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Winners Take All

Winners Take All (1987)

February. 27,1987
| Adventure Action

Billy Robinson has become the hottest hot-rodder on the professional motorcycle-racing circuit. But when he returns in triumph to his hometown to bask in all the adulation, he also skids into some pretty rank jealousy from envious motorcycling wanna-bes. And when a local race is organized, Billy must shift gears completely and compete against his best friend, Rick, for the top prize.


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MGM has been sitting on a number of movies that have been screaming for a DVD release, so I am confused why they would pass on those movies and choose this obscurity for a DVD release. Maybe there is a bigger audience for motocross racing than I thought. But since I am not a fan of this sport, you can probably guess what my feelings are about this movie. In fairness, the movie is fairly slickly made, with decent production values including good photography and some breathtaking shots of motorcycles zipping around and flying in the air. However, the story sinks the movie. Despite the movie running over 100 minutes, it is clear that the movie originally ran longer but was cut down in the editing room, with some plot points being vague and/or cut short. But even if the movie ran at its first cut length, we'd still have a story that is painfully predictable and with stock characters. In the end, I think the only people the movie would appeal to would be those really into the sport of motocross racing, though even they will probably find the movie extremely familiar for the most part.


In 1998 and 1999 I earned a national number for 125 motocross and super cross. I still ride now but winners take all takes me back to the very beginning of my motocross journey. It was the first racing movie I ever saw, and as a ten year old kid it was the greatest movie in the world. I would beg my mom every week to go back to the video store and rent the movie again. Finally she got sick of renting it and bought me a copy. As a 30+ rider now I see a lot of corny things in the movie but It is not to bad compared to the junk we have today like super cross the movie and motocross ed etc... So for 1987 it was ahead of its time especially since motorcycle racing was nowhere near as popular and mainstream as it is today. I always wondered what kind of bikes were under those funky team hurricane plastics and if any of the bikes survived in anyones collection or if all that stuff was just scrapped after the movie was made.


I saw this movie when it first came in the 80's and for probably a no available budget film I think they made a decent movie, It took me years to actually find a copy of it at a video store to rent and I finally found a used one to purchase. The movie is basically about motocross (DIRTBIKES) racing which is a really hard thing to put on film it is something you do have to actually do and not watch, A youngrider who has been riding all his life finally gets a chance to make it at the pro level, the top pro rider he will be racing, was a friend he grew up with and now is on a team that will do anything to keep winning, even take out old friends. I guess for people today movies are about the bigger explosions and high prices actors. You wont get that in this movie.hope fully you get to see this movie if you can find it, even though if you love all types of moves it would be fun tying to find it.


This is definitely the stupidest, corn-ball movie I have ever seen! What a waste of time, film and money. If I was one of the so-called "actors" that appeared in this pathetic movie, I would be ashamed to show my face anywhere on the planet! This horrible, down-right sickening movie, "Winners Take All" would definitely rate a solid 10 on the scale of the worst movies ever produced in the history of film. Don't expect to know what the point of this movie is, because there is none. Do expect yourself to absolutely feel as though you're about to vomit as you watch these fools go through their lines. I'm not a person that likes to go around and ridicule, or talk trash about anyone. In addition, I also realize that this review sounds pretty awful to say about any movie or actor. On the other hand, do you know how some movies just make you "feel" good after watching them? Well, this movie will make you feel all creepy and jittery inside as you watch. That is to say, if you don't turn it off first as I should have done.
