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Lemon Tree Passage

Lemon Tree Passage (2014)

August. 25,2014
| Horror Thriller Mystery

An Australian urban legend comes screaming on the Ozploitation scene. It’s said that if you drive down the creepy road of Lemon Tree Passage, and witness a sudden flash of light in the trees, you'll be forever haunted by the tormented spirit of a man killed by thrill speeding teenagers. Wanting to put this old wives’ tale to the test, a car-load of non-believers take the supposedly cursed journey and do indeed see a strange manifestation. But it’s not the one of popular myth - this sudden possession of one of their number involves another altogether more shocking crime. That of a young girl raped and murdered on the same stretch of highway. As one urban legend trumps another, the scared passengers must sort out the facts of both cases before vengeful justice from beyond the grave can be meted out with moody atmosphere, ghostly thrills and supernatural suspense.


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We really have not watched many movies that would score as low as a one star, yes some two or three total. However, this one takes the cake! Either the entire film crew and their families contributed to the ratings or they were all paid. This entire movie was taped in the woods, nothing else no other towns, scenery or anything. Nothing but trees and a few cares where the light would flash at them and then go off. Some girl and guy go into the woods to "make out" and later she comes out alone. He is no where to be found. Then some guy is locked in a trunk dead then disappears. Lots of woods, crying, screaming and complete nonsense. My husband and I watched thirty minutes and then stopped it. I started to watch the rest and it went no where. Don't even bother. We could've made this movie in our backyard!


I will begin this by saying I am a horror/thriller lover. Anything from Evil Dead to Shutter Island to Saw. Love them!!! I watched this honestly because A) I try and watch all that i can get my hands on and; b) because my family live in lemon tree passage and I thought I may be able to freak them out with a tale. The story was..... mundane. You really didn't care who died or lived through it and the twist at the end is not what you would call a twist. The story was sorely told and there was no real information or moments to give you the gasp factor. Neither was there enough blood to go the B grade blood bath movie that needs no real plot to go on. This movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't good either. The actors were average and kind of cute. Honestly they didn't even show the best of the area they were in (which is gorgeous) It is a very easy watch with nothing that could catch up even the drunkest of watchers. It is average.


The primary failing of this movie is a lack of communication. There's a lot of great atmosphere and sound design -- I found myself legitimately creeped out by a couple of scenes.The problem is the movie is too in love with its own mystery, to the point where up until the last ten minutes, you're not quite sure what's going on. There's no identifiable villain, no motive, just a bunch of seemingly unrelated events mixed with hallucinations, flashbacks, and generic jump scares.You can't ever quite be sure what's really happening. In some movies that's a benefit, but Lemon Tree Passage really could've thrown the viewer a bone earlier in the movie. Without it, a lot of this feels like nonsense. Occasionally spooky nonsense, mind you, but still nonsense. It gets boring when you aren't provided a reason as to why anything is happening.The answer to the movie's great mystery has almost zero payoff, too. It hardly even feels like an answer, and is more of an excuse to have a somewhat non-sequiturial slasher flick.It did make for marginally fun riffing with friends, but even then, it was largely just a lot of exclamations of "WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?"


Okay so I'm forced to write a real review as there are only 1 or 2 which are from someone close to the movie crew. So this movies might be OK if you'r a teen male under 16 and you saw less than 100 movies in your life. If you aren't then don't bother. it's a pure waste of time. Why ? well all the cliché and stereotype are here. The funny thing is one guy starts telling a story " on a dark and stormy night" and they reply : "what a bunch of clichés"..Oh irony :) It takes too long to develop. Just the 2 first minutes perspire bad student movie. It's a copy of a copy of a copy of a bad movie.. no imagination just the kind of movie you do in school to learn how to direct and place cameras. But This movie is not made to be shown anyway it's one of those project that are paid by subvention so the crew is paid doing it and then no matter it does 10 or 1 million entries they wont get more money anyway. It's just excuse to get public money and have a salary doing something. In France that kind of system exist as well the result is 83% of produced movies have less then 10 000 viewers. concerning the scenario well , one can write the synopsis in 3 minutes. that's the kind of story you already saw thousands of times , nothing new here. a big AVOID tag !
