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Late Night Trains

Late Night Trains (1975)

April. 09,1975
| Horror Thriller

A pair of psychotic hoodlums and an equally demented nymphomaniac woman terrorize two young girls on a train trip from Germany to Italy.


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kshitij (axile007)

Night train murders registers itself in the category of most disturbing movies of all times. It is inspired by Wes Craven's Last house on left,which was released couple of years earlier but it appears more brutal because the story looks more realistic and believable. Two girls travelling by train on Christmas Eve are humiliated and tortured sadistically by two men and a woman. Its amazing what wonder, a good direction does to a pretty tame storyline. Firstly we are introduced to two super pretty and innocent characters and when we start liking them, the movie get switched to its darker phase showing ruthless violence & extreme brutality towards the most affectionate characters in the movie. Some may categorize it as 'torture porn'though I have seen hell lot of gore movies which are meant to affect you visually, but this one is supposed to hunt your mind, it tracks you mentally and makes you feel sick and disturbed


I thought that Night Train Murders was a very good but disturbing film It was rejected for release in 1976, And banned until 2008 in Britain. Because of its strong sexual violence. It is about two street punks and a sex craved woman that manage to sexually assault two young girls on wile they are on board a late night train. They are trapped on the train by these people they make the two men sexually abuse the two girls. This was was once a video nasty in Britain. I found the film quite hard to watch at times because of the strong sexual violence in it. I feel that it might be a bit to hard for other viewers to watch it as well because of the content in the film.


Oh yeah baby, another terrible and overrated Italian exploitation film that deserves cult status about as much as "Elmo: The Movie." This one is an almost exact clone of Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left," which itself copied Ingmar Bergman's "The Virgin Spring." So what's to say about a copy of a copy? It turns out, not much. Two young women (one played by Irene Miracle from Argento's "Infero") are heading home for the holidays on a late night train. Two obnoxious punks (one played by Flavio Bucci from Argento's "Suspiria") and an equally sick upper class female (played by Macha Meril of Argento's "Deep Red") harass, humiliate, rape and ultimately murder both. The female goes back to her normal everyday life, while the punks end up at the home of one of the murdered girls. The parents find out what happened and get their revenge. After a painfully boring, terribly written first third, this has a brutal and tasteless middle, and caps it all off with an ineffective "revenge" finale that has absolutely no impact whatever and only succeed at being boring and insignificant. This film completely lacks suspense and really is just a third-rate knock-off of material done far better elsewhere. And what strikes me as funny is the number of people claiming this movie is "subtle." If you consider a girl being stabbed in the vagina and then a camera shot of the knife sticking out of her crotch to be "subtle," then you need to pick up a dictionary and look up what "subtle" means.There are a ton of Dario Argento movie vets are the cast. Other then the three I already mentioned, there's also Gianfranco De Grassi (who appeared in the Argento-produced "The Church"), Enrico Maria Salerno ("Bird With the Crystal Plumage"), Giovanni Di Benedetto ("Four Flies on Grey Velvet" and others) and Dalila Di Lazzaro ("Phenomena").My advice: Skip this trash!


NIGHT TRAIN MURDERS, like many have already noted is a very thinly veiled homage (or a straight-up ripoff, depending on how you look at it...)of LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT - only this this one is set on a train.Two girls are heading home for the holidays on a train in Europe when they are accosted by two creepy guys and an equally creepy woman who begin tormenting the two young travelers. The taunting starts off pretty tame but quickly escalates. Without spoiling too much of the "fun stuff"...one of the girls is killed "accidentally" and the other jumps out of the moving train in terror and dies. Through an unlikely chance meeting, the girls parents unsuspectingly meet up with the killers and invite them to their house (a la LAST HOUSE...). When a newscast tips off the mother and father as to the fate of the girls, the father decides to take revenge in typical 70's exploitation fashion...Overall NIGHT TRAIN MURDERS is a decent film. A little slow going especially in the beginning, but the story is relatively tight - if also very derivative. The rape and revenge scenes are relatively tame by today's standards - I was hoping for something a little rougher, but - I have a soft spot for these 70's exploit "classics", so my rating may be a little higher than some. Not a masterpiece by any means, but worth a look for the genre enthusiast. Stick with LAST HOUSE, THRILLER: A CRUEL PICTURE or I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE for stronger, more original takes on this genre of film. 6/10
