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Sinderella Comes Again

Sinderella Comes Again (2004)

August. 11,2004
| Comedy

Sinderella Comes Again sees Buttons, Sinderella, Prince Charming and the Ugly Sisters up to all their old tricks and naughty makeovers! It's a hilarious tale for adults that should know better. It'll definitely heat up your stockings!


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This is the worst film I have ever seen. Before watching it I thought that Failure to Launch was the worst movie I had witnessed, but Sinderella Comes Again makes that look like Schindler's List in comparative depth and meaning. There aren't any jokes. There's just people saying penis, to thunderous laughter.My friends and I only watched this as part of a game, where we were buying random DVDs. Had we not committed ourselves to watching it, we would have stopped within minutes of the start. We persevered. Afterwards we gathered in the garden, and burned the disc so that it couldn't hurt anyone anymore.It's not even 'so bad it becomes ironically funny' like something from MST3K. It's just grindingly boring. It makes you question your own attachment to the rest of the human race.Only buy this for people you genuinely hate, and who you want to demonstrate your contempt towards.


The first thing you'll notice on watching this is, if you've seen Sinderella, you've pretty much seen this. Its very, very much like that first, to the point where you find yourself actually telling the punchline with them on your first viewing. The only problem is, the really funny stuff they forgot to add. However, this one does have some fabulous songs, the opening number instructing people what to do with a diet ('shove it up your a**e'... if you wanted to know) will have you singing it for days! This one is more musically based so not as much room for the laughs you'd expect from watching the first one but overall, its worth the laugh... just so long as you haven't watched the first one in a while. The language is much stronger too, so be warned!!Mia Carla once again proves a fabulous Fairy Godmother and Roger Kitter and Dave Lee totally make the show, thats clear from the reception they get!


I haven't really seen the unrated Jim Davidson before, but I think this can give you the best idea of what he's about. This "play" is Jim Davidson to a tee and has some well-known, obvious but just plain ****ing hilarious.The language may put people off but that's just part of him, just like with Billy Connolly and Peter Kay. Full of sex, c****, fan**** and sex (I know I've just said it twice but it's such a big ****ing part of it really does need mentioning twice.), it really isn't suitable viewing for the young.But that didn't put me off!


A taped stage play of the Ciderella fable, but with raunchy humor. I've never heard of Jim Davidson before, and I'm guessing "Sinderella comes again" isn't the best place to. Perhaps the first Sideraella, was more original, but the jokes in this one are for the most part pretty stale. There are a few genuinely funny parts, maybe a chuckle or two, but those are few and far between. For the most pit it's a bore. A shame really as Davidson strikes me as a bloke one could hang out at the local pub, drink, and he'd be the life of the place. The ad-libs are somewhat humorous.My Grade: C+
