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Body (2015)

January. 25,2015
| Drama Horror Thriller

A night out turns deadly when three girls break into a seemingly empty mansion.


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Now, I'm not naïve, I didn't go into this movie expecting a masterpiece. In fact, I didn't really expect it to be very good at all. I did however; expect it to have at least one or two positive aspects and to not insult my intelligence for the duration of the entire 'movie'.It was late, I was tired and I saw the runtime was 75 minutes. That was enough for me to put it on. I didn't look into it before viewing and was going into this movie blind, not really knowing what to expect, other than it was a low budget horror/thriller movie about 3 girls.When films are that bad I usually do spoiler reviews so I can rant and rave about the movie in full, taking digs at the plot holes and ending. This movie doesn't even deserve that. There is practically no plot to ruin. The 'story' revolves around 3 girls who I imagine are supposed to be teenagers yet look about 30 years old.. They are having fun on Christmas Eve, Eve, smoking and drinking when they decide they want to do something wild. They drive to one of the girls Uncles mansions as he is on holiday and the house is empty. Before long things go wrong and the girls find themselves in a situation which is insultingly easy to resolve yet they don't seem to have a brain cell between them and drag out their indecisiveness and stupidity for the rest of the movie.You have all the cliché characters here: The leader of the pack who simply has to raise her voice to get the other girls to do what she wants. She's not intimidating or scary, just purely annoying. Then you have the wimp of the group who is easily lead and scared of everything, she spends the entirety shivering and having anxiety attacks. Then you have the middle girl, the Plain Jane, no real character traits and is seemingly only there to make up the numbers. The acting is abysmal, its wooden, predictable and simply laughable. The harder they try to be scared or serious the funnier it is. The script they are given to work with is even worse with its awful run of the mill conversations and clichéd punchlines.It's described as a 'psychological thriller' which is a complete lie. That implies that it's thought provoking and intelligent, that it requires the viewer to get immersed into the characters minds. I have no problem with low budget movies; I can see past poor acting and to some extents a poor script. But when they are all put together, with a weak plot with humungous plot holes, I really cannot pick out any positives. Actually, I do have one: The runtime of 75 minutes, or maybe even that's too long.2/10


For a movie that starts out with having refreshingly realistic portrayals of young women (for a movie of this genre) it's almost painful to bear witness to the very conclusion of the film as it goes against those very portrayals.Put under pressure humans can be driven to go against their nature of course but the very end there simply was no need for it, just add a last minute twist for the sake of adding a last minute twist is just poor writing.But the road there is still enjoyable so I'll still give it a 6, even though the ending truly was pushing it.No complaints regarding the acting or script etc otherwise though.


So a married man with 2 girls is basically framed for a rape and murdered because 3 girls break in to a house and are caught by a person who should legally be there.I always thought bad guys in Hollywood were always caught or killed but maybe girls should get away with everything in this new world.All films coming out of USA,Canada,UK etc need to show macho gum chewing women putting on killer faces to appease the women groups A better ending would have been a camera panning around to hidden CCTV camera's around the house which a house that size would probably have. Rubbish film to be honest. So a married man with 2 girls is basically framed for a rape and murdered because 3 girls break in to a house and are caught by a person who should legally be there.I always thought bad guys in Hollywood were always caught or killed but maybe girls should get away with everything in this new world.All films coming out of USA,Canada,UK etc need to show macho gum chewing women putting on killer faces to appease the women groups A better ending would have been a camera panning around to hidden CCTV camera's around the house which a house that size would probably have. Rubbish film to be honest.

Pamela Powell

Written, produced and directed by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, this ever-increasingly intense psychological thriller will make you question your own morals and values. Starring Helen Rogers, Alexandra Turshen, and Lauren Molina these three older college aged kids are home on vacation. Finding themselves a bit bored and feeling "pathetic" for not having anything to do on the weekend, they go out to have a bit of fun. The fun, seemingly innocuous, turns horribly wrong and with every wrong turn, there's another one just ahead of them. Each girl has a different perspective and as each decision is made, the waters become muddier and muddier until those waters are completely black. "Body" is an amazingly intense film. The situation at hand becomes realistically horrific and the true personalities of each of the girls becomes more apparent. It's truly a gripping and disturbing psychological analysis of what happens to people in a dire situation. You'll be on the edge of your seat and talking to the screen (even if you aren't a "screen talker") trying to convince someone to make a different decision. "Body" will impact you long after you see it and you'll be asking yourself what you would do or perhaps what would your own daughter do in a situation like this. "Body" is a gem of a find if you enjoy intense psychological thrillers! With superb acting, clear writing and directing, this film is a success in its genre!
