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Deep (2017)

November. 25,2017
| Adventure Animation Family

In 2100, when humanity has abandoned the earth, a colony of extravagant creatures still thrives in the deepest abyss of the ocean.


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Movie has no proper plot line. The main character is just a pushy guy, that doesn't listen to others and continues to ignore everybody even in the small rock scene. Most if not all characters are one dimensional, with cliched tropes. Might as well tell us that; we should not listen to other's opinion, since somebody is gonna fix it for us, oh and ignore literally everything others tell you, since its fun and what you want. The only good thing is that they had good animations. Also about the references, some were too forced like they were pushing as much as they can within the time frame, loved the "Jaws" though.


Colorful and cute characters, however too scary for little kids. Will give them nightmares. Message on devastation of earth's environment to the point it is abandoned by people. Earth's creature are left behind to destructive forces such as tornadoes, intrusive garbage, abandoned missile...causes further devastation to cute animated colorful characters. Not a scenario for nice dreams for little kids, but instead contribute to insecurities. Parents may need to screen this for smaller children.


OK, I've been on this site for a long time now and never written a review. This "film" is so terrible that I feel this incredible urge to spew out a few words. I won't go into the scientific inaccuracies because this is a kid's movie (and other people have already done it), but literally every single second of this movie makes me want to gouge out my eyes and eardrums with a rusty spoon. I would rather watch barney on a loop for the rest of my life than spend another second with these characters. Everyone involved with this monstrosity should be blacklisted from the industry and be forced onto a registry so that decent human beings can know what damage they've done to society.


*Spoiler: 2nd Grade Science Classes are smarter* 1) Whales are not fish. They do not have gills. If you chain one up underwater.. It drowns.2) Gravity works differently underwater. Having a runaway subway car scene is... I don't even have words3) Many of the abilities and plot devices only appear, or disappear, for convenience. There is little more here than an ego-absorbed, ill-researched Scooby Do episode.4) If you save all the Humans, then the Land Animals, then the Marine Life... YOU FORGOT AVIANS!!!5) If the ice caps melt and flood the earth, then the remaining land... STOPS BEING A FROZEN WASTELAND!!I tried this with my kids who are 3 and 1.5y/o, so no harm. However, this is a poor attempt to emulate a Pixar movie by copying tropes, clichés, and ripping off other films to slap together a "quest" tale.So many things are homogenized, misrepresented then ignored to move along an episodic plot that is an OK theme for kids: "Work as a team and use your individual gifts to save the day".But... (and that is the word that will come to you as an adult a lot) everything is just 'there'. Often for no conceivable reason besides a rushed draft of a kids movie.And then the *spoiler* ending: "Hey, we just found more of our species.. Better go repopulate NOW!!!"
