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Coffin Rock

Coffin Rock (2009)

September. 04,2009
| Thriller

A woman unable to conceive a child with her husband, despite years of trying, makes the drunken mistake of sleeping with a young stranger. The stranger then goes to terrifying lengths to prove his paternity.


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Michael Ledo

Jessica Willis (Lisa Chappell) is crazy about having a baby. Having not yet conceived, her husband Robert (Robert Taylor) gets a sample of would be swimmers for testing. Evan (Sam Parsonson) is the receptionist at the clinic, the only person in town crazier than Jessica. Robert gets his results back, but never opens the letter. Neither he nor Jess know the results.After a fight, Jessica gets drunk and has an indiscretion with Evan, one she tries to stop after he was at the point of no return. Of course now Jessica is with child...one she doesn't want to keep. Evan really really wants to be a dad.Things become tense and crazy. The acting was decent for what it was. None of the characters were likable.Guide: F-word. Sex. No nudity.


1st watched 11/27/2001 – 8 out of 10(Dir-Rupert Glasson): Well manufactured and written thriller from Australia that does a lot of things very well and does very little wrong as far as this type of movie. The story is about a couple(played by Robert Taylor and Lisa Chappell) who are having a hard time conceiving a child – so they visit a specialist to see if the husband's sperm has some issues. There, a male secretary at the clinic, apparently becomes quickly attracted to the wife or sees some potential with her or the couple -- quits his job – moves close to them and tries to establish something with the wife. Kind of by accident -- after they develop a friendship, the women gets drunk and has sex with the former secretary. She then becomes pregnant before the couple knows the results of the tests at the hospital. The husband assumes he's able to reproduce and his test was normal – so doesn't even attempt to find out the results. The wife, at this point, isn't sure who's child she's carrying but the other man then starts stalking her and turns out to be pretty much a crazy person. These type of crazy person-stalking movies have been done before, but this movie sets up the story and characters so well that by the time the scary parts begin you care about the individuals, and it makes the movie scarier. The acting is very good and the only real down point of the movie is the premise, as far as why the male secretary chooses this couple for his torment. Overall, this is one of the better movies in this genre(if you can call it a genre) and shouldn't be missed.

Paul Andrews

Coffin Rock is set in a small coastal fishing town in Australia where Rob (Robert Taylor) & Jessie Willis (Lisa Chappell) live together, their lives would be perfect except that after two years of trying Jessie has failed to become pregnant. Rob & Jessie decide to seek medical help & the first thing to do is check that Rob's spunk is up to scratch, he whacks one out at the clinic & leaves the sample behind to wait for the results. When the letter arrives Rob is too scared to open it & a big fight with Jessie ensues, upset & frustrated Jessie goes out drinking & ends up having sex with the younger Evan (Sam Parsonson) who has an obsession with Jessie & uses the tension between herself & Rob to get inside her knickers. Although Jessie regrets cheating on Ron life goes on, soon after Jessie discovers that she is pregnant but she is unsure if Rob or Evan is the father. Evan's already unbalanced mental state goes downhill fast & in a rage of violence kidnaps Jessie...This Australian & British co-production was written & directed by Rupert Glasson & is as dull a psycho sexual thriller that I have watched in a while, Coffin Rock just takes ages to do next to nothing. Although the posters & video artwork proudly proclaim that Coffin Rock comes from the 'producers of Wolf Creek' this is more of a slow burning drama that only really comes to life for the final twenty minutes & even then it's still pretty dull going. The best way to describe Coffin Rock would be a really bad Fatal Attraction (1989) rip-off with the main roles reversed, instead of the man having an affair & endangering his family life it's the female who has the affair & the main plot revolves around whether the baby is her husband's or one night stand's. I can't say I liked Coffin Rock at all, I thought the script was poor with a really plodding pace that kills any tension because it's just so slow & I thought the story was underdeveloped. There's never any reason given as to why Evan falls for Jessie, I mean he only sees her across a waiting room once & then suddenly falls in love with her, leaves his job, his home & moves near her to try & be with her which seems excessive for someone you have never even spoken to before. None of the character's are likable, from the rather possessive husband Rob to the nut-job Evan to stuck up friends & annoyingly grizzled locals who have never heard of razors before to the rather weak Jessie herself. The dialogue is sparse, the story never gripped or drew me in to it's world & just why the hell is it called Coffin Rock? While Evan's motives are baffling the film doesn't do a particularly good job of defining his character or making him menacing or scary or sympathetic, I mean most of the time he just talks to himself & in one bizarre scene starts sucking on a fish & bites it in half after someone calls him gay. As you would. Then if you manage to stay awake during this thing there is one final kick in the nuts as there is virtually no resolution to anything that happens, Rob & Jessie's relationship is left hanging in the air as the film just sort of stops.There is one moment that I found very silly in a film that takes itself so seriously, after Rob shoots his load into a bottle at the clinic he just slams it down on the receptionists desk & walks out! Wouldn't it have been better to hand it to the doctor? Could you just leave your bottle of man juice on the receptionists desk? I'm not sure I would appreciate it myself if I was working there for the minimum wage just answering the phones, you know what I mean? It's unhygienic for one thing. While some may find the Australian outback striking I found it boring, dull & grey with no need for the film to be set there anyway. Coffin Rock is maybe the first time Crab racing has ever been committed to film, I can't see the attraction myself but the locals here seem to like it. There's no real horror here, only one person dies & Coffin Rock is definitely more of a psychological thriller than straight horror. A boring one too. The whole film has very muted overcast colours which just adds to the overall dullness.Apparently shot in South Australia the film has nice cinematography, there's no fast editing or hand-held camera work & it looks fairly nice. The acting is good, everyone seems to be trying anyway.Coffin Rock is a really boring psychological thriller that really bored me, I found it a tedious & predictable waste of 90 minutes. I'm sorry but that's how I felt, so sue me. Unlikable character's, a snail's pace, no real incident worth noting & an unsatisfying none resolution means Coffin Rock just doesn't have much going for it as far as I am concerned.


I had no idea what this would be like when finding this on the shelf in blockbusters. The reference to wolf creek got my attention (same producer). With no real expectations I was thrilled shocked and entertained. This has all the elements that I need in a film..... good acting, great script and the right 'atmosphere'.The lead two characters were superb. The menace of Evan (Sam Parsonson)grows as the film develops in parallel with Jess's (Lisa Chappel) anxiety, guilt and horror.Do yourself a favour forget the latest same old same old Hollywood blockbuster and rent this one.
