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One Missed Call

One Missed Call (2003)

November. 03,2003
| Fantasy Horror Mystery

People mysteriously start receiving voicemail messages from their future selves, in the form of the sound of them reacting to their own violent deaths, along with the exact date and time of their future death, listed on the message log. The plot thickens as the surviving characters pursue the answers to this mystery which could save their lives.


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I've nothing positive to say about this crud: it fails in ALL areas. I gather the producers could not afford any lights, as most scenes are in almost total darkness. Ridiculous, pathetic. Not worth a moment of your time. I found no suspense, no real fear, nothing clever, nothing new or exciting ~~ just a lousy 4th-rate attempt to ape a western movie, with disastrous results. The rating in excess of 6 which this flick currently enjoys on IMDb must be due to reviews by cast & crew members and by persons who are entranced by ANY eastern movie however atrocious....................... AVOID !


This movie is my Top J-Horror Movie. The pacing of this movie was perfect. Takashi Miike manages to create a creepy atmosphere throughout this entire film. What makes this film unique is that the ghost actually turns out to be a young girl. Some people complain about the ending, but I felt that the ending was done pretty well and unexpected. The actress that plays Yumi does her role very well. There were a lot of scary scenes in this movie. The movie starts of with slightly scary and then extremely frightening throughout the second half of the movie. There was one frightening scene in the middle of this movie that probably would be the most frightening scene in cinematographic history. There were a lot of times the scary scenes make me jump when I was watching this movie. Takashi Miike is my favourite director. I found Chakushin ari to be even more effective than ringu. The terrifying parts of Chakushin ari are shown mainly at night that builds a lot of terror and fear. Another scene I really wanted to comment in this movie is the TV scene which one of Yumi's friends just get twisted and twisted. This film is very well paced because only after a few minutes after the beginning of the film, terror starts to begin. This keeps people glued to the screen right from the beginning of the film. To me, there are pratically no flaws in this film. I thought this film is just a perfect piece of horror. Some scenes such as the horrific mirror scene where the reflection of Yumi just turns out to be mimiko is just fantastic. The ending is also very memorable, if you understand the ending. The ending is so unexpected that the ending for this movie could be the best ending any movie would have. Unlike ringu, which relies on only one scary scene, or ju-on which is a little too fast paced, Chakushin ari is just perfect and the scary scenes in the movie are just shown in so many different ways. The elevator scene, to me was probably the scariest elevator scene in any horror movie. I thought the elevator scene was also scarier than Dark Water. This movie will keep you entertained and glued to the screen right from the start to the end credits. This movie is extremely highly recommended. Score:10/10 I thought this was the best horror movie out of all the horror movies that have been made in the entire world. Storyline: 9/10 Scene: 10/10 Horror: 10/10 Overall: 10/10 I recommend all J-horror fans to watch this movie. Watch this movie if you like shows like Ringu. If you would like to know the ending, Yumi gets killed by Mimiko and Mimiko enters Yumi's body.Yumi shares the same grudge as Mimiko. Yumi's confrontation with the ghost caused her to gain her true self. Yumi stabs Yamashita san so that Yamashita San can fall into the same sky as her when she dies(with mimiko still inside her body.) Yamashita san accepts Yumi's love and allows Yumi to stab him. The ending can be viewed as a happy and sad one. The ending is a happy one because they get to fall in the same sky together. The ending, being sad because Yumi was not able to escape from her fate of being killed though she spent one whole night to stop the curse. Yumi still has to die in the end. I thought this was the best horror movie ever made in the world.


Acclaimed Japanese director Takashi Miike can't seem to get the wheels moving with this torpid thriller, an adaptation of Yasushi Akimoto's book concerning an evil old woman (and child abuser!) who is part of a new urban legend: if your cell-phone rings with a strange tone--and you see the message 'One Missed Call'--you will replay the message only to hear your own final words before your death. Most successful part of the film is the trenchant satire of Reality TV cameras intruding on the future victims, but the not-so-elaborate deaths (which include a hidden piece of red candy!) are disappointing and dispiriting. The frequent shots of ravaged dead bodies are actually displayed rather discreetly, and this overall politeness may be the reason why the film is ultimately so staid. Hollywood predictably jumped on the far-fetched plot in 2008, yet the U.S. version fared no better. NO STARS from ****


This movie made me grab some cell phones and delete my number. Although I do not believe in spirits haunting phones i do believe in spirits such as death and demons. I also believe in bad luck streaks jumping from people to people. That said lets move on to the actually movie.Plot: I never heard of a plot so twisted (literally the twist were at every other scene) I was not sure what was happening until it had happened and I paused and took a few minutes to collect my thoughts on what just transpired. My line of thought was simple at first. People get a call hearing their death they die soon after and candy pops out their mouth they make one more call to someone in their contact list that person is next. Then the questions started coming in. This is when i got confused. Why did candy pop out their mouth? Why a cell phone? Why do they have to die? So on and so forth. The answers somewhat make sense. . . and i really emphasis the somewhat. But they do make sense. Execution: I do not believe it could have been done better. That pretty much all i have to say about the execution. It was a decent length the subs were not a blinding color and a blur across the bottom of the screen. The acting was decent even if their dialogue was predictable at times although the story itself was not.Climax: A beautiful flash of humanity and our fear of death and how we overcome it to live or so i thought until the final 2 twist come in and she stabs her companion as he tries to save her. Closing: It was almost perfect but i was not sure if the male star would be finishing his piece of candy. I hate open endings that leave you wondering was it solved or is he still gonna die.
