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The Last Wave

The Last Wave (1978)

October. 06,1978
| Drama Thriller Mystery

Australian lawyer David Burton agrees with reluctance to defend a group of Aboriginal people charged with murdering one of their own. He suspects the victim was targeted for violating a tribal taboo, but the defendants deny any tribal association. Burton, plagued by apocalyptic visions of water, slowly realizes danger may come from his own involvement with the Aboriginal people and their prophecies.


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I love the old P. Weir films, this and Picnick are my favorites and absolute masterpieces I carry in my heart + have seen many times without loosing fascination. Many have described this story-line , so I won't....Just saying great, great, great film. Good good good good good ( I must fill 5 lines......but words are useless...) good good good.


A Sydney lawyer (Richard Chamberlain) defends five Aborigines in a ritualized taboo murder and in the process learns disturbing things about himself.Besides being a great film with a legal angle and a murder mystery angle, this is a great look at different cultures (particularly aborigine culture), how they interact, and the concept of "dream time" which may not be known to white Australians and certainly is unknown in the United States.Peter Weir, more than any other director, has really brought Australia to the world and showed its best sides and why we should care.


A crushing hailstorm in Sydney, Australia is bad enough to injure schoolchildren. Heavy rains continue while successful lawyer Richard Chamberlain (as David Burton) dines with his wife Olivia Hamnett (as Annie) and two little daughters. Upstairs, their bathtub overflows, causing water to run down the stairway. The taps seem to have turned on by themselves. The rains continue to slam down on residents as Mr. Chamberlain agrees to defend five Aborigines (native Australians) accused of drowning a man...Chamberlain is startled upon meeting one of his five wayward clients, eerie David Gulpilil (as Chris Lee), who previously appeared to him in a dream or vision. When even more mysterious Nandjiwarra Amagula (as Charlie) appears, the plot thickens. The rain turns darker..."The Last Wave" is an interesting take on the Sumerian "Flood Story" re-told in tales of Gilgamesh and Noah. It seems appropriate that a fourth flood (by one count, anyway) should herald an Apocalypse. Although story gets washed away in hocus pocus; it is thought-provoking, well directed by Peter Weir, and beautifully photographed by Russell Boyd. You could probably come up with several better endings; a simple re-editing of what is there would be more satisfying and less confusing.******* The Last Wave (11/5/77) Peter Weir ~ Richard Chamberlain, Olivia Hamnett, David Gulpilil, Nandjiwarra Amagula


Although I've long been a fan of Peter Weir, I hadn't watched any of his Australian movies until I watched The Last Wave. And it was a pleasant, unpredictable surprise.Richard Chamberlain plays David, a lawyer invited to defend five aborigines charged with murdering another Aborigine. For David's peers it's a clear case of drunken disorder and they think they should plead guilty and serve a quick sentence. But David believes there's a mystery underneath the murder, linked to tribal rituals. As his investigation proceeds he learns not only things about his clients but about himself too.To reveal more would be to spoil one of the strangest movies I've ever seen. I can only say that this movie goes in directions that no one will be expecting.There are many elements that make this a fascinating movie: Chamberlain's acting, for instance; but also the performances by David Gulpilil, who plays a young aborigine who introduces David into tribal mysteries; and Nandjiwarra Amagula, who plays an old aborigine who's a spiritual guide. The relationships between these three characters make the heart of the movie.But there's also the way Weir suggests the supernatural in the movie. David has dreams that warn him of the future. Australia is undergoing awful weather, with storms, hail falling and even a mysterious black rain that may be nothing more than pollution. But it's also related to the case David is defending. How it's related is one of the great revelations of the movie. Out of little events Weir manages to create an atmosphere of dread and oppression, suggesting future horrors without really showing anything.Charles Wain's score is fantastic, especially the use of the didgeridoo. The photography is also quite good. Russell Boyd, Weir's longtime DP who won an Oscar in 2004 for Master and Commander, depicts a dark, creepy world full of mystery.I also find it remarkable that for a movie centered on aborigines, it doesn't turn into an indictment against white culture or into a sappy celebration of the their traditions, like Dances With Wolves or The Last Samurai. This movie is too clever to be that simplistic.Sometimes it can be frustrating, and it may upset viewers who expect to finish a movie with everything making sense; but for those who don't mind some strangeness or ambiguity, The Last Wave is a great movie to watch.
