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Tape 407

Tape 407 (2012)

April. 27,2012
| Horror Science Fiction

Survivors of an airplane crash find themselves within the borders of a government testing area and pursued by predators.


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Trish and Jessie travel by jet from New York to Los Angeles for New Year's Eve. Trish is video recording. Trish's high-pitched elf voice is incredibly irritating. The new year arrives during the flight; this was quite the anticlimax until the heavy weather hits.The plane crashes in a desert area. Trish and Jessie survive. Jessie takes over filming after Trish is incapacitated.After seeing this film, not hearing the word 'okay' for about 8 years would be fine. The characters kept repeating 'okay' while examining bleeding, broken limbs, no food, no shelter, missing people, and so on. The anger at the intrusive camera seemed quite understandable. The only use I could see for the camera was as a torch (flashlight). Jessie is even less skilled at operating it took over. Jessie zooms almost continuously, concentrates on bloodied faces, and almost never focuses well.Something goes bump in the night, kills several survivors, and routs them from the leftover fuselage. Six survivors find a nearby cabin. Eventually a car comes by. The surviving air marshal has a conversation with the driver, who proceeds to drive away. The bump in the night returns and scares them out of the cabin. The ever-useless, petulant Trish holds half of them back.They find a working two-way radio in the second cabin. The initial 'replies' are indecipherable. They keep trying and eventually contact someone who will try to triangulate their position. The voice tells them to go back to the plane where the bump in the night killed people.They obey this direction. Will anyone survive?-----Scores-------Cinematography: 0/10 Hand-held nonsense. All the usual failures are there: continuous and unnecessary zooming, bad focus, bad framing, settling on a subject who is doing nothing other than zoning out.Sound: 5/10 Varies wildly. Trish's high pitched voice rates a good minus four.Acting: 0/10 The hand-held camera trumps acting.Screenplay: 2/10 Is there a story here? Way too much time is spent on the camera zooming and re-zooming and focusing on characters who are basically not moving, not talking. So far it is: plane crash, deaths, scramble, hope for rescue, then hopes dashed. Looks like a nice ten minute short.

Michael O'Keefe

Also known as FILM 407; either title doesn't change any opinion of this movie. The sub-genre of found footage has hardly died. Be ready for obnoxious characters and endless chances of motion sickness. Not exactly THE BLAIR WITCH; this film is about survivors of a plane crash between NYC and Los Angeles on New Years Eve. Two teen sisters capture that horrifying flight and night on video. Of course crash survivors suffer shock, but there is always some level heads among them. A devoted stewardess and a female Air Marshall manage to keep a strange mix of personalities together before being killed one by one by an unrecognizable monster in the darkness. The shakiness of the camera matches the storyline of being filmed by an amateur and along with the horrible dialogue and almost endless bitchin' and moanin' among survivors makes the viewer prone to a buzzing headache. But then on the other hand, this type of tension may be the right setting the director was looking for. You may find the flick more irritating than just plan bad. No doubt about it, the climax grabs you. Players include: Abigail Schrader, Melanie Lyons, Samantha Lester, Brendan Patrick Connor and Jimmy Lyons.


Don't want to spoil a movie for anyone! The actors and actresses played great roles. There's complete closure at the end. Shot in first person video in present day. If you direct a movie that is supposed to be in present day, how about make the events believable and not silly. I didn't mind knowing what was after the people, but most of the events that unfold are outlandish. It's like a 10 year old directed the movie with the help of his dad! The first part of the movie takes FOREVER to unfold and once you're into the thick of things it is just plain disappointing. I usually stick with a movie no matter how bad it is to give it a fair shake. I did that with this one, but I came closer than ever to turning it off. You can watch it if you want, but just be prepared to lose interest, and be disappointed.


After surviving a plane crash and landing in a strange facility, a group of people find themselves stalked throughout the area by a ravenous creature that's part of a government testing operation and must find a way to get out alive.An utterly annoying and aggravating found-footage film which really goes to show that this is a genre which really needs to go away and quickly with an endless series of useless and quite terrible ideas on display that are only possible in such a film. As with the majority of these films, the fact that there's very few times where, realistically, a person would be filming in such a situation really destroys the credibility of the film as who would be concerned about filming when a monster's attacking members of their group or making sure that the person who stumbled and fell gets back to their feet, and at one point even doubling back to grab it after being left behind are just some of the pointless scenes on display here, and then it contains all the usual trappings of the genre with an inability to focus on anything resulting in tons of blurriness throughout and shaking camera scenes that are really annoying. The lack of explanations don't help, and it's not until the end that anything gets resolved at all, and with only a few genuinely creepy and suspenseful moments brought on by it's action-packed second-half, there's not a lot to like here.Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
