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Seashore (2015)

June. 21,2015
| Drama

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.


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I can understand this movie doesn't get the best rating from the average gay movie viewer. It stays away from most gay movie clichés. There's no mentioning of anything gay scene related. There's no dancing to cheap house music in a gay disco or bar. There's no muscular actors or too pretty characters with successful high paid jobs. There's no singing of musical tunes nor is there a group of happy gay friends sharing their latest flings. There's no straight guys to be turned and no rent-boys and hustlers to be paid. There's no diseases and it doesn't end in drama. There's no acting in which inner dialogue is is being constantly expressed in words. There's no gimmicks or tricks to keep you entertained nor endless music scores on piano. There's two boys that could have been your best mates at school (when you discovered alternative music, alcohol and smoking weed) who admit to loving each other more than they dared show before. I enjoyed the natural pacing of this movie, the timeless boredom of seaside towns out of season, the frustration of family and the recognizable (big) events in the little lives of the everyday characters involved. Well done, I need more of this!

B.g. Thomas

So do you suppose there is a way for me to sue Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon, the directors of this staggeringly boring movie, for my time back? This film was rambling, boring, pointless. I wondered if this even had a script and they just let the actors improvise. Nothing was solved. Nothing resolved. I finally kept fast-forwarding through it hoping that something would happen. The actors were cute and seemed to be able to act. But I certainly won't be looking out for anything by these directors again. What a waste of my time. What is it with gay movies that the creators seem to think they have to get artsy-fatsy? Straight love films have a beginning, middle and end. Why can't a gay movie?

Gaspar Garrido

Brazil is one of the most geographically distinct countries in the world. This movie was filmed in the Southern State of Brazil – Rio Grande do Sul. I admire the capacity of turning one of the most cliché setting of Brazil in something new – this is the unknown Brazil; so as someone said this is not set in Northern Portugal. This represents a great creativity because it is not easy to turn something already known in something completely new.Nevertheless, the history was vague and somewhat confusing. I must admit that in the beginning I thought Martin and Tomás were already a couple because of their intimacy, so when I realize they weren't, when they arrive to the night club, I found out the end.People might say that this film argument is just like many others – what it isn't completely false – but this is a first impression on LGBT/Come out and growing up matters in Southern Brazil – a much different cultural background from the North (São Paulo and Rio). It can be difficult to cope with the story – a indie low budget problem – but it's worth to see it until the end.


I'm Brazilian and I'm more qualified to judge their performance based on the fact that I know the language and local customs. With that said, it lacks interaction between the characters, there's too much slow and uninteresting monologues, plus only one of them babbles a few words during the very few dialogs that they properly have. Even worse is that, usually, only one of them is framed on the scene while we can only hear the other babbling (really, if there were no subs in English I would not be able to hear, let alone understand some of the lines). I also should mention, their speech is missing a lot of acting in it. Finally, when something interesting happens (basically the whole reason for watch the movie), it does not last five minutes and then suddenly the movie ends.
