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A Fool and His Money

A Fool and His Money (1989)

November. 18,1989
| Comedy Romance

New York advertising executive Morris Codman seems to have it all - lots of talent and a beautiful girlfriend, Debbie. When he loses his job he decides to use his advertising expertise to create, package and market a shady product that will make him millions. Debbie tries to convince him that money isn't everything and she loves him just the way he is. Morris' bizarre antics in promoting his product surprisingly lead to a fortune, but can love survive his quest for the almighty dollar?


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Well, sort of. Actually, the actors (Penner for Cruise and Orange for POTUS) look very much alike and it was my best idea to get your attention. In all cases, it stars the real Sandra Bullock even if her part is a bit small. Thus, she doesn't worth to be at full on the cover! it's a con for idiots (like me!).It's a very strange flick than this one. It's original because it tackles the two great driving forces of the third millennium (Capitalism and Religion) but the outcomes is rather unusual: a comedy sure but also a criticism of sharks and bigots with a touch of fantastic (God talking in TV while playing tennis). Unfortunately, except the 80s-90s feel, the script fails to grasp such big and explosive thematic.As ever, we are in need of those movies about faith, wild globalization but a better cast and story would be welcomed. With this movie, it's a golden opportunity missed so everything is still to tell.


Some people just don't get satire, I think... or maybe it hits them a bit too close to home.This movie rocks. It takes on Big Religion in a way that no other flick has ever had the cajones to do.If you're not a rigidified True Believer living below the belt, as it were, you'll love this. George Plimpton as god with a tennis racket, dispensing tax advice... totally inspired.Whatever happened to Jonathan Penner anyway? The only other movie I can think that he was in was Anarchy TV which was similar offbeat, independently-produced satire aimed at religion. I originally found this movie in a clearance bin under the title "A Fool and His Money." "Religion, Inc." is a better, more descriptive title.Sandra Bullock makes an early appearance... did she get a nosejob after this role? Anyway... she's okay, but not a key player and not in the flick all that much anyway.So... If you can find this flick and you have sense of humor that might actually involve thought - pick this baby up.


This movie is recommended for those who have insomnia's - otherwise don't waste your time. The plot outline on the cover is much better than the actual movie which is terrible. Listening to an oratory by a parakeet would be more exciting than this terrible movie!The transfer quality of the DVD is also bad. There is a lot of distortion on the sound which makes it hard to understand what is being said. The color timing shifts with the advancing frames. Together with a poor plot, the acting is bad, which is surprising considering some of the actors used in the movie. Although it is sold as a "budget movie," even the low price to pay is not worth buying this movie...if some of you insist on seeing "A Fool and His Money," look for it in the television listings. And, have a "pocket" video game or something to help with the boredom!


I've seen this movie many times and it's very funny from start to finish.Who would have thought that forming your own religion that promotes greed and selfishness would be so funny. It really gets rolling when the cast of leaders is chosen, especially the custodian. And it just snowballs from there. George Plimpton puts on a spectacular performance. The scary thing is that the plot could work in real life.Religion, Inc, is to religion what Spinal Tap is to musicians.Definitely not to be missed.Highly recommended.
