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Howling III: The Marsupials

Howling III: The Marsupials (1987)

November. 13,1987
| Horror

A strange race of human-like marsupials appear suddenly in Australia, and a sociologist who studies these creatures falls in love with a female one. Is this a dangerous combination?


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I'm only here to make a comment on the greatest movie ever made. There's a scene in this flick were a werewolf/kangaroo hybrid gives birth to a little joey werewolf kangaroo hybrid, which promptly proceeds to crawl to his mother's pouch and attach to the teat. Great stuff.


Australia in the 80s. Donny falls in love with the beautiful Jerboa. Unfortunately, Jerboa turns out to be a werewolf. But Donny doesn't seem to care and they both flee into the wild. Meanwhile, werewolf expert professor Beckmeyer is assigned to exterminate all the werewolfs. The scientist grows to like the misunderstood creatures and tries to hide them from the military. Will that work?"Howling III" is the third part of the Howling series. It was directed by Philippe Mora who was responsible for the sleazy second part as well. At this point I am inclined to call Philippe the Ed Wood of werewolf flicks, because "Howling III" is a glorious trash gem. It is a wild mixture of different genres: It begins as a romance, mutates into a horror comedy and ends as a sentimental condemnation of racism. Sounds great? Guess what: It is.The humorous parts are surprisingly self-reflective. There's a pretentious director talking about Andy Warhol making a really demented movie. There's a scene where Jerboa and Donny watch a terrible horror flick. A B-movie in a B-movie! That's genuinely hilarious. Mora cites many other movies, such as "Psycho", "Alien" and even "An American Werewolf in London". (Oh, the irony.) The ending is a nod to "The Howling" from 1981. Pretty cool. The horror scenes in "Howling III" are gross, especially the infamous birthing scene which is just … yuck. But there's some decidedly awesome stuff, too. There's a werewolf zombie, guys! And a guy blowing himself up with a freaking rocket launcher.If you haven't already guessed, this movie is all over the place. At the end it becomes a cutesy romance, which makes you wonder if you're watching a perverted prototype of the "Twilight" series. You've got to give Philippe Mora some credit. This movie is quite original. It certainly is one of the most unusual werewolf flicks ever. The script treats them as an endangered species, not as bloodthirsty monstrosities. That's a nice touch. Still, many things are downright bad: The acting is abysmal at times, the special effects are sloppy and the story is full of plot holes.Philippe Mora's "Howling III" is a spectacular mess. It's the fabric cult classics are made of. If you're a trash fan, this one is a must-see. But be warned: It might fry your brain.


From the bleak waters of Siberia to the searing heat of the Outback, the menace is spreading and breeding fast. Only maverick scientist Professor Beckmyer can understand the torment of a freak species when he experiments on a captured werewolf in his lab. But to the government and the military, it's an experiment way out of control. For them, an agent of Satan is at large - a dreadful threat to mankind. It must be hunted down and eliminated.This film starred: Barry Otto, Imogen Annesley & Max Fairchild.Howling 3 is not is good as the first but better than the second, however when I say that they are all bad films. Not recommended like it's two predecessors. */***** Very poor.

Sean H-. (cornflakeboy20)

I am shocked this movie is not a stoner/camp classic. It is at times meta and knowingly funny, and at times painfully earnest. The effects are laughable, the horror minimal. I don't know quite what this movie was trying to be. Take the title: "The Marsupials." That term does not invoke any sort of horror; it invokes cuteness. And indeed the lead female werewolf/marsupial gives birth to a Gizmo looking thing who grows into a tow headed child actor then a slightly studly monosyllabic brunet. Plot-wise, at first you think you're watching an origin story, with evidence of werewolves in early 20th century Australia. Then you get a comedic "modern" story where one werewolf woman escapes a Deliverance like town and is cast in a movie with a pervy director, and another werewolf woman tries to join a ballet co. but is thwarted when she accidentally turns during a performance. Then a horror action plot where some soldiers and medical types attempt to ID, study and eliminate the were-whatevers, and then the plot comes to a halt with both werewomen giving birth and a 20 minute, filmed like a dryer sheet commercial, montage in favor of bestiality, otherkin/human relations, furry-ism, nudism or some thing or another. I think if these filmmakers had had Tumblr, this movie would never have been necessary. The movie ends on a laugh line and a Dame Edna cameo. Had it been 20 minutes shorter, I might have totally recommended it.
