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River (2016)

June. 24,2016
| Thriller

In the south of Laos, an American volunteer doctor becomes a fugitive after he intervenes in the sexual assault of a young woman. When the assailant's body is pulled from the Mekong River, things quickly spiral out of control.


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This was a well acted but not a well written film. The piece was beautifully filmed. Nothing in the situation is plausible. The Doctor's involvement with strangers in a foreign country is very unrealistic. His intrusive behavior that gets him into a huge amount of trouble is too convenient. His flight from authority could never happen. The unrealistic way he finally got out of trouble and the very poor ending leaves you wanting more. A huge loose end because his actions will get him back into trouble in a huge way.This film had promise but ultimately poor writing and story could not overcome the good acting, beautiful cinematography and exotic locations. I wonder how such films attract financing, production and distribution.


I found this movie fairly enjoyable as I went into it with fairly low expectations from what I read on IMDb. The movie does a pretty good job of building suspense through a series of unfortunate events that seem plausible. I found the main actor to be pretty decent and likable, which is important because he's in 90% of the movie. The supporting characters aren't given much film time but that's OK given the nature of the film.A big bonus of the film for me was getting to see the exotic locations of Laos. I like films that can take me to another part of the world and immerse me in the culture of that area. This movie did a great job of that as it really made me feel like a foreigner.The ending is a bit anti-climatic but for the most part, the movie kept me interested up until the end.

Russ Hog

This is a super effective film. It is about a man who is accused of a crime in a foreign country - and his journey to avoid capture. Everywhere the main character goes he runs into danger that he could be caught - and the film is so well paced that it kept me on the edge of my seat.Really the film is about running from responsibility - yet at the same time - there is a murky line between guilt and innocence. It is somewhat similar to the film Midnight Cowboy - not quite as masterfully artistic - but defiantly worth the watch.There is a final reversal in the end of the film that is quite harrowing - and it made me really think about justice and responsibility - and heroism.Solid flick!

Peter Pluymers

"Your face. What happened? I was very drunk last night. I was riding a bicycle, and I fell."Can you imagine this. One moment you're standing in an operating room amputating someones leg with a saw. The other moment you're running like a madman through Laos trying to outrun the authorities. This happens to John Lake (Rossif Sutherland), a hard-working doctor, who's sent on a well-deserved holiday after a discussion with the head doctor. At his destination (It surely isn't a five star all-inclusive resort) he's having a few drinks one evening, accompanied by an over friendly bartender. On his way to his humble hut he witnesses an assault on a local girl by a drunken, noisy Australian. And in a split second he makes the wrong decision. Before he knows it, he is a fugitive who's wanted for murdering the son of an Australian Senator and raping a native girl.The result is an intense manhunt for the guilty western doctor by the local police. And he's guilty. That's a fact. The only thing John has in mind, is not to go on trial in Laos itself. "River" is a film in which desperation, fear and guilt are palpable presence. John, sweaty, bloodied and bruised, is constantly on the run. A boat ride with a local resident. A lift from a couple dodgy looking men. A bus trip which happens to be controlled by a police patrol. It doesn't matter in what way he travels, as long as he stays out of the hands of the authorities and manages to reach a US Embassy. He even has to make a certain decision in the end, that goes against his moral principles. The result of this nerve-racking race, is that the film never pauses for a moment. The pace is blistering (probably appropriate for the climate there) fast and exhilarating.Rossif Sutherland (son of Donald and brother of Keifer Sutherland) acts convincingly. You can see the desperation and fear on his face. A chaotic flight where he relies entirely on his survival instinct. The intensity is unbearable and because of the sultry environment it's as if you can smell John's pungent body odor in your living room. Although the story is fairly straightforward and obvious, the ending is still surprising. Let me put it this way. It has a high "Oh come on" content. A bit against the flow compared to the rest of the movie. I guess the sense for justice presented itself to John suddenly. It's probably a personal trait. John can't resist to do good for others over and over again. More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
