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Atlas Shrugged: Part III

Atlas Shrugged: Part III (2014)

September. 12,2014
| Drama Science Fiction Mystery

Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.


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A car company changes its pay structure to one based on the workers' needs. John Galt (Kristoffer Polaha) refuses to go along and vows to stop the motor of the world. He convinces other industry leaders to go on strike and disappear to his hideaway. He has also invented a revolutionary engine to power the world. Dagny Taggart (Laura Regan) goes in search for the mysterious John Galt. Her plane is brought down by an electrical shield and Galt carries her out of the wreckage. She decides to return to the world to fight for her railroad business against the dictatorial Head of State Thompson and her incompetent brother James Taggart (Greg Germann). Meanwhile the world is collapsing without the captains of industrial and under attack from the pirate Ragnar Danneskjöld.The story and dialog are clunky. This is basically a ninety minute sermon. Nobody in real life speaks like this. It makes the story very unwieldy. The Galt hideaway is a huge disappointment. It's a bunch of ski lodges and cabins with a farmer's market. With all the greatest minds in the world, it needs to be a magical Tomorrowland. I was glad when Dr. Floyd Ferris brings out a Star Trek scanner but that's the only thing. Sure Galt has his motor but they don't let it be amazing. It's a horribly flat and boring first half hour. There is an interesting section where Dagny returns home to battle his idiot brother. However, even that section is messed up by simplistic ideas like Minnesota. Apparently Minnesota is the only wheat growing state. It only adds to the ridiculousness. It makes any theory advanced by this movie sound stupid. Then there is the final battle. I didn't know torture requires a complicated machine. It seems like a car battery and a jumper cable would have done the same job. It's also one of the worst guarded torture site ever imagined. It's an ignominious end to a poorly executed story.


I can kind of see where people critical of the movie are coming from but their complaints are very exaggerated. This is a philosophy movie, not a thriller. And its philosophy indicts so many people in one of two classes: Those that have been directed into a dependent state by society, and those that exploit those that have been directed there.The message is what is important and the vehicle that carries it is good enough in Atlas Shrugged 3. I've seen the critics forgive far worse-time and time again. I've all but given up watching movies they say are "good" only to be disgusted yet again by two certified morons in yet another unneeded sex scene to take them seriously. And even Gone with the Wind was the nemesis of the critics when it came out. Fact.People need to learn that the water of capitalism merely carries the addictive poison of statism, and that the cure is not to add more poison and then continue blame drinking water for making them sick. I'd be happy to see it done better but for some reason I don't anticipate many critics with government funded liberal arts educations would feel good about such a message.


The worst of the three in the series. No flow to the story, weak script, uninspired direction. Listen to the audio book, and use your imagination to create what should be a spectacular epic, but watch some John Ford movies first.I can't make enough lines in this review so I am going to quote Pete Townshend, OK?I woke up in a Soho doorway, a policeman knew my name. He said you can go home and sleep tonight if you can get up and walk away. I stumbled back from the Underground and the breeze blew back my hair. I remember throwing punches around, and preaching from my chair. Who are you?


Lets see, we a have a "motor" that takes electricity from the air and produces enough electricity to run the west coast. All from a metal box the size of a farmers outhouse. With no less than a secret saying boldly lettered above the door to open the door. Next, we have the secretive, and highly prized Project F. This little gem of an interlude is a smaller metal box with lots of pretty blue, green and red LED's plastered all over it. This Project F will extract information from any poor SOB connected to it via cheap looking jumper cables. Poor hero John Galt is hooked up to this thing to get him to change his mind about being a true blue Capitalists and spill the beans on the whereabouts of the other true blues. So, no doubt, using Galts own "motor" electricity he is switched on and starts to hum and smoke. Wow! Project F turns out to be nothing more than an extension cord plugged into a 110 AC electrical outlet. Anyway, Project F is a government job and no doubt headed up by the Pentagon. This movie would have been perfect as another Austin Powers comedy.
