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River (2015)

October. 13,2015
| Crime Mystery

John River, a brilliant police officer whose genius and fault-line is the fragility of his mind - a man haunted by the murder victims whose cases he must lay to rest


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This mini series reaches a level of perfection not often found on modern television, let alone in six episodes. The acting is superb, particularly from the star, Stellan Scarsgård, who plays the title character River. He uses restraint that occasionally bursts through his usual reserve. The writing is glorious and creative with a big twist you don't expect. Again Scarsgård could've held court alone and with the writing and cinematography backing him up. But the terrific supporting cast adds an entirely new dimension to River the show and character. There's plenty of action to please those that need it. Yet it transcends your run of the mill detective show to please the biggest tv snob! I hope we'll see River again soon. Thank you Netflix for bringing this beauty to us across the pond!


If I was in charge of Emmy's this woulda won! My lord is this fascinating, suspenseful- so full of heart and soul - it leaves other TV shows in the dust. And I'm not even a big detective type series- person- I used to tend to sappy romance but that works for film- but it seems on TV- the detective shows seem to shine.Where to start? The lead character is AWESOME. Wow. What acting- so understated- so fascinating to see after all the blustery, hot headed ones out there. He stays cool and reads the situation. His love sidekick- is excellent as well. The story is so well written- writers are top notch- they know how to write a story- and not waste a viewer's time. (so much pulp out there).I had to stay up and finish it... Many great characters- the visuals are stunning. PLEASE MAKE SOME NEW ONES!


As per reviews below by Joe & Judy..... A GREAT BIG DITTO to both! Everyone involved in the making of "River" are to be congratulated on the perfection of this miniseries. It engrossed me and I paid full attention to every detail and nuance, which is most unusual! With a lot of the tripe churned out these days, especially from America, I switch off and also never go to the cinema anymore. English dramas are so far ahead of the world, in every aspect and "River" sits proudly on top of the pile for me. A BIG Thank you to all involved XXX


It is the type of show that people with lots of time and an easy life can enjoy. It is slow, weak and implores psychological perils of different human beings. The reason I say it is for a certain type of people; it is as far away as reality as you can have. Life is fast paced and keeps us all occupied. We do not want a TV show that takes us into a pointless fantasy land that doesn't make any sense. The acting is quite good, character building is good too. Dialogues are almost non-existent barring one character and his script is again, good for a literature student but repulsive and un-relatable to a normal human being. And the worst part: the show is very slow - to a point that it becomes pointless.
