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From Justin to Kelly

From Justin to Kelly (2003)

June. 20,2003
| Comedy Romance

A waitress from Texas and a college student from Pennsylvania meet during spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and come together through their shared love of singing.


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Eddie Cantillo

From Justin to Kelly(2003) Starring: Justin Guarini, Kelly Clarkson, Brandon Henschel, Greg Siff, Brian Dietzen, Jason Yribar, Justin Gorence, Christopher Bryan, Yamil Piedra, Katherine Bailess, and Anika Noni Rose Directed By: Robert Iscove Review THE TALE OF TWO American IDOLS. Hello Kiddies your pal the Cupid Critic with two old famous teenage American idols who look like MTV rejects. Justin Guarini and Kelly Clarkson are in a romantic musical jut by the idea of that it sounds like a terrible film. A lonely, sexually repressed man. A depressed woman. A summer camp. On this fateful night, they will meet... and their hearts will become one. The films goal was probably to make some money and make their careers hot on the press, maybe at the time it may have succeeded but this is one lame romantic musical, with the music looking like a music video instead of a heartfelt Hollywood production. The acting is downright awful and I had to check periodically to find out if I had gone death just by listening to their dialogue. The story is no interesting its the same things you see in any teen romance but with unlike-able characters and your not rooting for the two main leads to be together. The direction is horrendous this time around from Robert Iscove who directed She's All That which I have plans on seeing in this time of love as we're closing in on Valentines Day. None of the elements of a good film are present during this picture it has horrible script with horrendous acting and just a really boring premise and love story. I'm giving From Justin To Kelly a half out of five.


This "film" is not only excruciating, moronic, vapid and devoid of any value whatsoever, it actually manages to plunge to depths beneath the worst of the worst in the vaunted badfilm genre. Yes, this steaming pile of excrement, with its tragically talentless manufactured stars dives deep into the sewer, waving to the likes of "Glitter", "ROTOR" and "Robot Holocaust" on its way down until it ultimately reaches sub-bottom.American Idol was created for the purpose of giving otherwise mediocre (at best) "talent" the opportunity to be undeservedly rewarded for producing saccharine, soulless tripe while far more talented musicians, songwriters and bands around the world are forced to slave away in dingy clubs in hopes of garnering a semblance of recognition. Were it not for this abortion of a television show, these useless dregs would never have surfaced and we would have been spared their idiocy.It should come as no surprise, then, that some sorry studio would take advantage of this sudden "stardom" by casting two undeserving idiots in a film through which they could simply sleepwalk for a paycheck while real, working actors around the world continue to slave away under hot lights and in empty playhouses. For the reasons illustrated above, you should not only NEVER give a plug nickel to the creators of this God-awful, vomitorious excuse for cinema, you should never IN ANY WAY, provide patronage to the likes of Kelly Whatshername and Justin Whatshisname. Their "performances" here and on record are an utter embarrassment.Save your money. Save your soul.


I was disappointed. I'm an aficionado of bad movies, and this doesn't even have enough going for it to be called a respectable bad movie.I was expecting spectacularly awful, but it was only quite awful. It doesn't rise to the level of godawful horror of, say, "The Room" or "Manos: The Hands of Fate". It's not even that redeeming. It doesn't deserve to be on the IMDb bottom 100, because it implies that it has some sort of notoriety, which doesn't deserve. It's just saccharine yech, in bikinis.I was going to give a full plot summary, with all the details, but that would violate IMDb's policy on spoilers. Besides, anyone with enough brains to log into IMDb will have the whole movie figured out in the first five minutes anyway.I was tempted to give it 10, in an attempt to knock it off the list, but I have standards.Unlike the makers of this film.


From Justin to KellyThe cost-effective basis behind movies starring flavours of the month is that the running time is only 15 minutes.Unfortunately, this 2003 romantic/musical/comedy featuring the winner and runner-up of American Idol bucks the trend.While on spring break with her girlfriends, Kelly (Kelly Clarkson) meets Justin (Justin Guarini), a fellow spring breaker who is likewise accompanied by his boys.Needles to say, the reality star-crossed lovers are brought together, before being torn apart, and brought back together.The whole time, Justin and Kelly's crews create mischief, when they're not joining the leads in choreographed song and dance.While it pretends to pay homage to hep beach party musicals, Justin and Kelly are complete squares: their songs are forgettable, their acting is incompetent and their dance routines are substandard.Maybe the producers of American Idol should've gone with their guts, and instead of Florida, set spring break in a Coca-Cola factory. (Red Light)vidiotreviews.blogspot.com
