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Ninja In The Dragon's Den

Ninja In The Dragon's Den (1982)

April. 27,1984
| Action Comedy

A Japanese master of ninjutsu and a Chinese expert in kung fu, put their differences aside after their master is killed by a mortal enemy.


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Director Corey Yuen is the sure and steady hand behind this ninja lark which offers plenty of action throughout. It's an odd film, a mixture of typical Jackie Chan-style comedy and hard-hitting ninja action, but unusually the two styles mix together very well and the film as a result is great fun. Conan Lee – who incredibly had no martial arts training before production – is good value as the Chan lookalike who gets into various scrapes with his master, and he's ably supported by Tai Bo in a comic supporting role as a sex-obsessed servant who inadvertently ends up saving the day. However, the real star of the show is Hiroyuki Sanada as the ninja hero; Sanada is particularly graceful in his fight scenes and the eventual extended battle between himself and Lee is a tremendous ruckus that stands out as one of the best in the film.The plot is a simple one and packed with twists as the story gradually unfolds. There's plenty of humour – a little of the China-meets-Japan style – and, of course, numerous fight scenes unfold along the way. The best of these are the battles between Lee and Sanada, including an early showdown in a room full of traps that has to be seen to be believed! Ninjas play a strong presence in the film and there are some great showdowns with the black-garbed villains. However, the best fight scene of all is the last one, in which Lee and Sanada team up to fight a black magician, played by high-kicker Hwang Jang Lee. Anyone who's watched Sammo Hung in ENCOUNTERS OF THE SPOOKY KIND will recognise the inspiration for the finale, as the magician builds up his altar and sends various demon-possessed foes to battle our heroes. Yet it's just as entertaining, because it's so over the top and complete with magic swords, severed ears and legs, and a final showdown with Lee that incorporates cheesy early computer graphics! Hugely entertaining, the climax makes a fitting ending for an above average, always watchable Hong Kong masterpiece.


This is one of the funniest and well choreographed films I have seen in the genre. The movie evolves around a Kungfu fighter and a Ninja that become rivals. However they have the same master! How could this be you say, well you'll have to watch it to find out. Eventually they have to decide if they are to team up to fight an enemy that is a threat to their master. Personally I like when they mix Kungfu characters with Ninja characters. It provides action from both sides so to speak. I totally disagree with Alangir Miah who gave this film a low score. I watched this with my friends and not only did we laugh at the funny lines. We really enjoyed the excellent fighting scenes. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes great fighting movies.


This is a great retread of the old and use Chinese vs Japanese story lines with incredible Action choerography and skill from the leads. I had never seen Hiroyuki Sanada in a film except The last samurai (he was the one who kept beating up tom cruise), and was very very impressed with his flexibility and grace, he was genuinely believable as a ninja. Conan lee did fine but the real star is Corey Yuen or Yuen Kwai, his masterful direction especially in the action was incredible and was definitely a showcase for his talent. Overall a great film and incredible action featuring a great supporting role from Hwang Jang lee.


This is a martial arts classic anyway you put it. I really liked the movie. The action was fast paced, and you can tell the hong kong style was in effect. Hollywood will never be able to create (or recreate) hong kong action EVER EVER EVER (Especially with all this Matrix crap going around)!!! Corey Yuen did a very good job of choreographing and directing of this movie. I knew that Hiroyuki Sanada (Henry Sanada) was a talented martial artist, but man he really is impressive in this. After watching Royal Warriors with Michelle Yeoh, this guy is very good, damn good!!! I'm glad he broke through with "Twlight Samurai" and "The Last Samurai" (Not saying that he always was doing good). Hollywood needs to recognize him. But, back to the movie at hand. The chemistry between Conan Lee and Henry was amazing. Henry used he training to his best ability and was flipping all over the place. Conan did a highly impressive job too. I definitely liked the way Hwang Jang Lee was brought in the movie as the villain. He is also a very talented martial artist. In my opinion, he is the king of the leg fighters. HYPHY!!! The movie was kind of slow in the beginning, but redeemed itself towards the middle and end.My Overall Judgement: 2.5/4 stars
