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Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows (1974)

June. 21,1974
| Drama Family

Billy Coleman works hard and saves his earnings for two years to achieve his dream of buying two red-bone coonhound pups. He develops a new trust in life as he faces overwhelming challenges in adventure and tragedy roaming the river bottoms of Cherokee country with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann.


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I remembered this movie from when I was a girl. Cried now just like I did then. This is a good, wholesome, family movie.


Now here's a book that has never really gotten grand movie treatment. Maybe it's the fact that the book has so many elements to it that are hard to portray in movie form, such as heavy characterization and animal thoughts/beliefs, but it just seems that all the movies fall a little short.This movie version is clearly the best of a mediocre bunch, however. The casting is about as well done as could be expected. Stewart Peterson, in the first and perhaps the best role of his short career, is perfect as Billy. I also liked Jack Ging's portrayal of Billy's father.On the flip side, Beverly Garland, a heavily experienced actress at the time this movie was filmed, was horrible as Billy's mother. In the book, Billy is a borderline "mama's boy". His mother is written as overly-affectionate, constantly hugging and kissing him, much to his chagrin. In the movie, however, she spends nearly every scene chasing him with mops and threatening to whip him when he wants to finish cutting the tree down! To be honest, I question whether Garland had read the book, because she basically replayed her TV show "cowboy's wife" characters in the movie.A lot of the gorier sections of the book are cut down. It's hard for kids nowadays to think that a book could be more gruesome than a movie, but that is clearly the case here. The ax scene, in particular, is almost comically chopped down, no pun intended. The ending, however, is nearly as gut-wrenching in the movie as the book. Whenever I teach this book to 7th/8th graders, it's neck-and-neck for which draws more tears.From an artistic standpoint, some of the 70's film-making peculiarities are interesting, such as the fact that most of Billy's "night-time" scenes take place in broad daylight, even while Billy carries around a lit lantern! Overall, it's a passable movie and does follow the book quite closely. For teachers such as myself, there is no other option. The 90's version is an absolute mess, and this movie has enough nostalgic charm to keep its datedness in check. In other words, you won't feel guilty showing it to students!


I prefer this original version to the remake. I remember watching this version on television with my father during a Saturday afternoon movie matinée when I was a young child. The authentic setting, combined with the beautifully sung score (anyone know who sang it?) and touching storyline deliver a movie that makes an impact on any dog lover. There is something enduring about the portrayal of Billy. My son is a huge dog lover and I see so much of him in Billy's character (even the doe eyes Billy makes at dogs and puppies). From the moment the opening music sounds, tears fill your eyes because you know what's coming. One of the scenes I liked best from the original wasn't in the remake: the scene where Billy is training his dogs and his mother inadvertently lays a raccoon scent trail across the kitchen floor...and both dogs, kids, and mother end up slipping and sliding across a kitchen floor covered in suds and water. Hilarious! This film has several excellent messages. It addresses determination and work ethic, but it also addresses the power of love and family. A must have for everyone's collection. Although the remake is quite good and true to the original, I recommend this original version to anyone wishing to own a video companion to the novel.


this movie was very old when my students and i watched it in the fourth grade after reading the novel. The first few minutes go really slow and then about thirty minutes in the movie it starts to get really great. I believe the only thing wrong was that some of the acting was poor. I give this movie a **-out of-*** !!!
