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Roadie (2012)

January. 06,2012
| Drama

After 20 years on the road with Blue Oyster Cult, Jimmy Testagros returns to his hometown to life with his ailing mother. Complications arise when he falls for an old friend, who is now married to his longtime nemesis.


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Is this movie a musical tribute to roadies who vicariously act out their rock-n-roll fantasies through the live performances of their employers or is it a musical rebuke of all forms of career mediocrity that settle for a greasy hamburger without even looking at the gourmet steak menu? For me, it was both.Many scenes had the realistic look and feel of a low-budget documentary that exposes the dreary monotony of people talking a lot but saying very little. But other scenes played out more like attention-captivating music videos where the classic-rock song playing in the background was perfectly synchronized with the fleeting frames of film it was linked to in such a way as to reveal more in a few musical measures than even the most eloquently constructed lines of dialog could ever hope to express using the medium of the written-to-spoken word.Thematic elements of Roadie dealt with connecting to people and places from one's past but despite being portrayed under the center-stage spotlight of honesty, these themes are never totally submerged in a bottomless pool of pessimism where hopelessness and despair become deadly poisons to those who dare to dream and dream to dare. Instead, I found a few rays of sunny optimism shining through the dark clouds of experiential adversity and disappointment as though to subtly suggest that just as wisdom is gained from taking an honest look at the many seeds of mistakes (erroneous judgment) sown in the gardens of the past so can wisdom be applied to improving the blossoming realization of the future by making better (wiser) choices in the decision-sprouting reality of the present moment! Led Zeppelin said it better than I ever could in a line from the lyrics from their 1971 hit, Stairway to Heaven: "There's still time to change the road you're on."


Roadie (2011) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Decent character story of a man named Jimmy (Ron Eldard) who returns home to his mother (Lois Smith) after being fired as a roadie for Blue Oyster Cult. Even though Jimmy's only back home for one, day he strikes up a relationship with an old girlfriend (Jill Hennessy) and her husband (Bobby Cannavale) who used to pick on him back in high school. The story of a fired roadie should have made for a great movie and while there are hints of a strong story here the end result is pretty disappointing even with the great music and lead performance. The first thirty-minutes of this movie almost kills it before it can take off and I'm sure many people are going to reach this point and start to grab for the remote to turn it off but they should certainly stick with it because the film does get better during the final hour. These first thirty-minutes are rather shallow because we just see Jimmy on the phone leaving messages or cussing in front of a window with kids watching him. Once he gets home we start to see his relationship with him mother and I found this to be rather dull as well. The film finally kicks into high gear when Jimmy meets up with his ex and her husband. I thought some interesting ideas started to come out here including the lies that Jimmy is trying to give off about his life. At this point in the film you actually start to care about the guy and what's going to happen to him next. There are some very good moments between he and the husband but of course there's a downfall towards the end of film and it's quite powerful. Eldard certainly looks the part of a roadie and I thought he really did a fine job bringing this character to life even when the screenplay wasn't giving him much to work with. He certainly adds a lot of depth to the role. Both Hennessy and Cannavale are very good in their parts as is Smith, although I'd say the screenplay really doesn't spell her character out all that well. ROADIE contains some good rock tunes but there's no question that the screenplay needed a re-write. As it is, the film will appeal to fans of rock but it's doubtful to find a large audience.


I must confess up to the point of actually watching the Roadie, I had no idea what a roadie was or did. This is not my usual type of movie, however we should strive to challenge and expose ourselves to different movies. Just as you would a different language or cultural in order to grow and mature as an all around individual. The movie was interesting and I thought the plot, made a point in trying to relate to the viewer the regret of decisions that we make as youth, that do not pan out or other wise never manifest themselves. The characters were very likable and came across genuine and authentic in the Roadie, which must be stressed is a very necessary thing in a film like this. There was a feel that that the movies' main character could have been anyone of us: in regards to decision or choices that were made in our lives that never quite pan out. Perhaps you could take it a bit further and say that everyone in there life at least once or twice has not let go of an idea or notion until: well it was to late. Atlas, I would be remiss, if I did not mention that the sound track for the Roadie is excellent.


Thinking that men have sincere regrets at mid life makes this movie rock. Real interpretation of what happens to people. Life happens! Did not think the whole theme would work for me, yet it really did. It was a look at real life, with regrets and why we make the decisions we do. Going with the flow, as most youths do and the fun it brings depicts this movie. Letting yourself listen to the music and see things happen in the movie just because things happen keeps you thinking. Now what would I have done. Do we go with what feels good or do we set goals. The memory of times past and our life today depends on our past. Our path can change if we let it. I never review movies but if you are a baby boomer you should she this. Then be grateful for who you are today. And realize you can change things if you want. Makes you think. Sometimes thinking is the problem and not the solution but in this case it isn't.See this film if you are forty or older! Never mind everyone should see it. Cheers or maybe not after this one!
