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The Dead Room

The Dead Room (2015)

October. 01,2015
| Horror Thriller

When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their claims of a haunting. There they encounter a powerful spirit that will protect the house's secrets at all costs.


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Enjoyed the movie very much, a little slow to start but a good build up. The acting was sometimes stiff, but the effects were good. I was disappointed how quickly it ended though, far too abrupt. I felt more time should have been spent on the finale. Also couldn't help but wonder how the parakeets could possibly be alive after all that time?!! Something i feel the producers, director or cast should have questioned. All in all, a pretty decent little movie.


Started out great but 1/2 hour in I got quickly bored. A few scary scenes. That ghost hunter girl looked like she was reading off cue cards. The rest of the cast were good though, especially the older ghost hunter. This is just another ghost/paranormal activity theme, been done to death. Clichéd ending.


The entire movie takes place in a painfully small set that is woefully bare and not scary in the least. Part of the "horror" is supposed to be how run-down this 5 room plus bath "farmhouse" that seems more like a large studio apartment actually is. More than anything this just annoys me. They leave the floors absolutely filthy so you can see the gusts of wind better, but all the characters go in and out of the house barefoot. There aren't any scary trinkets or macabre warnings to be seen either, just spoiled food, dirt, and leaves. None of the actors mesh well together. Laura Petersen is hot sure, but her acting is positively dreadful and her anti-science responses aren't exactly enlightened rebuttals. There's no spirited debate between her and the scientists. The younger scientist tries and fails, and while the older does well, he can't carry the whole movie himself.Past this horrible setup you are given next to no information about anything. Not the characters themselves, not the house, not the former tenants, not the science... You get some insight into the ghost at the very end, but not nearly enough.This movie is great for abnegation because it's​ nothing but long boring stretches of time. You will question every choice they make, and be left wondering about all the details.


The Dead Room is a film which proves how old stuff can become new for the simple fact of developing its premise in a logical and rational way which ignores the clichés of modern horror in order to find its own vision. In other words, The Dead Room is a hidden gem which deserves an enthusiastic recommendation, specially to the fans of fantastic cinema looking for a well raised and expertly executed tale. Having said that, The Dead Room might disappoint the ones who are expecting a frantic horror film full of edition tricks. To start with, its first half is quite slow (but never boring), with the characters having arguments about the "science versus superstition" subject (one of my favorite themes, by the way); and even when the supernatural manifestations begin, they keep a sober tone. There are almost no special effects in The Dead Room, and there isn't any blood at all, because its intention is exploring psychological horror, either based on scientific facts or spiritual dogma. And besides, we have the solid performances from Jeffrey Thomas, Laura Petersen and Jed Brophy. In conclusion, I found The Dead Room an excellent film. Its New Zealander manufacture reflects the austerity and ingenuity of an industry which still dares to take the least safe way, without much fear for economic failure. What takes to the almost universally negative reviews The Dead Room received over the Internet... so, please, take my compliments with more caution than usual. But personally, I liked The Dead Room very much, both because of what it did and what it refrained from doing. Warning: individual opinions might vary.
