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Red Billabong

Red Billabong (2016)

August. 25,2016
| Adventure Horror Action

In the Australian Outback, two brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked by someone or something from their worst nightmares - But is it just - A story? A legend? A hoax? Or is it real?


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This movie really doesn't deserve the bad reviews it has received and I wonder at the motives behind some of them. The movie is a well paced,sometimes humorous,monster flick,made in a typically Aussie way. Some good performances,by Aussie actors and incorporating some aboriginal lore,makes for a fun monster movie which I thoroughly enjoyed. The cgi could have been better,particularly in the monster fight scene with the aboriginal elder,but it wasn't something that bothered me too much as the monster was pretty cool. All in all I found it much better than a lot,and I mean a lot,of American made monster movies.I would watch this again just because it is a fun movie. Aussie horror is coming of age,I just wish there was more of it.


There is a reference to Scooby Doo in the movie and sadly much of the movie resembled the reference in terms of depth of character but in many other references. The combi = mystery mobile. The brave dog = Scooby The hammy American trying to buy the land. For all of those in Murica relax, it is an Aussie with a bad accent.This story needed many, many rewrites to make this thing sing. Sadly the usual Aussie formula of writer/director/producer being the same guy or gal rang true here. Nobody said "hey," this needs to be tighter or this makes no sense.-----For example ---- Brother had more drugs than Pablo Escobar and he was supposed to be dealing on the side. He seemed quite open to his brother about such a lot of drugs. Considering the drugs - everyone is too cute etc.The went to the town to buy food for breakfast but did not return until nightfall, all the better for the creepy scenes.What happened to the tribe? Only the tribal leader appears in the final scene.This movie is fun but really needed to be a lot tighter.The acting is fine for the two leads, the rest were clichéd if not hammy.The CGI was always going to be a problem as it is a monster movie it is hard to make something believable yet not of this world.


Red Billabong is something completely unique and refreshing. We have never seen an Aussie film like this before, and i think that's what makes it a winner. Beautiful Australian scenery, mixed with a hot cast, with a few familiar faces along with lots of new ones too, are the perfect receipe. The cinematography is amazing, as is Luke Sparke's direction and writing. You can tell he was influenced by films such as Jurassic Park. I don't mind at all, because that is one of my favourite films ever! The characters are the kind that keep you invested. I love the chemistry and the bromance between Dan Ewing and Tim Pocock's characters, brothers Tristan and Nick. There's no secret this is a monster flick, but what exactly is the Red Billabong monster? That, you will have to find out for yourself.


I went in not knowing what to expect from another Aussie film, but left very surprised at story about two brothers and a big outback monster.The cast were very good. I'm not a home and away fan, so never heard of the lead but the two male leads were excellent in capturing the Aussie spirit without making us look like cliché bogans. My favorites though would have to be Anya and BJ. Ayna, played by a new comer, gets into just as much of the action as the boys and that was really refreshing to see. BJ starts off really full on but becomes the the guy you can't help but like and laugh along with. About half way through, the film really picks up and the last act is pretty full on. The creature design is great and they did a good job with infusing our history and culture into the story line. I hope this becomes a franchise: there a lot of other Australian myths out there.
