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Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl

Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl (2011)

February. 25,2011
| Drama

Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a sexy call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.


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As someone studying Portuguese, when a film in that language comes to town I go see it. I had no preconceived ideas or knowledge of the actors or story.I found Bruna Surfistinha to be an interesting tale of a lost young girl who ultimately becomes a woman in control of her life. It is made clear early on she wants cash so that she will not be dependent on anyone. She chooses to work in a higher end brothel. The view of the sex industry as a regular job with hours, rules and a break room helped remove some of the voyeuristic feel. There are a lot of sex scenes, but much like Shame, the sex loses its sexiness after a while. Her job just happens to be in the sex trade with much of the film taking place in her 'office.' The sex scenes were well framed, to me reflecting Bruna's journey from girl to woman. As the film progressed, the characters began to shine through and I found myself focused on them.There are many savvy observations served up in the dialogue. The film doesn't give pat answers as to why or offer explanations, but rather is a relatively true rendition of what was a Brazilian internet phenomenon. In many ways it is a Horatio Alger success story while being a train wreck talk show scandal all at the same time. I would recommend it for a variety of reasons, but would also say it might not be for everyone. I'm glad I saw it.


The movie is based on the true history of bruna surfistinha and her best seller book, it has a good performance of Deborah Seco but no other acting that stands out, some time she carried the film.Deborah's body contributes a lot for pulling up the scenes and to catch the attention, but give to the character an innocent and naive air plus the beauty witch the original "bruna" does not possess. And it can make you believe that this is the "thing" that made bruna different from the others. A flaw in the film is that dos not give the deserved attention to blog made by her, which truly made her different from the others and induced her fame. The another flaw in my opinion was the failing to expose what made her run way from home to became a call girl. In the beginning she is trapped by a guy with she goes out, people laughed at her on school and she have problems at home but nothing that sufficiently explains the motive ,this part cold have been explored in a way to make it a deeper movie. Yet it has some good scenes and retracts the reality in a crud way, without too much emotionalism but also without been appellative or grouse. The nudity give some sparks but does not became uncomfortable or like soft porn what is common in Brazilian movies. The soundtrack fits pretty well to the moments and deserves recognition. Despite some good insides the movie is mediocre and only is worth to watch if you don't have any expectations for something deeper.

Raul Faust

If you live in Brazil, you certainly have already heard about Bruna Surfitinha (both movie and person). She gained fame making porns, and going to TV shows after some time. Whether you think she is right or wrong, this is not the point of the movie.The movie focus on her life after leaving home. Who she lived with in the prostitution life, what she had to face, among other stuff. It is good at showing that the fame messes with EVERYBODY's head and it's impossible to continue being humble as one was in the past. I believe that Raquel made her mistake once she began using cocaine; it spoiled her job, her companionship and her money. If she didn't try that drug, maybe she could have had a decent life and stopped working with that after some months.The acting in this movie is something that I have to disagree with others opinion. For me, the acting was very bad and seemed amateurish lots of times, specially in the first 30 minutes. Also, the scene with the jerk of her school was veery very lame, they could have made it thousand times better. I felt embarrassed for the filmmakers in that scene. Also, the man that plays her brother acts very bad. He spoiled the scene that was supposed to be dramatic and ended up being lame for the bad acting.Sadly, this film didn't show what were the reasons that she left home, didn't approach her relationship with her family. So it got a little hard for us to understand her reasons to do that. It felt incomplete for missing this aspect. However, this film is still average and entertaining, despite the lameness.


This is a movie about a former Brazilian prostitute, based on the book written by herself.Bruna Surfistinha (Rachel Pacheco) gained national recognition after had her book on all Brazilian best sellers list, and, prior to that, she was a well-known blogger and prostitute.One of the keys to the book's success was the simple, unskillful style, which appealed to the masses that aren't well educated and rarely read books.Deliberately or not, the movie follows the same style, full of clichés and hypocritical moralism to help depict the main character as a victim, the greedy and shallowness of a generation that lacks proper education and goals were left aside.Deborah Secco bears no resemblance to the original Bruna which gives the wrong impression of a fragile beauty.Other than that, the acting is good, especially Drica Moraes which is impressive in her natural performance as a madam. The sex scenes aren't gross or out of place.In short, it's a movie for those that doesn't need anything more than to pass the time gazing at a screen, just for fun.
