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Population 436

Population 436 (2006)

July. 04,2006
| Horror Thriller

A census-taker is sent to investigate why a certain small town has had the same population -- 436 residents -- for the last 100 years.


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I guess it's somewhere in the Constitution, but apparently there is a checklist of about a dozen overdone "thriller" clichés that EVERY "scary" film must include: tinkling dissonant music with scraping violins; a Hand grabbing the protagonist's shoulder from behind his back, which -- oh! it's just a friendly neighbour; silhouettes peering from within dark woods; the camera that seems like it's peering from within dark woods; you can fill in the rest. And of course, those clichés are all thrown in at inappropriate times, just to remind you that -- yes! you ARE watching a scary movie, and something BAD is about to happen. Just wait a few more minutes, okay? Stay with me. You won't be disappointed.As for the rest, what can be said? There is no reason whatsoever why you should watch this movie, or why this movie should have been made in the first place. "Run of the mill" doesn't even begin to describe it. It plays along exactly like every other scary movie you've ever seen -- except for the good ones, that is. You may be intrigued by the main premise of the film: a town that has had the exact same population size for over a century. I, too, was interested on that plot line. But the blunt, plain truth is that the premise is the only good thing here. The actual execution of the premise is pitifully bad. In fact, it's so pitiful and lame that even calling it "bad" is giving it too much credit. Yes, it is that kind of film.Oh, so it is a very low budget film. Oh, so it doesn't have any super celebrities (no, you don't need to remind me that Fred Durst is in it). Oh, so it doesn't have any great special effects. So what? If you're looking for the shoestring budget classics, go watch Romero's Dawn of the Dead. And if you've already seen it, go watch it again. If you've already seen it hundreds of times and are sick of it, go watch it again anyway: it will be better than watching Population 436. But if you're just really, really interested in the "peaceful little town with a dark secret" premise, well, try Hot Fuzz instead. Only watch this if you're interested in the boring, dull padding-out scenes which try too hard to convince you that there is Evil about to ensue and forget to try to make you care, or the cardboard-cutout supporting characters, or the "protagonist with a tragic backstory". The plot twists? You'll guess more than half of them just by watching the few opening scenes of the film, and the rest will make you pretty confused about just what the film is trying to achieve; at times it goes for a "psychological thriller" thing with a very menacing motivation, other times it switches straight into supernatural land, and then suddenly it goes all religious (or anti-religious, in the pettiest and most shallow way possible). If the intention was to combine all aspects into a single thing, the result is pretty ridiculous. It seems like the film is trying to please everyone at the same time: if you're into the supernatural, you'll find out something to like; if you hate it, though, hey! you'll ALSO find something to like! And so on.As unassuming and low profile as it is, it's just painful to watch a film completely devoid of identity or skill. Watching it I almost wished it would have a few "scare your face off" scenes for diversity; not that I think films should actually try to scare (really, people get scared by movies? That's pretty much like falling in love with an inflatable doll), but, heck, it would just be good to see the film try SOMETHING for a change. In the entire movie, I can only recall ONE moment in which it did try something, which is the festival scene; but a scene like that should come as a thrill, not as a relief! And worse: if it did generate any thrill, they dissipated it very, very quickly.I swear I wouldn't be so cynical if there was any actual effort in this film. I appreciate filmmakers who actually do try hard to create something interested. It doesn't even need to be NEW, but just worth watching. This film goes to show that, even when you have a pretty good idea, you still have to put effort in executing it, and stacking cliché on top of cliché sure doesn't qualify as "execution". Just skip this one.Oh, and if you still really, REALLY want something scary to watch, go and watch some random half-assed Asian horror film with a long black haired female protagonist who looks like she weeps constantly. You'll at least get a few laughs out of it.

Rohit Cam B

I watched this movie because I am a little interested in numerology and adding the numbers 4,3 and 6 equals to 13 which created a interest in me to watch this movie. But I have to say I wasn't disappointed. This was a movie which kept me occupied fully the entire time I was watching it. I didn't much like the ending but I guess it goes well with the plot. There were of course a few loopholes in the plot but which can be happily ignored. There wasn't any bloodshed or horrifying scenes in this movie but the entire movie had the tension and eree feeling in it which kept me interested the entire time I was watching this movie. I'd say don't watch this movie with a lot of expectations but once you start watching it I can guarantee you that you will watch it till the end unless you are totally not into this genre of movie. Good movie, worth watching. \m/ Enjoy!


I'm almost 70 and a bit old for this type of film, but I'm actually a fan of suspense-mystery-thrillers, and while this one was not completely original, it didn't disappoint. First of all, I liked the lack of special effects. The cinematography was beautiful, and while some felt the movie was slow, I appreciated the leisurely pacing. The reviewers keep mentioning similarities to "The Twilight Zone", and "The Wicker Man" (1974 version I hope), and they are right. But it also resembles some aspects of "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers", and the ending was a little like the old EC horror comics of the 50's. They often would lead you in a certain direction, then surprise you at the end with an ironic climax which played against expectation. In this film, the evil doings and religious ignorance the townsfolk display leads the viewer to expect the perpetrators to be exposed and the hero victorious, only to instead find that the townsfolk are pleasing God after all. Tragically amusing! Jeremy Sisto did a fine job as the Census Taker. I haven't seen him since "Grand Canyon" from 1991, where he played a 15 year old. The rest of the cast was satisfactory. I found the script to be intriguing, and while some reviewers found it predictable, I liked how the ending tied all the loose ends together cleverly. Unlike most of the "in your face" sadistic graphic trash that passes for horror films today, this atmospheric suspense film is a very pleasant and entertaining surprise. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and believe it is quite an original story, considering how many movies have been totally derivative in this genre.


Population 436 shines most of the times. Jeremy Sisto delivers again. His performance is very convincing, (I also loved him in One Point O). He is a very likable guy, quite subtle in his reactions but certainly respectable. Also, the rest of the cast gets the job done.Plotwise, its a very though-provoking film, integrated with a not-so-casual ending. I wouldn't call it a twist but surely it canceled my low expectations and made my exhilaration about the movie greater. Not much in the thrilling aspect there. It offers a couple of moments where you may be scared or feel uncomfortable, but only if you are really sensitive :) Also, I wouldn't call it exactly a problem but the pacing sometimes goes slower that you'd expect. Most of it though it's entertaining and keeps you guessing for clues and twists.A strangely entertaining movie with an otherworldly passing wind.It will satisfy your lust to think, doubt and sympathize with the characters.Pop/436 certainly falls in the Drama/Mystery/Thriller genre. The only horror aspect this film could touch is, the fear someone might have for the unknown.If you liked Twin Peaks and/or the Twilight Zone then, this is no exception.Don't forget to keep an open mind for this one and you will be greatly rewarded. :-D
