Sparkle (2012)
Musical prodigy, Sparkle struggles to become a star while overcoming issues that are tearing her family apart. From an affluent Detroit area and daughter to a single mother, she tries to balance a new romance with music manager Stix while dealing with the unexpected challenges her new life will bring as she and her two sisters strive to become a dynamic singing group during the Motown-era.
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I'm one of those people who are hard on remakes, especially if I enjoyed the original. I'm being very kind in giving this movie a 2. It was quite terrible.This is a remake that really isn't a remake, it just steals things from the original and throws them into a new film loosely based on Sparkle. I actually wish they had done a true remake, because at least the script would have been good if nothing else.Nobody can play Sister the way Lonette McKee can; she owns the role, and her performance can not be duplicated nor even closely matched. Lonette was about 22 when she played Sister, Carmen Ejogo is about 38; she is just too old to play Sister! Lonette managed to be alluring and charismatic as Sister without being trashy. It felt like Carmen was trying too hard to act like a sexy naughty girl, and Lonette simply oozed that type of aura. She had one of the most gorgeous faces and figures that I have ever seen in the 1976 Sparkle; Carmen doesn't have that. Also, Lonette's speaking voice and cadence really added a layer to the role that was missing from this version.I first saw the original in about 1996, I was maybe 15 or 16, and have been hooked ever since. I'm biased, but I can still say that even if I had not seen the original; I would not like the semi-remake.The acting is awful. Jordin Sparks can't act. Irene Cara's Sparkle seemed so naturally sweet, and Jordin's Sparkle just came off as phony; like acting.How on earth do you go from Philip Michael Thomas as Stix to Derek Luke? The same can be said for Satin and Levi, how do you go from Tony King to Mike Epps, and from Dorian Harewood to Omari Hardwick? The biggest difference between the films is that the remake has no gut, no core, no soul. Where is the heartbreaking drama? Where is the power?A 1976 film about the music industry is bound to be better than a modern one. There are some subjects that just don't pan out very well in more modern times, such as the music industry and the modeling industry.There was a time when movies about The Temptations or The Ronettes would be a surefire hit, but that time has passed. These types of movies tend to come off as phony nowadays. That's not saying a good one can't be made, but it apparently is a very hard thing to pull off.
Sparkle (2012)** 1/2 (out of 4)Remake of the 1976 film about sisters Sparkle (Jordin Sparks), Sister (Carmen Ejogo) and Dolores (Tika Sumpter) who decide to try and make it in the music business even though their mother (Whitney Houston) objects to them doing so after her life was ruined by an attempt. The original movie was quite predictable but it was still very much worth watching because of the performances and the music. I'm really not sure why we needed a remake and especially since this one here takes place in the 1960s just like the previous ones. Either way, for the most part this is a mildly entertaining film but there's still no question that it falls short of the original. There are actually quite a few things that do work here including the performances but especially Ejogo as the troubled sister whose decisions are going to cost her and her sisters. I thought she was incredibly believable throughout the picture no matter what the story was calling for. It could be for sexiness in the music or the downfall of the drug addiction. This here was actually the first time I had seen Sparks in anything and I thought she was fine in the role, although, like the original, her character is pretty much in the background. As for Houston, she's not too bad in the film but I must admit that I think her death somewhat hurt the movie, which is strange to say because I doubt anyone would have gone to this had it not been her final film. Hearing her character talk about drug abuse, bad choices and other things just makes you think of Houston and her death. This really has a negative impact on the film that it might not have had if the actress didn't die during the post-production. Derek Luke, Mike Epps and Curtis Armstrong are all extremely good in their parts. Another negative thing is that the majority of the music is pretty forgettable with none of the songs really jumping out at you. This includes Houston's one number, which is just pretty weak. Still, SPARKLE manages to have enough in it to make it worth sitting through even if the end result isn't nearly as good as most would have hoped for.
First let me start by saying if you ever see a movie directed by Salim Akil, or a movie written by Mara Brock Akil, or a movie produced by either of these two clowns, think very hard as to whether your hard earned and much valued money should go toward the junk they call movie magic. These two jokers have duped the movie going public with the most transparent, poorly written, poorly produced and directed trite I've viewed in years. To say I disliked this attempt at a movie is to be too kind, it stinks!! Now the good...I actually liked the acting, Jordin Sparks showed promise, as did the entire cast including Whitney. The music was decent, not great but decent and it helped you make it through the drudgery of this terrible and predictable so called movie. The bottom line on this piece of junk is that it is so bad I've already forgotten about it....enough said, skip this one and watch out for Salim Akil and Mara Brock Akil who are trying to pass themselves off as directors, producers, and writers, they are frauds and I personally hope I never hear their names again.
Today, I went to see Sparkle and let's just say that I wasn't disappointed at all. Whitney, Whitney, Whitney...... she did her thang! The whole cast was great and I discovered hidden talent among the cast that I hadn't noticed before. Wow!! Don't let the haters keep you from seeing this movie. I was singing, laughing and dancing in my seat. I was filled with emotions like never before, I can honestly say that I enjoyed Sparkle(2012) better than the original. I was born in the 60's and could easily relate to the characters in Sparkle. When I left the theater, I said to myself that I can't wait until it is released on Blue Ray(extra everything). It is always a pleasure to see and hear Whitney, loved and forever missed in my heart. Go see Sparkle! Peace.