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Waterfront (1944)

June. 10,1944
| Action Thriller

A Nazi spy passes himself off as an optometrist in San Francisco's waterfront district. Someone robs him of his code book, and he must get it back.


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Robert J. Maxwell

PRC Studios ordinarily produced pretty rudimentary cinema. A handful of spare sets, few actors, few extras, studio bound. The plots were such that if the phrase "B Feature" didn't exist it would have had to be invented.This one, though, has an edge. The art direction isn't bad. No waterfront neighborhood ever existed like the ones we see in old movies -- sailors slouching around, hands in their pockets, cigarettes dangling from their lips, gathered in crowded little saloons with names like "The Anchor Bar," the narrow streets wreathed in cold fog. It's a fantasy waterfront but it works well enough.The performances are (mostly) decent as well, although I wasn't always on top of who had the little black book that was stolen from German agent J. Carrol Naish. Since everyone on the other side of the law seemed to be German, why would one agent hinder the operations of another? Well, the black book is just the MacGuffin anyway.Naish uses his go-anywhere accent. John Carradine is an impressive figure in a long black coat and black fedora. His figure is gaunt and his features sepulchral. Ominous all over, you know? And he's more reckless than the other spies. He wants to take over the gang in San Francisco and represent the Gestapo, although why he'd want to represent the German secret police instead of the intelligence agency, the Abwehr, the writers neglect to explain. I suppose the very word "Gestapo" generated chills.It's fast. Some of the Germans are forced to cooperate and others are completely unaware of what's going on, as is the viewer, occasionally.I kind of got a kick out of it.

kevin olzak

1944's "Waterfront" is a reasonable example of a Poverty Row spy picture, this one from PRC rather than Republic or Monogram. None could be considered classics of course, generally set in the US and inexpensively confined to just a few tiny sets. What makes these stand out at all isn't the script but the actors involved, in this case John Carradine and J. Carrol Naish, both undercover Nazi agents working the San Francisco waterfront. Naish's Dr. Carl Decker is an optometrist in possession of a code book that can decipher the secret instructions for Carradine's Victor Marlow, newly arrived and impatient to get started. The film opens with the code book being stolen, and by the time it's over all the bad guys are captured or dead (no one comes off very smart). Just a few months before the iconic PRC "Bluebeard," Carradine relishes his villainy, playing his final Nazi role, while Naish provides good support, as do Edwin Maxwell and John Bleifer, veteran performers all. Actress Maris Wrixon previously worked with Boris Karloff in both Warners' "British Intelligence" and Monogram's "The Ape," and reunited with Carradine in Monogram's "The Face of Marble."

Michael O'Keefe

Dr. Karl Decker(J. Carrol Naish)is a well known and respected optometrist with an office on a San Francisco waterfront. It is not common knowledge that he is a front man for a cell of the Third Reich. A henchman named Marlow(John Carradine)is to arrive from Germany and collect a code book full of top-secret information; but Decker is mugged and is robbed of the little black book. An upset Marlow makes the rounds visiting possible German Americans, who may have the book. It is not above him to use terror tactics on those with relatives in concentration camps. The cast also includes: Maris Wixon, Edwin Maxwell, John Bleifer, and Olga Fabian.


Dr. Carl Decker runs an optometrist shop on the San Francisco waterfront, but he also doubles as a Nazi spy for the Bay area. Decker is robbed of his code book, which also contains the names of all the enemy agents in the area. Decker and Marlow, another spy who just arrived in San Francisco to have his orders decoded by Decker, go off in search of the present owner of the book, who is also one of the Nazi spies operating on the west coast. Marlow, however, has a nasty streak to him, blackmailing the owner of a boarding house owner, Mrs. Hausner with impending threats to her family still living in Germany, and not being shy about using his gun when the situation arises. Marlow eventually shoots another Nazi collaborator Kramer, who is running out and Marlow believes will rat on him and Decker, and the crime is pinned on Jerry Donovan, the fiancé of Mrs. Hauser's daughter, Freda. Eventually Marlow has to prevent the Maxwell murder from coming back to him, while avoiding capture at the same time. Pretty good war time espionage flick with good performances from Carradine and Naish. The rest of the cast is standard for a PRC production. The climax of the film is really a drawback, lacking much excitement and seemingly rushed. Rating, 7.
