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Eastern Boys

Eastern Boys (2013)

April. 02,2013
| Drama

Daniel cruises the Gare du Nord where Eastern European Boys hang out. One afternoon he plucks up his courage to speak to Marek, one of the boys and invites him to his home. However, next day when the doorbell rings, Daniel hasn’t the faintest idea that he has fallen into a trap.


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I have watched this movie several times now. Being an American I must confess that I am rather dense when it comes to understanding the nuances of many European films. In the beginning I was very confused, there is almost no dialogue for the first ten minutes of the film, and then, what little dialogue there was I did not understand the language. I thought that my closed captioning was turned off. But no, it was not. These limitations, however, are strictly my own. As I watched repeatedly, with breaks in between viewings, I began to realize. In Daniel's world, his attractions to the younger "Eastern European Boys" must be conducted in secret. In darkened corners and away from prying eyes. This is because his attraction to teenage boys (presumably underage) is illegal, and treated as shameful, sick, deranged, even, perhaps deserving of pity. Marek's world is much the same, he plys his trade in the open, but retreats to the same shameful corners and dark spaces to arrange the sale of his services to those that would buy them. What this story is really about then is; how do these two men. One older, one younger learn to see each other as something other than the simple fulfillment of sexual desire and a source of income. That is what this movie depicts. At first we see them only as caricatures, stereotypes of what (American) society would expect of Daniel, as a man who desires sex with much younger men. We see Marek as the person who is paid to provide that service, and that's it.As the movie slowly (yes, slowly) unfolds so does their relationship. So, also, do their characters. We begin to see that something more than desire and object is happening here. Marek returns after his friends completely strip Daniel's home of literally everything they can carry. My first reaction when I saw him return and ring Daniels doorbell was to shout; "No! No! Don't open the door to him again!" I realized on the third viewing, that this seemingly stupid action on Daniel's part has great significance. It is representing the opening of his heart.For, perhaps the first time in his life, Marek experiences a love from Daniel that asks for nothing in return. He pleases Marek at each encounter, until Marek lets go of his layers of cynicism and protection. He open's his heart to Daniel. Over time they struggle, fight, make-up, discuss and negotiate and work their way toward a father and son relationship. Which, by the end of the movie is exactly what it has become. Or, perhaps the status of their relationship is left for the viewer to decide. I can see it going both ways.Yes, this film will challenge the way you look at attraction between disparate ages. Yes, this film my make you uncomfortable at times. However, if you watch with an open heart and an open mind you may see that love, compassion and respect can grow in the oddest of places. It took me a lot of time and many viewings to give this movie room to breathe in my heart. Once I did I was glad. It has become my favorite LGBT movie. Thank you for reading my review. I hope it helped.


This movie lingers so much that it's running time is filled with nothing substantial, which is a great shame as the premise feels like it could have grown to more had the pace been quickened to include more meaningful interaction. Instead we're given a bare bones story, where characters are underdeveloped and there doesn't seem to be any real connection between the two main characters. Other than simple pity I see no reason for the older characters actions. There is no personal drivers to keep the characters interacting. A bit of depth is given during a scene with fireworks, but it's the one time we're given insight into a character's inner mind and emotions. I stuck with the whole movie as reviewers said I'd gain something from the ending, however the journey felt paper thin and there was nothing to be learnt from the movie.I've given it a four as the movie has some moments of promise and it's cinematography is visually nice.


While the portrayal of Eastern European teen prostitutes as predators may be spot on, in this instance their victim's passivity makes us wonder about the whole set up.The movie is well photographed and the actors are good, convincing even. It's the story line that didn't ring true for me. The 50 year-old john is a sophisticated Parisian. He's been around the block. We know something about him from his apartment's decor and his photographs. His initial reaction when a child bursts in accusing him of illegal sex is good, but once an entire gang of prostitute thugs takes over his apartment, his inaction is ridiculous. A man like that would have cut and run, admitted his bad judgment to the police and had the gang busted.After his apartment has been stripped bare, the gang's lure shows up and the guy lets him in and initiates what we are to believe is a tender, loving relationship.I'm not buying it. Could this have happened? Sure. But to a Parisian guy who picks up hustlers, presumably on a regular basis? No way, no how.That the object of his desire resembles a young Roman Polanski didn't help matters for me. I could see someone acting like a complete fool for a raving beauty with testosterone to spare, but this kid wasn't one by a long shot, IMO.This movie isn't worth watching guys. I think that for first world in-the-life gays, this will seem antique.


I had no expectations going into this film. And the first few minutes made me doubt my choice. But as the slow narrative starts to develop, it sucked me in and kept me captivated until the very end.A very realistic, raw image of illegal immigrants and a very sensitive story of deception, love and protection. I won't spoil the story, but if you are not homophobic and if you like movies such as Stephen Frears's "Dirty Pretty Things", this is a great cinematic experience. Hopefully this movie will get a wide enough audience and recognition.Go watch it with an open mind.
