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Holding Trevor

Holding Trevor (2007)

June. 16,2007
| Drama

After finally breaking up with his drug-addicted lover, Trevor begins a new romance that unexpectedly complicates his other relationships.


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at the first sigh, a simple, ordinary story about friendship, love, every day problems, problems and decisions. at the second, a good film. for its direct and fresh message. for the precise picture of a group of guys , different, nice, in middle of clash between feelings and choices and dialogues and physical attraction. short, one of film for an age when the t-shirt and jeans are very near by suits. and this did "Holding Trevor" not exactly a memorable film but a refreshing one. sure, part of characters are only sketches and the script is far to be great. but something gives to it a special look. and this is its necessary virtue.


The experiences of Trevor and his friends felt very real to me. I enjoyed experiencing their friendship and banter and found the three main characters very likable. Though Trevor's romantic relationships are central to the film, it felt much more as though it was about a point in Trevor's life where he needs to find a way to grow and move forward. The music was excellent. I thought the director made some nice touches, in particular with the scene involving looking at the lights and the good-bye party at the hospital. Overall, the emotions of the film rang true to me, the characters were people I found I cared about, and the humor unforced and good-natured.

Theo Robertson

This starts off with a straight woman masturbating in bed where she's disturbed by a gay male friend phoning her . The gay male friend then has his partner perform fellatio on him and then the partner suffers a drugs OD . Have I mentioned that the opening credits haven't finished at this point ?Oh dear yet another feature from independent cinema . Maybe there is a market for this type of very limited release . Maybe there isn't . Or maybe the whole film's function is to make a film so the production team can hone their film making skills before moving on to better things . I've got to brutally honest and say the production team on HOLDING TREVOR still have a long way to go The fundamental problem is that very little of note happens in the film . Characters spout existentialist dialogue in a totally unconvincing pretentious manner . There is not one sympathetic character in the movie and for a film that supposedly is made to appeal to a gay audience the gay characters are acted in a totally camp way which makes for a totally uninvolving film regardless of your sexuality


I agreed with one of the other comments -- self indulgent. Poor little Trevor, he has boyfriend problems, and that is bigger issue than his friend testing positive. Yea, choose between boyfriend trouble vs. HIV . . . hmmmm, which would you choose? I look for the life lessons, the real knowledge that helps us gain some understanding of the big picture, what is important in life. And he got it completely backwards. His friends and the LA life were so superficial and his job was nowhere, none of his friends knew what a relationship looked like and his own was with an addict. Finally, he finds a good relationship, someone he loves, who loves him back . . . and rather than moving forward and facing a new life, he recoils back into the empty existence he was living. But at the end was justifying or rationalizing his fear of living by calling it brave and forward-looking. Say what!? It had the look and feel of a real movie -- but had nothing to teach about real living.I think the life lesson is moving forward, elevating your life, working through your fears and from a better place you are better able to help your old friends. Not by staying in the same old swamp.
