaking Wind" suffers the indignity of being unable to go more than five minutes without making a crass or obscene sexual reference or even an hour trying to coerce humor from a plot-line that seems to be making itself up as it goes along, but then, this is what we get from a society that thinks "Family Guy" is funny. A bit more relevant to the "Twilight" movies than "Vampire Suck," the movie has no plot and no jokes, just a weak retread of the "Twilight" movies with bad material, scenes with absolutely no point at all and actors hindered by the extremely bad taste of the material they are working with. There are only two scenes with any potential for humor. One is when Jacob's father talks about will power then immediately contradicts himself and drinks the blood in a pan left from treating Bela's wounds, and the other is when the vampire encroaches on Bela's father then at the last second leans in and snaps a picture with him. (Why he does this since vampires traditionally don't appear in photos isn't explained.) What makes these moments funny is that they're based on actual human behavior, and the truth is that human beings often do strange and irrational things when we resort to the young child in all of us. However, instead of getting the joke and moving on, the movie makes the mistake of hovering too long on these moments and trying to milk the joke for too long, often to the point where it just isn't funny anymore. ("Family Guy" is guilty of doing this a bit too often as well.) A decent comedy should not be about taking human characters into strange and bizarre moments of human depravity and anti-social behavior, and yet, that is exactly where "Breaking Wind" and the movies listed above always go. When you take the jokes out of "Airplane" or the "Naked Gun" movies, you are actually left with films showing strong dramatic performances, but when you try taking what the script passes as the jokes and humor out of "Breaking Wind," "Meet The Spartans" or "Superhero Movie," all you're left with is scenery. There is not a single rational or undisturbed person in "Breaking Wind" or any of the other so-called comedies above; almost everyone is actually an imbecile, morally deranged or just plain out disturbed. These movies don't have anything to do with comedy, but everything to do with what is considered the social and moral decline of humanity. Possibly the worst part of the movie is that the actors who starred in this movie are stuck with this film listed in their resumes for the rest of their film careers.


Craig Moss, I did not know who that name was but I will never watch a single one of his movies again. Obviously the guy has seen spoofs done by (*insert name here - anything will be better than this guy*) and thought he could do the same. Those people who hate Vampires Suck should take a look at this to see how a bad spoof of Twilight REALLY is (yes it's worse than the original film).The so-called humour in this movie will have people cringing for the fact they're ACTUALLY WATCHING THIS. Most of the humour relies on things like Bella's grandmother giving Edward a blow job in Bella's dreams... That's not funny - that's terrible.For those who'd like the long list of spoof artists that are better than Craig Moss then here it is: David Zucker, Jason Feindberg, Aaron Seltzer, Craig Deering, Bo Zenga, Craig Mazin... well you get the idea. Also for the haters of any one of the people above... yes it's true Moss is worse than they are... at least they had some redeeming features in their humour.

Shelley French

I watched this last night but could only stomach watching half before me and my girlfriend just HAD to turn it off.I do not like Twilight much, But I have been watching the movies as it has grabbed me in some small way (probably just to cure boredom, more than anything, and to ponder on what the hype is all about).There is SO MUCH material to take and twist out of the Twilight movies, and general dull characters and story lines. Which is what brought me and my girlfriend to watching this spoof. I was hoping for something somewhat clever like the Scary Movie spoof series that I watched years ago, and loved...But I think I have found a film that is actually WORSE than Twilight and the series. I actually quite like Twilight, now, in comparison. As I've mentioned above, there was plenty of material to use with a bit of wit and intelligence and make something truly comedic.. plenty of very simple people have managed to do it thus far on the internet with pictures and memes and such... However, this movie ignores all this and, in place, just flat-out resorts to really idiotic jokes about sex and flatulence... on a pretty much CONSTANT basis.I am no prude, and I very much love a bit of disgusting humour, but the 'jokes' in this movie sucked.. they weren't clever, there were no build ups... something about farts, talk a bit, something about granny sex, talk about, farts, plastic shlong on face, fart some more... it wasn't even a case of being a film that is so bad it's funny - it genuinely IS trying to be funny, and for that reason it really IS just rubbish.I think the only thing that even made me crack a SLIGHT smile was the random appearance of Neytiri from Avatar and several Johnny Depp movie characters... not that they really count due to the total irrelevance. Clinging at straws, much?
