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Echoes (2014)

July. 05,2014
| Drama Horror Thriller

A young writer experiences visions during episodes of sleep paralysis, and she retreats with her boyfriend to an isolated house in the desert. As the visions worsen, she teeters on the edge of insanity as she uncovers a life-threatening secret.


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Yes if you have seen the odd horror movie you probably can guess where this is going early on. Still it's overall decent and has a very beautiful main actress in Kate French. She may not have the chops to elevate anything in this movie (no pun intended), but at least you won't mind looking at her.Even when she goes mental or at least starts seeing things. It takes a while for the movie to actually get into gear and there is no nudity (in case that's what you're looking for), the shock moments are OK and there is a small appearance of a former "Lost Boy" that is a nice touch, even if it's almost too short to count. I've seen worse, but I've also seen way better


I can handle slow films. But even if a film is slow, it's got to have something interesting to keep you engaged. Echoes barely had any of it. There was nothing surprising about the story. A ghostly spirit takes a golden opportunity of using a woman's sleep paralysis problem to hijack her body to well, get revenge on her husband who killed her. That's really it. It does get suspenseful during the first half but by the time the film is going to be over, it's just exposition after exposition. Again, Echoes offered nothing new and spectacular to horror. However, on the bright side, I was quite impressed with the quality of the cinematography and the movie was filmed at some beautiful locations in the California desert. The acting was fairly decent and a minimal cast is always great too.5/10

Jay Parmar

I watched the movie without having any expectations, it is definitely not my "go to" genre of film, but I somehow found myself watching it without having to turn it off 5 minutes in. I can say, I was quite pleasantly surprised. The suspense was captivating and the story line was unpredictable, which kept my attention. Great location, beautiful camera work and it didn't hurt that Kate French was in it.I won't put any spoilers on here, but I was surprised by the conclusion of the movie and I am sure you will be too.The movie could have been a little faster paced and more up beat in my opinion,however, I think for the genre of film that it is, it was appropriate.

Evan Hanes

Not an outstanding story in itself except for it's concept Sleep Paralysis, but solid and a good classic revenge story. Except Billy Wirth and Steven Brand, the cast was unknown to me, but holds up the performances pretty good throughout. Lead actress is at times hard to empathize with and would have liked to feel more depth to her particular performance, but generally believable. Sleep paralysis is an intriguing phenomenon and first time I have seen this in a feature. Found myself researching for quite a while after watching the movie and was surprised this phenomenon has not been played out in a movie until now. The music is tasteful and interesting choice of house where the story plays out. Definitely has the look, pacing and feel of a European movie. The most action happens towards the end, which I would have wanted a bit more of throughout. Not a bad movie, quite unique of its kind today, so I would personally recommend it.
